Kinectimals Achievements Full list of all 60 Kinectimals achievements worth 1,250 gamerscore. It takes around 20-25 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox 360.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 10 achievements worth 250 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 60 Offline Mode 51 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 1 Stackable 5 Cumulative + 1 Buggy - 4 Shop 1 Partly Disc/Unob 33 Cooperative 5 Versus 60 External Content 1 x4 Players Required 1 Story Completed Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,340 1,000 50 3.3644,532936 (2%)20-25h A Friend For LifeChoose your first animal in your own game. 1 guideFirst ContactPet your animal for the first time. 1 guideCatch Me If You CanGet your animal to catch a disc for the first time. 1 guideInterior DesignerCustomize your home interior for the first time. 1 guideAnimal CarerClean and feed your animal for the first time. 1 guideBe A ContenderEnter your first contest. 1 guidePieces of FlairPlace your first collar on your animal. 1 guideDo You Want to Play?Play with a toy that your animal has brought you. 1 guideTreasure FinderUse the Plunderscope to discover your first hidden secret. 1 guideHit The SurfVisit the Fiddler's Beach for the first time in your own game. 1 guideArchaeologistVisit the La Selva for the first time in your own game. 1 guideUnder The Falling BlossomVisit Cherry Blossom Grove for the first time in your own game. 1 guideThe Hills Are AliveVisit Suri Mountain for the first time in your own game. 1 guideMountaineerVisit the Celestial Glacier for the first time in your own game. 1 guideTreasure HunterComplete the pirate map of Lemuria in your own game. 2 guidesAnd Then There Were TwoMeet the first animal that is unlocked in your own game. 1 guideBullseyeHit three moving targets in a disk challenge. 2 guidesNo "I" In TeamWin a gold medal in another person's game. 1 guideSnowed UnderComplete the snowball volley contest without missing a single snowball. 1 guideTelekinesisUse aftertouch on a disc 25 times. 1 guideArch RivalsGet the highest score of your friends in a contest session. 1 guideWell TrainedPass an Obedience Trial without a single penalty. 2 guidesDaredevilCollect all items in an RC Car contest and earn gold in your own game. 1 guideGold StandardGet a gold medal in every contest on Lemuria in your own game. 4 guidesHousewarming PresentBuy a piece of furniture from the Shop in another person's game. 2 guidesJack Be NimbleComplete an agility course without missing any obstacles. 1 guideUltimate JumpPerform the ultimate jump. 3 guidesThe Ring MasterPerform all the tricks. 1 guideCompletionistOwn all the toys from Lemuria in every category in your own game. 1 guideSky HighGet the animal to catch a disc with a high jumping catch. 2 guidesWell TravelledPlay every contest on Lemuria. 1 guideOn PointGet 3 rings in a row on a pole in a hoop-la contest. 2 guidesOutfielderGet your animal to catch a disc 15 times. 1 guideGolden TicketWin a gold medal in a contest without a retry in your own game. 1 guideFixer UpperDecorate your home with a single theme in all positions in your own game. 2 guidesPlay TimeHave your animal play with a toy in the home for the first time. 2 guidesMix and MatchDecorate your home using all the themes at the same time. 1 guideTwo's CompanySwap with another player while in freeplay. 1 guideKeep Your Friends ClosePlay a contest with somebody else. 1 guideGuesthouseAnother player visits your home in your game. 1 guideFour's a PartyPlay a contest with four or more people. 1 guideFur-iendship BraceletBuy a collar or pendant from the Shop in another person's game. 1 guideLight HeadedGet your animal to spin until it's dizzy. 1 guideClaptasticGet your animal to clap five times without falling over. 4 guidesCoco-nutsKnock a coconut down with another coconut. 2 guidesIce ColdThrow five snowballs in a row at your animal. 2 guidesCash BackEarn 2000 coins in bonuses by helping a friend. 2 guidesStuntmanJump 3 yards with an RC car. 4 guidesHalo, HaloPlay with a Halo toy for the first time outside of a contest. 2 guidesFelis AurumDiscover the secret of Felis Aurum in your own game. 1 guide Add-on Kinectimals: Now with BEARS! 1,028 250 10 3.713,955454 (11%)2-3h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store, but is still available physically.Don’t Look DownClimb to the top of a tree for the first time. 1 guideMaster AnglerCatch one of each fish. 1 guideDon’t Drop Me NowComplete the juggling contest in Suva Cave without dropping a ball. 3 guidesBear NecessitiesAchieve at least a bronze medallion for every contest on Mira in your own game. 1 guideCatographerDiscover every part of the map on both Lemuria and Mira in your own game. 1 guideArgh Me HeartyDiscover Fort Topaz in your own game. 1 guideSpelunkerDiscover Kokopo Cave in your own game. 1 guideGold MinerAchieve gold in all Mira contests in your own game. 1 guideThe Shining CatComplete the Volcano Contest and meet a new friend in your own game. 2 guidesI’m a Real Bear Too!Unlock the Teddy Bear in your own game. 1 guide