XBL Content Roundup: September 26th, 2014Xbox One Games Not content with releasing one Xbox One game this week, Zen Studios has now released their second ID@Xbox title in three days. KickBeat – Special Edition Size: 879.54 MB Price: US$9.99 Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith
KickBeat – Special Edition Dated and TraileredLast week we saw the tracklist for upcoming rhythm-based fighter, KickBeat – Special Edition. Now, for those who can't wrap their head around exactly what a rhythm-based fighter entails, here's the g Posted 11 years ago by Chewie
KickBeat – Special Edition Confirms Some TracksEarlier this year, developer Zen Studios confirmed that they were developing three titles for the Xbox One under the ID@Xbox banner. Since that time, http://www.trueachievements.com/Pinball-FX2-Xbox- Posted 11 years ago by Michelle Balsan
Zen Studios Announces Three Xbox One GamesLast December, Zen Studios was one of the first 33 developers to be confirmed to be self-publishing upcoming titles as part of Microsoft's ID@Xbox scheme. At the time, we predicted that this was prob Posted 11 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Microsoft Confirms ID@Xbox DevelopersWhile the Xbox One may have launched at the end of November, there is still a long way to go for the ID@Xbox team. The scheme will allow developers to self-publish their games on the Xbox One. Eventu Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith