Enter the Bakery (the door under the stairs) and give Wente 'Pink SugarShrooms', 'Starberries' and lastly 'The Only Money to My Name'. To receive 'A Gigantic Pie'.
Leave the village and walk back through the archway, before turning right and following the path to the statue. Walk down the bottom path, then turn right. Head up towards the bridge, and cross.
This will trigger the bridge to move, frantically grab at the rocks before falling back to the ground.
Answer Olfies question any way you like, I would suggest asking him all three questions when they appear.
If you try and make Olfie believe you are in fact a bridge troll be prepared to do the secret dance the sequence is as follows
, , ,
, , , ,
Repeatedly press repeatedly press finally repeatedly press
Exit the conversation, walk a little closer to Olfie and bring up the inventory, choosing 'A Gigantic Pie'. After the cut scene, you will find yourself outside of the Main Hall. To the right of the make shift bride will be a horn, use 'Olfies Mouthpiece' to blow it.
Congratulations you have found the eye of a hideous beast unlocking:
During the cutscene Graham will volunteer to track down Achaka, but first we need to retrieve our gold coin. Starting from the statue proceed back down the bottom path, turn right towards Olfie.
Use 'Olfies Mouthpiece' on the horn to cross over the bridge and take the path to the right. After walking a few steps you will see what looks like a barrel, behind it is 'The Only Money to My Name' for you to collect.
Cross back over the bridge, turn left to get back to the statue and follow the left path to return to the village. Go upstairs to the Magic shop and give the Hobblepots 'A Pumpkin' and 'The Only Money to My Name' to receive 'An Orange Lantern'. Leave the shop.
Once again we need to retrieve our money. Exit the village through the archway and follow the right path past the statue until you reach the trap. From here go right once more then forwards up the hill.
To your left should be a cave. Upon entering, quickly pull up your inventory and use 'An Orange Lantern' to travel safely to the other side. Walk along the path and to the left hand side you will notice a 'Bizarre Hole'. Continue along the same path until you reach the third hole.
Situated on the rim will be 'The Only Money to My Name'. Back track through the cave, down the hill and left past the statue back to the village.
Enter the Blacksmiths (the one to your left), give Amaya 'The Only Money to My Name' to receive 'An Overly Complex Weed-whacker'. Leave her shop and follow the path towards the brown gate (the only other entrance to the village).
Exit the gate remembering to close it behind you. Walk along the top left path until you come to some prickly thorns (you should be able to see the water well behind them)
Walk straight through the thorns to unlock:
After respawning follow the path back to the thorns but this time walk up to them and use 'An Overly Complex Weed-whacker' from your inventory to cut them down. Follow the path until you reach the water well and slide down the rope.
Follow the path until you reach the two cranks, turn the Right Crank to proceed through the door. Don't follow Achaka down the rope! Instead continue along the path to find you will automatically be turned around.
Turn a full 180 and carry on following the path once more. Old Graham will keep trying to stop you but just keep going. When you reach the dead end stand still for a minute or two to unlock:
After this you will come to some stepping 'logs' follow Achaka across them using the same ones he does
- Firstly step diagonally left to the light brown one.
- Diagonally right to the silver log.
- Forward to the copper coloured one before finally jumping to the black log Achaka is stood on.
The second sequence is as follows:
- Firstly step to the silver log, then the brown one.
- Jump diagonally right to the dark brown log.
- Jump diagonally left to the black log.
- Jump right to the gold log and right again to the dark brown one.
- Wait for the spikey log to swing left then jump straight over to the reddish log.
- Finally jump to where Achaka is stood.
The third sequence is:
- Firstly step to the brown log then jump diagonally right to the silver log.
- Jump straight forward to the brown one.
- Jump diagonally left to the bronze log.
- Wait for the spikey log to swing right before jumping to the black log.
- Wait for the spikey log to swing right and jump forward diagonally to the gold log.
- Jump diagonally left once more to the silver log and diagonally right to the brown log.
After the cutscene walk forwards up the steps and follow the path until you reach the dragon.
The object of this section is to move quickly but carefully from cover to cover.
Wait for the dragons fire to reach the stone your hiding behind. Once he changes direction quickly run to the next rock, straight away run right to the next rock.
Climb up the rope and the dragon will breath some fire wait until he stops before grabbing the small hand sized rocks above you and cross the gap.
Move down the next two small rocks and wait for Achaka to swing past you, before quickly crossing.
Climb up the small hand sized rocks. As you cross the gap the stone slab will fall diagonally right, keep going then imideatly cross the next gap to your right.
Move down the rocks to land next to Achaka. Run! Remembering to jump the gap when it appears.
After the cut scene Achaka will be using a crank. When he asks you a question reply with 'Stalama' (meaning no). He will then run to the next crank this time reply with 'Affa nata' (meaning yes) to be reeled in.
Achaka will return to the first crank answer his question with 'Affa nata' to be set free.
Head to the left side and crawl through the small door.
Achaka will tell you that in order to proceed we must make a clear path to shoot the dragons tail. Before we do that try and return through the small door three times in a row to unlock:
To complete the puzzle you must line up the shields to allow Achaka's arrow to ricochet from one to another eventually hitting the dragons tail. Remember that 'Stalama' is no and 'Affa nata' is yes.
Shield Puzzle
- Pull the rope next to the door to ring the bell
- Grab the first Shield to your left and place it on the rack answer with 'Affa nata'
- Walk to the edge of the platform and traverse the rope.
- Place the second shield on its rack and reply with 'Stalama'
- Push the weapons rack forward and reply with 'Affa nata'
- Walk to the edge and traverse the rope.
- Push the weapons rack to the right and answer with 'Stalama'.
- Traverse back across to where you just came from.
- Remove the shield and reply with 'Affa nata'.
- Walk right to the edge of the platform and cross the rope leading to the dragons tail.
- Place the shield on he rack and answer with 'Affa nata'.
- Finally traverse the ropes back towards Achaka make sure you are on the very edge of the platforms before grabbing on to the ropes so as not to move the shields.
- Pull the rope next to the door to ring the bell to complete the puzzle.
Follow Achaka along the path to get a boost up through the small hole. Continue along the path and you will reach a gap, turn to your left to find a crank. Release the crank to let Achaka through the door.
Achaka will hand you some Rope. Aim the arrow at the log in front of you and fire but unfortunately you miss. Try again! Follow the path, it will get smaller and smaller until you have to crawl. Give Achaka a push when he gets stuck.
Now it's time to choose whether to shoot the dragons eye or make a bid for freedom.
If you want to shoot the dragons eye choose 'Affa nata' when Achaka is pointed at the dragon.
If you want to escape to freedom choose 'Stalama'.
After the cutscene Manny will tell you that Achaka's death would be pointless if you choose not to carry on in the competition.
From the statue follow the right path past the trap and forward up the hill keep following the path to the right and you will come to a tree.
Pick up the Pink Rope beneath it. Aim at the trunk of the red tree and shoot, traverse the rope to the other side. Follow the path between the two rocks.
Suddenly from nowhere someone will throw a stone at you, have a quick look around before continuing on. When this happens again have another look around before continuing along the path.
Notice you are being followed by Goblins but just keep walking until you reach the cart. You now have a choice to take out the Goblins with either swiftness or patience.
To take them out with patience simply hit the Goblin once and let it crawl away. To take the Goblins out swiftly, shoot the Goblin once when you spot it then a second time whilst it crawls away.
- The first Goblin will jump out from behind the rock on your left.
- The second will jump from a small rock on your right .
- The third will appear from the middle rock.
- The fourth Goblin will come running from the left hand side and try and drag his buddy away.
- The fifth will be high up above the middle rock.
- Goblins number six and seven will come leap frogging from the right hand side but you only need to shoot one of them.
- After shooting six shoot eight which has appeared behind the left hand rock.
- Number nine will jump out from the right rock.
- Goblin number ten will be high up above the middle rock again be sure to get him quick otherwise he will crush you with a boulder.
- Eleven, twelve and thirteen will jump down in front of you all at once take them out left to right.
- Finally Goblin's number fourteen and fifteen will walk past you carrying the Merchant of Miracles you only need to shoot one for them to drop him.
Select any answer you wish and the Merchant will return 'The Only Money to My Name' and 'A Snoozing Leaf'.
Head back to the village by following the path back through the rocks, traversing the pink rope, heading back down the hill, turning left, continuing left past the statue and going under the archway.
Please turn to the page named A Test of Speed, Strength and Wit to proceed with the story.
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