From the main menu click on Change save slot and make sure you have the Fancycakes save slot highlighted and press to return to the main menu. Press Play to continue with the story. You may start a little walk away from where we exited but don't worry everything is still the same.
From the Hobblepots cell walk down the path and across the bridge before descending the stairs to the Ground Floor.
Time to save Mr. Fancycakes. Follow the path going towards your cell, on the left hand side should be a crack in the wall. Open your inventory and use 'Miracle Cure-All' on Mr. Fancycakes to collect him in your cape.
Continue along the path back to your cell and pull the leaver on the right wall to go to sleep. (For some reason Mr. Fancycakes isn't contraband).
Sadly we didn't have enough medicine for Bramble. Exit your cell and walk along the path until you see a door to your right. Enter to see a vicious Mole rat. Walk a little closer to him but not to close! And use 'Meat' from your inventory.
Open the Chest he was guarding to find a 'Wooden Chair' and leave back through the door. Follow the path up the stairs to the First Floor.
Cross the bridge to your right but don't go under the archway, instead head left to the rocking horse. Use 'Wooden Chair' on the pile of junk to receive 'Gold'.
Walk left back over the bridge and down under the
archway. Walk up the stairs to the Second Floor.
Walk forwards to the Central Island and notice the Plant is now fully grown. Climb up the Plant and straight ahead of you will be another coin for you to collect.
Don't pick up the Chunder-Blossom. Climb back down the plant.
Follow the path to your right and under the flowery archway to visit The Merchant of Miracles. Ask 'Can I see your wares?' And buy 'Porridge with Branberries'.
Back out of the conversation, then give him 'Mr. Fancycakes' from your inventory to receive a 'Hatchet'. After the cutscene you will unlock
Walk back to the Central island. Follow the path to the left and forward up the ladder. Keep following the path, past the entrance to the garden and stop when you reach the Fireplace.
Notice the plant to your left is also fully grown now. Collect 'Glass Slipper' from the flower. Walk right past the Fireplace and down the stairs. Give Goblin Cinderella a 'Glass Slipper', to receive a 'Broom'.
Climb back up the stairs, left past the Fireplace and follow the bottom path. Go down the ladders, right to the Central Island and down under the archway. Descend the stairs to the First Floor.
Cross the left bridge but instead of going to Amaya, go straight forward to the Giant Mushroom.
Use 'Hatchet' from your inventory on the mushroom to collect 'Page of Mind'. At this point we will also loose our hatchet.
Turn a full 180 and cross back over the bridge. Follow the path to your right to get to the Hobblepots and give them 'Porridge with Branberries'. Now that the Hobblepots are at full health they can make us a bomb.
Give the Hobblepots a 'Pea' from your inventory. Turn around and collect the Rose from the water bath. Return to the Hobblepots and give them 'A Fresh Rose', to receive 'Bone Bomb'.
Backtrack to the Second Floor by following the path to the bridge and crossing it. Ascend the stairs and walk under the archway.
From the Central Island walk left, forward up the ladder and follow the path past the garden. Keeping going until you reach the Fireplace.
Use 'Bone Bomb' from your inventory on the Fireplace to make a new path.
Follow the new path and directly In front of you on some pipes should be 'Page of Bravery'. After collecting the third page you will unlock
We have now unlocked every achievement in Chapter 2. If you wish you can end the game here but personally I suggest finishing it. Having a saved wisdom play through will be useful for the next chapter.
During the cut scene the Goblins will break a pipe which we can now crawl through.
On a rock to the right will be 'Bolt Cutters', collect them. Crawl back through the pipe and follow the path right to where the Fireplace used to be.
We need to hide our contraband. Follow the path back down the ladder, right to the Central Island and down the stairs to the Ground floor.
Continue following the path and enter the door to your right where the Mole rat is. Luckily he is fast asleep. Walk up to the Chest and open your inventory before selecting 'Bolt cutters'.
There is one last person we need to see before we sleep so head back up the stairs to the First Floor and left across the bridge to Amaya.
Give Amaya the 'Broom' from your inventory after the cut scene you will receive 'Gold'.
Today is the day we escape! Exit your cell and follow the path. When you reach the door to your right grab the 'Bolt cutters' from the chest.
Continue along the path and up the stairs to the First Floor. Cross the bridge to the left and follow the path to Amaya's cell.
Use 'Meat' on the final guard. Amaya is the last person to be feed but luckily we still have the 'Meat' in our inventory to give her.
After feeding Amaya we have a decision to make
If you wish to escape with Amaya walk up to her cell and use 'Bolt Cutters'.
If you wish to escape with Chester walk up to the side of the cell and use 'Bolt Cutters'.
After escaping the cells you will be in a new area. The prisoner you escaped with will not know how to cross the stepping stones so you will have to show them. Remember which stones you stepped to as the others will crumble.
- Go Right!
- Go Right!
- Go Forward!
- Go Left!
- Go Left!
- Go Forward!
- Go Right!
- Go Left!
- Go Forward!
- Go Right!
- Go Left!
- Go Forward!
- Go Right!
- Go Left!
- Go Right!
- Go Left!
- Go Right!
- Go Left!
- Go Forward!
Once you are both safely across, follow the path towards the shadow of the dragon. Graham will automatically collect 'Dragon Baby'.
In front of you will be some Goblins bullying another Goblin. Walk right until you see a makeshift spotlight, select it. Next use 'Dragon Baby' on the Spotlight to scare away the Goblins.
Cross the bridge to find your 'Adventuring hat'. Continue along the path to enter the library. Read the book written by Manny that's located on the middle stand.
Go to the left bookshelf and grab
1001 Goblin Pranks. Notice the book has landed at a page called Baby Swap.
Pull a book from the shelf on the right hand side next to the ladder to open the secret door. Walk through the door for a cut scene.
Walk along the path and to your right will be a door, peek through the bars to see
Bramble and
Wente Fey. Continue along the path to meet the Goblin King.
Graham will start telling the Goblin King a new story.
Once upon a time there lived a? Choose either Chester or Amaya.
For the next part of the story you will have 3 dialogue options choose 'Outsmarted a quizzical Griffin'.
Choose 'Heart' to deal with the final Goblin guard.
When packing up his things to runaway he found? Choose the item 'My old hat' from your inventory.
For the final option choose one of the book pages,
'A page of heat' for Compassion
'A page of strength' for Bravery
'A page of wits' for Wisdom
This would be a good chance to do a Wisdom play through.
Congratulations on completing Chapter 2 for 200 Gs!
Please keep both save slots as they will be useful for Chapter 3.
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