9. King's Quest Chapter 2: Saving BrambleUpdate notes

At the start of Chapter two you will be in Graham's Castle. Answer the questions any way you like. Walk along the red carpet and out into the hallway. In the hall there are a few objects to interact with either side of you. The most notable being a bust of Achaka.
After exiting the castle you will unlock:

Continue along the path and blow Pillare's horn for a cutscene. On your left hand side will be the door to the Blacksmiths, walk up to it and knock, no answer. Go right to the Bakers door and some Goblins will ambush you.
After being caught by the Goblins you will be in a pitch black cell. Walk up towards the top of your screen and right a little to reach the Newt. Try to grab him but he runs away.
Walk straight down to the bottom of the cell and try to grab him a second time. The Newt will run to your left.
Walk left until you are directly beneath him, then walk forward to grab him.

Image 2

A jar will role down to the bottom of the screen, collect it.
Starting from the jar walk to your far right and then up. Instead of grabbing him with your hands, open your inventory and use 'Empty Jar' on the Newt.
To the right of our cell will be a leaver, pull it to collect 'Empty Bucket'. To the top of your screen will be a pipe with a grate underneath. Put the 'Empty Bucket' on top of the grate.

Image 4

To the left of your cell is a red tap. Turn the tap to receive 'Bucket of Porridge'. In the middle of the cell will be a table with a placemat, use a 'Bucket of Porridge' to regain some health. Anytime you need to eat, it has to be done at the placemat.
Pull the leaver to the right hand side of the cell once more to go to bed.
The number of stones weighing down the leaver will show you whether you have enough strength to use it or not. We have currently eaten one item of food, meaning we can use leavers with one or less stones attached. After we have eaten three meals we will be able to use all the leavers in this Chapter.
The Goblins will of given you a 'Cleaning Rag' to use on the Cobwebs. Just before you reach the Spiders Web will be a small crack in the wall.
Image 6

Peer through it to see Mr. Fancycakes, notice his health bar and the Skull n' Crossbones.
All of the Prisoners will have a certain amount of Hearts, this will show you how many days they will last without food. In this case Mr. Fancycakes has three days left to live including today.
The Skull n' Crossbones indicates he is also sick. This means food won't be enough, he will require Medicine to survive.
Use 'Cleaning Rag' from your inventory on the Cobweb and follow the path up the wooden stairs. When you reach an opening walk through it to arrive at the First floor.
If at any point during the game you can't find the area your looking for I have made a picture map showing the different rooms of the Ground, First and Second floors. For the duration of this walkthrough as not to cause confusion I will refer to the different Levels as follows.

The bottom level where Graham's cell is will be known as The Ground Floor.
The current level we are on containing all the prisoners will be known as The First Floor.
The top level that we have yet to go to will be called The Second Floor.

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Cross over the bridge in front of you. Notice the creepy gingerbread sign. Continue forward along the path until you reach Wente.
During the cut scene we will meet Bramble, ask the Fey's all three questions and have a look around their cell. Notice they have cooking supply's but need wood for the oven. They will also need medicine to keep Bramble alive.

Image 7

To the right of the cell will be another Cobweb for you to clean.

Follow the path to the left. You will see Amaya, ask her all three questions to find out she needs a blade. Whilst looking around her cell notice the guard to the left has a key, whilst the guard to her right has a coin.

Image 8

To the right of her cell will be another Cobweb for you to clean
Follow the path going right, back to the Fey's. Continue along the right path until you reach the Hobblepots.
Ask the Hobblepots all three questions to find out they need food in order to help you. Look around there cell and notice the Cauldron as well as a Book of Spells.
Image 9

To the left of there cell will be the final Cobweb, clean it to receive 'Sticky Spiderweb'.
Follow the path left back to the Fey's cell. Walk along the path towards the bottom of your screen and across the bridge. Keep walking until the Goblins return you to your cell.
Pull the leaver on the right hand side of the cell to lower your bed. The Goblin guards will give you a shake down to make sure you aren't carrying any contraband.
It is important to remember that they give you a shake down every night before bed. Meaning any contraband we find must either be used that day or hidden for safe keeping.
After waking up turn around and use 'Meat' on the placemat. Leave your cell and follow the path up the stairs, continue past the First Floor and up to the Second.
If you try to walk through the entrance a guard will block your way. To the left of the entrance you will see a leaver. Use 'Sticky Spiderweb' on the leaver and proceed through the opening. Walk forward to the Central Island. Notice the Weeds at the bottom of the Goblin Ladder inside the centre column.
Time to explore! Take the left path and you will come to some Outhouses. Unfortunately we don't have the means to catch a fly yet. To your left will be a gate, try to open it to find out we will need another person.
Walk right, then forward around the corner. Climb the stairs and wind the crank to your left to open the door.
To your right will be a tiny door, enter it to see a grouchy Goblin Princess. In the top left corner is a Music Box, but unfortunately we don't know any Lullaby's to use on it yet. Exit back through the door.
Go right towards the green curtain for a cut scene. Walk towards the top left and enter through the middle of the curtains. We are now backstage.
Trapdoor puzzle

