Latest Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days News

16 More Backwards Compatible Titles Revealed

Ever since the first 104 titles backwards compatible titles were announced, people have been speculating what would be next. Well, another 16 have been revealed and are available to play today. In al

Posted 10 years ago by Andy Mills

Retail Releases: Week of November 12th, 2013

As we're finally out of the dry season of game releases, the last couple of weeks have seen some big names hitting the shelves. This week has another interesting selection to tickle your fancy. Are y

Posted 12 years ago by Marc Hollinshead

Three Square Enix Collections Revealed for Retail

A trio of retail collections for Square Enix/Eidos' most popular franchises have been revealed via a set of packshots. They will be releasing under the Xbox 360's "Classics" label. Kane and Lynch Col

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

Huge Square Enix Sale Now Live

Just when many of us would've finished burning through our stash of MSP, after some of the great deals that came with the Games on Demand sale recently, game developers Square Enix have announced yet

Posted 12 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days DLC

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days hasn't been out for all that long really. Regardless, the first DLC packs are available now on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. There's two packs, one called 'Multiplayer Masks'

Posted 15 years ago by BrassBrum

Kane & Lynch 2 DLC Detailed

The game is only out in the United States. The European and Japanese regions are still waiting for it to release. Does that stop Square Enix from announcing the Kane & Lynch 2's DLC plans? Not at all

Posted 15 years ago by dropK1CK ninJA

New Kane & Lynch 2 Trailer, Lynch is Crazy

Square Enix dropped a new clip from Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days onto the internet. It focuses in on Lynch and his more positive personality aspects. You know, the parts of him that cuss and threaten and

Posted 15 years ago by dropK1CK ninJA

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