KINGDOM HEARTS III Achievements Full list of all 51 KINGDOM HEARTS III achievements worth 1,195 gamerscore. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 45 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 6 achievements worth 195 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 51 Offline Mode 51 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 9 Collectable 6 Cumulative + 2 Level 3 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,984 1,000 45 4.03150,1695,052 (3%)50-60h A New JourneyBegin your brand new adventure. 2 guidesClash of the GodsAdventure through Olympus and complete the story. 2 guidesA Wish at TwilightAdventure through Twilight Town and complete the story. 2 guidesInseparable FriendsAdventure through Toy Box and complete the story. Happily Ever AfterAdventure through the Kingdom of Corona and complete the story. 2 guidesThe Power of LaughterAdventure through Monstropolis and complete the story. 2 guidesAn Act of True LoveAdventure through Arendelle and complete the story. 2 guidesWay of the PirateAdventure through The Caribbean and complete the story. 1 guideMaking a DifferenceAdventure through San Fransokyo and complete the story. Home AgainAdventure through the Hundred Acre Wood and complete the story. 1 guideThe Hearts Joined to HisGather the seven guardians of light. No Matter WhatReunite with Kairi. 1 guideThe Battle to End AllBegin the final confrontation with Master Xehanort. 1 guideAnother Chapter ClosedFinish the game and view the ending. 1 guideHidden KingsComplete the Lucky Emblems section of the Gummiphone. 2 guidesKnow Thine EnemyComplete the Adversaries section of the Gummiphone. 1 guideNo Stone UnturnedComplete the Treasures section of the Gummiphone. 2 guidesSynthesistComplete the Synthesis section of the Gummiphone. 3 guidesOne for the BooksComplete the Game Records section of the Gummiphone. 1 guideTall Enough to RideUse an attraction to defeat enemies for the first time. 1 guideHeartboundUse a link to defeat enemies for the first time. 2 guidesGrand MageCast grand magic for the first time. 1 guideKnightDefeat 1,000 enemies. 2 guidesBishopDefeat 3,000 enemies. RookDefeat 5,000 enemies. 1 guideFlanmeisterComplete all of the Flantastic Seven missions. 3 guidesSalvagerUse the gummi ship to obtain 20 unique treasures. 2 guidesStargazerUse the gummi ship to find and photograph all the constellations. 2 guidesThermosphereDestroy the Schwarzgeist, menace of the Ocean Between. 2 guidesCenturionScore at least 12,000,000 pts. in Verum Rex: Beat of Lead. 2 guidesFestive DancerScore at least 70,000 pts. in the Festival Dance. 3 guidesShield ShredderScore at least 600,000 pts. in Frozen Slider. 2 guidesDatascraperGet an A rank on both Flash Tracer courses. 2 guidesDreadnoughtFully power up the Leviathan. 3 guidesTrue CaptainSink 200 enemy ships in The Caribbean. 1 guideSay Cheese!Snap your first photo. 2 guidesLasting MemoriesHold on to 50 photos. 1 guideCornucopiaCollect every type of ingredient. 2 guidesFull CourseEarn your first "Excellent" while preparing cuisine. 2 guidesMaster ChefEarn an "Excellent" while preparing every type of cuisine. 1 guideMuscle MemoryGet a new high score in one of the Classic Kingdom games. 2 guidesClassically TrainedGet a new high score in every Classic Kingdom game. 1 guideBlademasterObtain a Keyblade that is fully powered up. 2 guidesUltima WeaponSynthesize the Ultima Weapon. 1 guideLeveled OutRaise Sora to LV 99. 1 guide Add-on Re Mind 1,130 195 6 3.906,408513 (8%)40-50h All-rounderEarn all EZ Code merits. 1 guideRisk-takerReach the highest PRO Code merit rank. 2 guidesBehind the CurtainClear KINGDOM HEARTS Ⅲ Re Mind. Start AnalysisEliminate One Darkness in the datascape. Analysis CompleteEliminate Thirteen Darknesses in the datascape. Beyond the CurtainDefeat Yozora. 1 guide