  • In order to open the trap door there must be a counter weight on the pressure pad.
  • Wait until the rock on your right is raised and wind the crank to move it to the left.
  • Wait until the rock now situated on your left is lowered and wind the crank a second time.
  • Stand on the trapdoor and collect a 'Frog'.

Walk down the stairs past your adoring fans and to the left. Follow the path down towards the bottom of your screen, go back down the ladder and right to the Central Island.
Follow the path down once more and descend the stairs until you reach the First Floor. Go through the archway to where the three bridges are.
We are now strong enough to use both the cranks to lower the other two bridges. Cross the bridge to your right. The one with a small sign post depicting a Witch and follow the path to the Hobblepots.
Open your inventory and use a 'Frog' on Chester. He will remember the missing ingredient for his potion, an eye of fly.
Backtrack to the Second Floor by following the path back to the bridge and crossing it. Follow the path down under the archway. Ascend the stairs and walk through the entrance to the Second Floor. Follow the path forward.
From the Central Island turn left and return to the Outhouses. Use 'Frog' on the Outhouse to collect a 'Fly'.
Time to return to the Hobblepots by turning right and walking back to the Central island. Go down the stairs to the the First Floor. Across the bridge to the right and follow the path.
Use 'Fly' from your inventory on the Hobblepots to receive 'Weed-Growing Potion'.
To your left will now be a Book of Spells. Press cn_B to turn the page and see some instructions on how to make a Bomb. Notice we will need a Pea and a Rose.
Backtrack to the Second floor by following the path to the bridge and crossing it. Ascending the stairs and following the path to the Central Island.
In front of you will be the Goblin ladder with some kind of climbing plant growing under it. Walk up to the plant and use 'Weed-Growing Potion' from your inventory.
Time to explore the rest of the Second floor. Follow the path to the right and enter under the flowery archway to see The Merchant of Miracles.
Ask the Merchant all three questions to find out he has some items you need. Porridge costing 2 gold coins. Medicine and Chopsticks costing 1 gold coin each. Unfortunately we don't have any money yet, so follow the path down and to the right.
You will see another Goblin sized door, peek through the keyhole to spot some flour. Continue right until you reach a dead end.

Image 10

Pull the sword from the stone to receive a 'Frying Pan Sword'. Backtrack left and down the stairs to the First Floor.
Cross the bridge to your left and notice the small sign with a Werewolf like creature on it. Continue along the path until you reach Amaya.
Open your Inventory and use 'Frying Pan Sword' on Amaya. When asked which Goblin she should swat pick 'The one on the left' to receive a 'Key'.
After the cut scene the Goblins will present you with more 'Meat' to feed the Mole rat, return to your placemat and eat it to fully restore your health.

Image 18

To the bottom left of your cell you will see a Large Pipe. Walk up to it and unscrew all three bolts. Climb up inside of the pipe, keep crawling until you drop down into a new room.

Image 22

At the bottom of the hay stacks is a bucket, collect the 'Gold' from inside. To your right will be a Music Box just like the one we saw earlier.

  • Turn the bottom knob twice
  • Turn the top knob twice
  • And wind the leaver to the right to hear a Lullaby.

We now know a song to play to the Grouchy Goblin Princess. Go back through the tunnel to your cell. Leave your cell through the door and follow the path all the way up to the Second Floor.
From the Central Island follow the path to the right and walk under the archway to the Merchant. Ask 'Can I see your wares', and purchase the 'Miracle Cure-All Medicine'.
Go back down the path and continue right to the small door. From your inventory use a 'Small Key' on the lock.

Image 17

To the bottom of your screen will be a book click on it to collect 'Page of Heart'. In the back right corner of the room collect the bag of 'Flour' and leave the room.
Go left along the path back to the Central Island. Go left again then forward up the ladder. Go right through the small Goblin door into the bedroom.
In order to get the princess to sleep we must play her the Lullaby we learnt, by selecting each note one at a time. To select a note move the cursor so that the desired key is in between the two outward facing arrows.

