The final Chapter of the kings quest starts out with Graham telling Gwendolyn he has one last adventure in him yet. After the cutscene we will be in the Castle. Have a look around and talk to your wife before heading right, out of the door.
Follow the hallway and notice the Achaka statue to your right. After you leave the castle door you'll unlock:
Continue walking along the path and over the bridge. Keep going left through the new rose garden until you reach a bell. Ring it.
Gwendolyn will tell us we are remembering the memory wrong, when prompted choose 'Horn'. Olfie will appear but his back is on fire.
Notice the path heading right, behind the horn. Follow the path and climb down the ladders. Continue right and enter the gate to the Trolls meeting.
You'll soon find out they aren't actually there. When prompted to choose what is there say 'Bridge Troll memorial'. Interact with the statues of Pillar and Waddles, once each to unlock:
Exit through the gate then immediately turn around 180 degrees to enter though the same gate. The statues will disappear and you should have the choice to give another answer. This time choose 'Sandbox for the children'. Interact with the sandbox and take the 'Empty bucket' from the inner edge.
Exit through the gate then immediately turn 180 degrees and enter through the same gate one last time. When asked what is built there, choose 'Commemorative fountain'. Walk up to the fountain and use 'Empty bucket' from your inventory.
Return to Olfie by exiting the gate, following the path left, climbing the ladder and continuing left until you reach the area with the horn.
Cross the bridge, when you reach the fire use 'Bucket full of water'. Continue all the way over the bridge for a cutscene.
Follow the path straight ahead of you towards the fire. You may of noticed that our thumb sticks have now become inverted. So you need to push them in the opposite direction of where you want to go. E.g. Up is down, right is left.
You need to save Grahams treasures before they are burnt. Try not to get to close to the fire as it will kill you.
The Shield
- Walk straight forward and pick up the shield.
- Walk straight back to return the treasure.
The Trophy
- Walk forward towards the statue and round to its the right.
- Exit through the gap between the two stone walls.
- Walk left then enter back into the statue area through the next gap.
- Walk down towards the burning log before turning left and grabbing the trophy.
- Return the way we just came.
- Walk right and entering the statue area via the small gap net to the log.
- Walk forward and straight out the top gap.
- Continue right and enter via the next gap in the wall.
- Walk all the way down and to the right a little to where you first started.
The Treasure Chest
- Walk forward and around the statue until you reach the gap in the wall.
- Walk through the gap then right to the treasure chest.
- Pick it up before returning the same way we just came.
- Walk up a little and left to the gap in the wall.
- Walk through the gap before following the path down and to the right a little to where we began.
Now we are in a 'blank space' with some partial memories. Notice the music box is connected to the door. Click on the door to read 'Music is the key to unlocking this memory'.
Continue right to see Amaya's partner Tree dorman, notice the colour of the 1st and 2nd badges on his overalls. Walk all the way left past the music box to a painting. Click on it to see a creepy fairy and more numbers.
Continue left again to see a goblin riding a mole rat and 2 more numbers. Walk back to the music box. Look at the last badge on the music box itself, that should give us 7 colours to use for the song.
For this puzzle you have to match the colours on the badges to the colours on the music box to play a song. The numbers show the order you should enter them into the music box.
Use the left knob to change the line. Use the cursor to select the colour for that specific line. Use the handle on the right to play the song after you have finished entering everything. The above picture shows the names of the colours.
You can work this out your self by just taking a mental note of the colours or you can check all the songs below.
Whispers song
- Pink
- Pink
- Beige
- Purple
- Green
- Orange
- Purple
Wentes song
- Green
- Green
- Orange
- Green
- Beige
- Green
- Purple
Acorns song
- Orange
- Purple
- Orange
- Pink
- Orange
- Green
- Purple
This will unlock:
Exit through the door, after listening to the song. We are back at the ice fortress. This puzzle is a bit like the one you did with Rosella in the last Chapter.
- Move forward to the purple triangle to start.
- Move forwards three squares.
- Move right one square and forward one square.
- Move left one square, then move right one square (The left guard should now be in place).
- Move down one square.
- Move right one square and up one square.
- Open the door to start a cutscene.
Notice the sapling is now a fully grown tree, walk all the way forward to the brown gate to find its locked by a padlock which needs 4 keys. Return to the middle of the village, where the tree is.
Depending on your previous choices, all but one of the shop doors will be locked. Keep trying to open each door until you find the one that's open. The door that's open should be the villager you visited in the last Chapter.
On the shop counter, small table or wall depending on which store you're in collect 'Triumph Commemorative plate 1/3'. There will also be a few more things to interact with. Leave the shop for a cutscene. The fire is now destroying everything.
Run home by exiting under the archway and continuing right along the path. When you reach the statue, follow the bottom path down and then right towards the bridge.
Cross the fallen tree to hear an old friend and receive 'Back gate key 1/4'. After the cutscene we will be back over the other side of the bridge and the fire will be gone.
Follow the path down until you reach the bush where the badger was hid in Chapter 1. Collect 'Triumph commemorative plate 3/3', from the green bush.
Follow the path downwards once more until you reach the Main Hall, proceed inside. In the middle of the hall will be a table with a candle and a clue. Collect the 'Candle'.
The clue says, 'The light will help clear up all your tunnel vision'. We now know we need to use the candle in a tunnel, to find our first object.
Head up the stairs to see a picture of some animals as well as a chest. We're going to ignore the other animals for now and focus on the Frog.
Exit out of the main hall And follow the path down. When you reach the next available opening to the left take it. The path will take you to the pumpkin patch.
From the pumpkin patch continue all the way to the left to the see a 'fruit picker' leaned up against the hedge. Collect It and return to the pumpkin patch.
Follow the path right and then straight forward and to the left a little, until you reach Grahams statue. Notice your treasures are saved but all the tree's are burnt.
Walk along the path to the top right and jump down into the hole/trap.
Notice the dirt mound with X marks the spot on it. We need to find something to dig with. Climb back up the ladder and follow the path to the right, stop when you reach the first sign.
Head up the hill and enter the cave to your left. Notice it now has lanterns to light the way. As you walk through the cave you'll notice you can interact with a small space in the wall.
Use 'Lit candle' on the space to receive a clue, 'If this puzzle has you trapped, use this shovel to dig up the answer', and a 'Shovel'. Continue left through the cave and out the other end.
Inspect the Goblin holes to see they have been covered up. Continue following the path until you reach the tree Triumph was stuck in.
Use 'Fruit picker' from your inventory on the tree to receive 'Triumph Commemorative plate 2/3'. Follow the path left, all the way back to the cave. As your walking notice a Goblin tree village has appeared, there is a key on one of the homes.
Continue left along the path and enter the cave. Turn around 180 degrees and follow the path back to the Goblin tree village. The Village will be gone but the Goblin holes will now be open.
In the third Goblin hole you come to there is a 'ladder'. Click on it to put the ladder in your inventory. Follow the path left back to the cave. After entering the cave turn around 180 degrees and follow the path back to the Goblin tree village.
Use 'Ladder' from your inventory on the third Goblin hole. Climb up the ladder to receive 'Back gate key 4/4'.
Follow the path that goes back through the cave and down to the bottom of the hill where we started.
When you reach the sign saying 'Fantastical floating island'. Follow the path to the right. When you reach the sign saying 'Don't turn right'. Turn right and you should be at the picnic area.
Walk up to the round grey pedestal and use all 3 'Triumph commemorative plates' on it. Use the small grey knobs at the bottom of the screen to turn each individual plate.
Make sure the first plate has Grahams head pointing north and triumphs feet pointing south. Line up the other two plates so they are in the same place as the first plate.
Once all three are lined up you will notice a clicking noise, we can now enter the letters, that Graham and the two arrows are pointing to. Press the grey button next to the lock to receive 'Back gate key 3/4'.
Exit the picnic area and follow the path left until we are back at the trap/hole in the ground. Jump down into the hole and use 'Shovel' from your inventory on X marks the spot.
We will receive another clue, 'It's always knife to met the pun king'. As well as a 'Knife'. 'Pun king' sounds a lot like pumpkin. We need to cut open a pumpkin.
Head back to to the pumpkin patch by climbing out the hole, following the path left, past the statue all the way to the village archway, and down towards the pumpkins.
Use 'Small knife', on the pumpkin to receive another clue, 'I've always wanted to try fly fishing before I croak'. As well as a 'Fishing pole with fly bait'. We're getting close now.
From the pumpkin patch walk left a little then straight down to the blank space. Notice the rock in front of you. Walk around the right hand side of the rock and continue straight until Graham tells you there is nothing else to see.
Keep walking until You come to an invisible wall. Follow the wall In an upwards and slightly left direction until you feel an invisible entrance. Continue left along the invisible bridge and Graham will try to stop you again but keep going.
Eventually you will see Pillar, walk towards her. Pillar will disappear but continue walking towards her croissants and interact with them to unlock:
Follow the path back down and to the right until you come to the rock again. From the rock walk right and down a little. Keep going and you should see some frogs!
