King's Quest: The Complete Collection Achievements Full list of all 53 King's Quest: The Complete Collection achievements worth 1,800 gamerscore.The base game contains 17 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 36 achievements worth 800 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 53 Offline Mode 53 Single Player 19 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Collectable 34 Missable Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,159 1,000 17 4.2675418 (62%)4-5h MisteakThis is a hidden achievement. Opening KnightThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guidePurple Badger Don't CareThis is a hidden achievement. A Secret EntranceThis is a hidden achievement. In The Mouth of DangerThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideNapping on the JobThis is a hidden achievement. That's the TicketPresent Entrance Ticket at the Tournament. Strong MindedComplete the Duel of Strength. Fast FeatherComplete the Duel of Speed. The End?Complete Chapter 1. Unicorn Snack FoodThis is a hidden achievement. A Prickly SituationThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideHelping HatComplete three acts of Charity. Dead End DancerThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideHorn BlowerThis is a hidden achievement. Froggy ThroatThis is a hidden achievement. Graham the BasiliskThis is a hidden achievement. Add-on Chapter 2: Rubble Without a Cause 239 200 9 3.78437315 (72%)2-3h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Distressed OutClear your head. 1 guideThe King is in a CentGet all gold coins in Chapter 2. Booked EmGet all pages in Chapter 2. 1 guideThe Lost UnicornThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideRubble YellEscape the goblin prison. A Royal Pain in the RearThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideCell-ebration!Escape without any townspeople taken away. 1 guideMedicinal MajestyCare for the Caring. The Reign is Just BeginningComplete Chapter 2. Add-on Chapter 3: Once Upon A Climb 238 200 9 3.93364297 (82%)2-3h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.A Poisonous Snake!This is a hidden achievement. 1 guideGirls in the TowerLove at first height. Moral QuarrelerWin a game of Moral Quarrel. Wedzel Wolf Watch WaiverThis is a hidden achievement. Gears of ShoreThis is a hidden achievement. Teenaged TownspeopleDiscover 3 portraits of younger townspeople. 1 guideHarmonious HusbandGive the perfect present to Neese. Perfect Puzzle PartnerGive the perfect present to Vee. And They Lived...Complete Chapter 3. Add-on Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home 243 200 9 3.52337283 (84%)2-3h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Staring SuperstarHold your own in staring contest. Road Trip WarriorWin the road trip game. Disobedient DadThis is a hidden achievement. Line StepperSolve first Ice Palace puzzle. Pestering PadreThis is a hidden achievement. Fostering FatherThis is a hidden achievement. Labyrinth LegendSolve the Ice Labyrinth. #1 Daventry DadComplete Chapter 4. Ice ShaverShoot an arrow at Ice Guard. Add-on Chapter 5: The Good Knight 241 200 9 3.84322291 (90%)1-2h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Golden-Ager GrahamSeek treasure as an aged adventurer. 1 guideTreasure TrolledThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideMusic MindedMind the music. Escaped ElderEscape the Tournament Theater. 1 guideQuick MindedProve your mind is still quick. 1 guideRaisin the DeadThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideDancing DeadThis is a hidden achievement. 1 guideStill Strong MindedProve your mind is still strong. 1 guidePapa PuzzlerDefeat all puzzles on The Floating Island. 1 guide