Treat the prologue as a tutorial. You will learn every action you need to know for the rest of the game. Upon starting, you will see a water well in front of you, head over to the crank and turn it using the on-screen prompt to lower the bucket. Click on the well a second time, and use to descend down the rope.
When you reach the bottom, press on the mattress, and proceed through the door.
Follow the path until you come to an area with two cranks, turn the Right Crank (The left crank will result in death), and move on through the newly opened door. Follow the path to the right, and you will see a bed. Jump in it 4 times to unlock our first achievement
Follow the path again, and continue over the bridge made from beds. Climb up the rope and keep walking, you will soon arrive at a fork in the path. Carry on going straight until you can't go any further.
Look around to find a rope tied to a handle, collect 'A Wooden Handle', then quickly hide in the bed to the left.
Back track the path, and take the first left onto the overlook. Click to enter your inventory. and use 'A Wooden Handle' on the broken crank that's lying on the ground. Cross the bridge, shuffle around the edge of the rock before entering a small opening and descending the ladder.
Ahead of you will be a very spiky boat. Wait until it is heading away from you, then run forward to your left, there will be an alcove to stand in. Wait for the boat to go past you, then run forward to the next alcove this time on your right, finally, wait for the boat to go past you one last time, and follow the path onwards.
After standing in a pile of bones, move forward and hide in the bed. Tiptoe around the right side of the bones. Go through the middle of the next pile of bones, and around the right of the last pile of bones. When the bed falls, quickly jump in it to avoid detection. Follow the path until you reach the dragon, tiptoe up to his face and let him eat you to unlock:
Repeat the area again, this time after hiding in the second bed, walk towards the left hand side of the cave and you will come to a ladder.
After reaching the top of the ladder, follow the path to the right, you'll find a skeleton holding a
'Bow'. Aim using
, and shoot using
at the crank on the opposite side to lower the bridge. After crossing the bridge, you will be in an area with a bell. Here we must distract the dragon with food, then grab the mirror. Winding the crank will lower a steak, ringing the bell will call the dragon to dinner.
The Mirror puzzle solution
- Wind the crank
- Wait for the steak to land, and ring the bell.
- Wait for the dragon to grab the steak, and wind the crank,
- Wait for the dragon to go back to sleep, and ring the bell.
- Finally wind the crank
- Quickly climb the short ladder, and stand on top of the meat.
- Once you are lowered, grab the 'Mirror'.
Run across the bridge avoiding the holes, at the end you will fall down into the river. You will need to clear your way as not to die by using your bow.
Shoot the rope on the first hanging bed you come to. As you go around a corner, there will be another two ropes to shoot.
The next corner you go around you will have a QTE, repeatedly press , then you will need to press , , as they appear on-screen.
Quickly compose yourself, as you have another two ropes to shoot immediately after this.
Press to jump the dragons tail, finally we will have another two ropes to shoot. Keep in mind, the second rope can be tricky, as you have little time to aim if you aren't expecting it. Point your arrow towards the top left of the cave wall and you should get it first try.
Time to run! Avoid the falling beds and rocks, continue along the path to safety, and back through the little door. This will trigger your first decision
- Shooting the crank will earn you - Compassion
- Shooting the bell will earn you - Wisdom
- Shooting the dragons eye will earn you - Bravery
During the cutscene with your granddaughter, you will have another decision to make. Choose any answer (the one that best suits you) to end the prologue.
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