Stand on the small pier and use 'Fishing pole with fly bait' from your inventory on the frog. During the cutscene you'll notice the frog has a number 8 on his back.
Time to return to the main hall to finish our puzzle. Walk forwards up the path and back through the blank space keep going until you reach the pumpkin patch. Follow the path to the right and then down, all the way back to the main hall.
The Bunny puzzle
Scattered through out the building are little pink bunnies count them all to find our first number.
The Badger puzzle
Notice the canvas with a badger on it to the left of the room. Go though all the different coloured canvases to see they all have part of a number on them. Once you've been through all three click never mind.
The Unicorn puzzle
Notice the scales at the right of the room. The top scale has a miniature version of Mr.fancycakes. The two bottom scales have a 4 ounce and a 8 ounce bottle.
We know that two orange bottles are equal to 4 ounces. Two green bottles and one orange bottle are equal to 8 ounces.
Which means one Orange bottle equals 2 ounces and one Green bottle equals 3 ounces. Using this knowledge place the bottles on the scale next to Mr. Fancycakes to work out how much he weighs.
Return to the main stage with the chest on it and enter the numbers in the order there shown on the canvas. Press the small grey button on the padlock when finished.
You will receive 'Back gate key 2/4', and unlock:
We should now have all 4 keys for the Village gate and a frog in our inventory. Exit the Main Hall and follow the path across the bridge. Continue along the path past the green bush and take the first left turn that leads to the pumpkin patch.
Walk around the pumpkin patch and forward towards the Village. Enter the Village under the archway, continue walking past the burnt tree all the way to the brown gate.
Use all four keys from your inventory on the padlock to receive 'Chromium lock' and unlock:
Exit through the brown gate and follow the path to the water well. Climb down the rope and follow the path once more.
We should now be stood in front of two cranks, remember from the Prologue that the left crank kills us. Wind the right crank to open the door. Walk through the door for a cutscene.
Follow the path past the waterfall towards Mordack, he will ask us to prove ourselves before we can talk to Mannanan. Walk back along the path past the waterfall and turn left.
Cross the bridge and shuffle around the rock. Climb down the ladders to see a green glowing rock, interact with it to find out it's kryptonite.
After the sad cutscene we will be playing some vintage King's Quest. Press to close the dialogue box.
There are 8 interactions you must complete
- Talk to the love of my life.
- Look into mirror.
- Talk to my precious Alexander.
- Talk to my sweet Rosella.
- Get Locket.
- Look at Armer.
- Look at Achaka statue and get pearls.
- Search bush to the left after you exit the castle.
- Finally cross the bridge to the right.
Notice the bones to your right, interact with them to play a song and unlock:
Follow the path past the skeletons and exit through the vines. Talk to the villagers for another cutscene. Wake Graham up with the on screen prompt, to receive 'Germite crystal' and unlock:
Climb the ladders and shuffle back around the rock. Cross the bridge and return to Mordark. Use 'Germite crystal' and 'Chromium lock' from your inventory on Mordack.
Follow the path for a cutscene with Mannanan.
After Mannanan has explained to you that one goblet at each station is poisoned and the other is safe it's time to start the trials. Walk towards the table with the cover removed for our first test.
Clue 1
Three brothers wave
Two of them knights
The other a knave
Knaves lie without fear
Knights are truthful
Lend them your ear
Only ONE cup is neutral
A. Cup one is safe. Beware. Royal guard #B always lies.
B. Cups one and four are tainted.
C. Cup two is tainted, and Royal guard #A always lies.
Firstly we have to find the one lier. We know the lier has to be A or B because they both contradict each other concerning cup 1. C tells us that A always lies which must be true because by deduction we know C is telling the truth.
Guard A is the knave. Which means cup 1 is definitely poisoned. Guard B and C are knights which means cups 2 and 4 are also poisoned.
Drink from goblet 3 and walk over to the next table.
Clue 2
Which four goblets are safe to drink?
This puzzle will reveal the link.
Trolls carry napkins to wipe fruit juice from their chest.
Dragons never eat grapes, the flavour they detest.
Snutes and Trolls peel their food before they ingest.
Each creature eats a different kind of fruit.
Which treat pairs with the Troll, Dragon, Badger and Snute?
Let's start with Trolls. We know the fruit they eat has to be peeled which means it's either an orange or banana. We also know the fruit they eat is juicy which means Trolls must eat Oranges.
Snutes also peel their food so by deduction we know Snutes must eat Banana's. We know Dragons don't eat grapes so the only other fruit left is Apples. Which means Badgers must eat grapes.
