Kinect Sesame Street TV DVD Achievements Here is the full list of all 42 Kinect Sesame Street TV DVD achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 42 Offline Mode 41 Single Player 41 Cooperative 8 Main Storyline 8 Collectable 42 External Content 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Farmer ElmoThrow Paul Ball to Elmo at the farm! 1 guideCoconut Delivery MonsterGrover dropped six coconuts. Help him get all his coconuts back! 1 guidePalindromeJump until a palindrome falls from the Letter Tree! 1 guideEleven - Ah ah ah!Stand still so the Count can count to 11! 1 guideGong CrazyErnie wants to play his gongs. Jump so he can hear them all! 2 guidesRingmasterThrow Paul Ball to Elmo at the circus! 1 guideDolphin, Dirigible, DentistClap when you see the right letters on the Letter D Show! 2 guidesTingalingalingJump up and down to help Ernie play his bells! 1 guideJump, Jump, JumpJump lots and lots for the Letter Tree! 4 guidesGo DeepLob a high coconut to Grover! 1 guideMaestroPlay all the notes on the piano in any Elmo's World! 1 guideSun and MoonTouch the sun and the moon in any Elmo's World! 1 guideHang TenGo surfing in Elmo's World! 1 guideMagnolia DreamTouch all the frogs in Elmo's World Frogs! 1 guideBubblefestWatch all of the interactive episode: Bubblefest 1 guideViva PiñataBreak the piñata in Elmo's World! 1 guideDay at the BeachTouch all the fun beach stuff in Elmo's World Beach! 1 guideGreener ThumbWater all of the seeds in Elmo's World Flowers until all of the flowers have fully grown! 2 guidesMusic LoverHit all the notes in Elmo's World Violins! 2 guidesPool PlaytimePlay with all the toys in the pool in Elmo's World Water! 1 guideRooaaarrr!Touch all the wild animals in Elmo's World Wild Animals! 1 guideHerd 'Em CowboyTouch all the horses and cows in Elmo's World Horses! 1 guideLet's Be FriendsJoin in Elmo's World with another friend! 1 guideRuler ManiaFind all the rulers in Elmozilla! 1 guideBottle BearFind all baby bottles in Baby Bear's Baby Doll! Bunny BashFind all the white bunnies in Goodbye Pacifier! Scribble HuntFind all the crayons in Siblings! 1 guideAll the King's CartonsFind all the egg cartons in Humpty's Big Break! LiftoffFind all the launchers in Failure to Launch! 2 guidesFloat my BoatFind all the toy boats in Rocco's Boat! 1 guideBubble RaiderFind all the golden bubbles in Bubblefest! 1 guideElmozillaWatch all of the interactive episode: Elmozilla 1 guideBaby Bear's Baby DollWatch all of the interactive episode: Baby Bear's Baby Doll 1 guideGoodbye PacifierWatch all of the interactive episode: Goodbye Pacifier 1 guideSiblingsWatch all of the interactive episode: Siblings 1 guideHumpty's Big BreakWatch all of the interactive episode: Humpty's Big Break 1 guideFailure to LaunchWatch all of the interactive episode: Failure to Launch 1 guideRocco's BoatWatch all of the interactive episode: Rocco's Boat 1 guideFashionistaStand in front of mirror so Cooper can dress like you! 1 guideWind DownSit back, relax and enjoy an Episode! 2 guidesDoggie DoDoggies need a haircut! Help Abby cut their hair! 2 guidesBubble PopPop all the bubbles in Elmo's World Birthdays or Frogs! 1 guide