Tick the square on the grid for each creature to show what fruit they eat. Notice the goblets are lined up in the same way as the grid. Drink from the four cups that correspond to the ticks on the grid.
Clue 3
Guards standing in formation
In four rows they will align
Pay attention to their location
No guard should repeat in the same line
Find the 3's in their stations
And your cups will taste just fine.
This game is a sudoku. Each vertical column and horizontal row has to have the numbers 1234. None of them can be repeated in the individual row or column.
We start with 6 stationary numbers on the board these will help us figure out the order of the other numbers. Click one of the blank square for a number to pop up, keep clicking it until you reach your desired number.
H1 V1: We know the first square is either a 2 or a 3. Notice column H2 V1 already has a 2 so it must be a 3.
H1 V4: The only missing number is a 2.
H4 V1: Can't be a 1 because there is a 1 in H4 V3. It can't be a 3 because there is also a 3 in H1 V1 meaning it can only be a 4.
H3 V1: By deduction must be a 1.
H4 V4: by deduction must be a 3.
H2 V1: By deduction must be a 1.
This should leave us to figure out the four middle squares.
H2 V2: We know it must be a 4 because there is already a 4 in H1 V3.
H3 V2: By deduction must be a 3.
H2 V3: By deduction must be a 3.
H3 V3: The last numbering missing is a 2.
Look at the goblets to the right hand side. The clue tells us 3's are safe. Drink from the goblets that correspond with the boxes on the grid that show a number 3.
Clue 4
Each digit reveals a set of adjacent black squares in the corresponding row or column.
Multiple digits in a row or column reveal multiple sets of consecutive black squares separated by at least one square.
15 of these cups are safe to drink.
This clue is actual instructions on how to complete the grid. Rows are Horizontal. Columns are Vertical.
- The row with a number 5 in front of it is the easiest. It means you can highlight all the squares in that row black.
- The row with 1,1,1 means that there has to be a square that isn't highlighted between each highlighted square. 10101.
- Notice the two columns at the bottom that have the number 2. They are now complete so nothing else can go in theses columns.
- The row starting 3. We know the 3 squares in the middle must be highlighted black because the two outer columns are complete.
- Notice the middle column 2,1 is now also complete.
- We know the two columns starting 4 need two more spaces highlighted but it can't be in the row 1,1,1 because that row is already complete. So highlight the other 2 spare squares in rows 1,1 and 1,1.
It should look like a little castle. Drink from the goblets that correspond to the squares highlighted black on the grid.
Clue 5
Kings can be brave, compassionate or wise, but there is only one path that leads to all three.
To find the one cup that is safe to drink, you must follow the path that begins on the triangle and ends on a 3.
This is a simple addition and subtraction puzzle. We know from the clue we must start on a triangle so that gives us the option of 12, 8 or 6.
There are 5 possible answers and below them 5 goblets one of which is poisoned. To find the one that isn't poisoned complete the sums until you find one that is equal to 3.
The answer is 6 - 5 + 2 = 3. Drink from goblet number 4.
Clue 6
A good king looks towards the future, but is always conscious of what he is leaving behind.
You may have noticed a shape on each of the tables we have visited so far. This clue tells us to be conscious of what we have left behind. Taking it in a more literal sense, we have recently left behind some goblets at each of the tables.
Visit all 5 tables notice how many goblets are left at each and what symbol is on the table.
Table 1: Diamond and 3 goblets.
Table 2: Star and 12 goblets.
Table 3: Heart and 12 goblets.
Table 4: Spade and 10 goblets.
Table 5: Club and 4 goblets.
Tick the numbers 3, 10, 4 and both the 12's on the grid. Drink from the goblets on the right that correspond to the ticked numbers to unlock:
Papa PuzzlerDefeated all the puzzles on The Floating Island.
During the cutscene choose either of the cups, you can't go wrong. Mannanan will be pouring the elixir over your kingdom, stop him by shielding the kingdom with your hands.
After the cutscene we will be in control of Gwendolyn. Navigate your room and exit through the door. As you walk through the hall inspect all the Tapestries. They will illustrate your previous choices though out the game.
Enter the door at the end of the hall to be in Grahams room. Notice the gift on the table as you enter the room. Blow out the candles on the bedside table. Read the note Graham has wrote to you lying on the bed.
Sit in the chair next to Grahams bed. Look at the book of addendum's and finally, wear your crown.
Congratulations on completing the final chapter of the King's Quest and earning a final 200Gs.
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