Image 28

The picture above shows the numbers I have given the keys.

Music Box Puzzle

  • Move the cursor to key number 4 and wind the knob.
  • Move the cursor to key number 4 and wind the knob.
  • Move the cursor to key number 5 and wind the knob.
  • Move the cursor to key number 1 and wind the knob.
  • Move the cursor to key number 4 and wind the knob.
  • Move the cursor to key number 4 and wind the knob.
  • Move the cursor to key number 5 and turn the leaver to the right.

After the princess is asleep reach into the mattresses to collect a 'Pea'. Leave through the door and continue forward along the path to the gate we haven't opened yet. Wind the crank to the left of the gate and follow the path to see some Goblins gathered around a Fireplace.
Talk to them for a small cut scene showing the Glass Slipper falling of the edge of the cliff.

Image 23

Walk left until you are standing directly above the Slipper and use 'Weed-Growing potion' from your inventory. Walk past the Fireplace and down to the right to see Goblin Cinderella sweeping up. Notice her broom.
Go back up the stairs to the Fireplace and walk left. Follow the bottom path until you see the wall covered in flowers.
Walk up the ramp and through the small door. Continue along the garden path to the right and then straight forward to a vase full of roses.
This next part can be tricky as you need to be relatively quick. What we have to do is transport one of the roses from the garden all the way down to the Hobblepots.
During the Chapter you might of noticed stone water baths scattered all over. As soon as you pick up the Rose it will begin to wilt. In order to keep the Rose from dying we must dip it in each water bath we come across.
It may be easier to read the route you have to go (shown below) first before starting the puzzle because if you take to long you will have to return to the vase and start again.
Rose Puzzle

  • Pick a 'Rose' from the vase.
  • Follow the path through the garden and out the small door.

Image 12

  • Walk right, then left down the ramp.
  • Follow the path to the right and you will come to the first stone bath.

Image 13

  • Dip the rose in the water.
  • Follow the bottom path and climb down the ladders.
  • Follow the path once more and turn left to where the Outhouses are.

Image 14

  • Dip the rose in the water.
  • Follow the path right to the Central Island.
  • Follow the path down and descend the stairs to the First floor.

Image 15

  • Dip the Rose in water.
  • Cross the bridge to your right and follow the path to the Hobblepots

Image 16

  • This time leave the Rose in the water to keep it fresh. We will be using it later on.

Before we go any further press the pause button and click Exit to main menu. It will tell you all unsaved progress will be lost, no need to worry as we are at a checkpoint.
From the main menu scroll down to Change save slot. Highlight the slot you are currently playing on and click cn_X to copy it. Copy it to any free spot you have.
Highlight the original save slot and click cn_LB to rename it Bramble. Now Highlight the second save slot and click cn_LB to name it Fancycakes.
Your save slots should now look like so:

Image 11

We are doing this to save ourselves some time. As we will no longer need to play through the first half of the game when doing the Saving Mr.Fancycakes playthrough.
Make sure you have the Bramble save slot highlighted still and press cn_B to return to the main menu. Press Play to continue with the story. You may start a little walk away from where we exited but don't worry everything is still the same.
From the Hobblepots cell walk down the path and across the bridge.
Time to save Bramble. Cross the middle bridge and follow the path for a cut scene. Open your inventory and use 'Miracle Cure-All' on Bramble to unlock:
Medicinal Majesty

Healed Bramble.

Medicinal Majesty
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Missable - These achievements can be missed.

Follow the path down and back along the bridge. Descend down the stairs to the Ground floor and follow the path back to your cell. Pull the leaver on the right to lower your bed and go to sleep.
Sadly we didn't have enough medicine for Mr. Fancycakes. Exit your cell and walk along the path until you see a door to your right. Enter to see a vicious Mole rat. Walk a little closer to him, but not to close! And use 'Meat' from your inventory.
Open the chest he was guarding, to find a 'Wooden Chair' and leave back through the door. Follow the path up the stairs to the First Floor.
Cross the bridge to your right, but don't go under the archway. Instead head left to the rocking horse.

Image 30

Use 'Wooden Chair' on the pile of junk to receive 'Gold'.
Walk left back over the bridge and down under the archway. Walk up the stairs to the Second Floor.
Walk forwards to the central Island and notice the plant is now fully grown.

Image 31

Climb up the plant and straight ahead of you will be another coin for you to collect. Grab the 'Chunder-Blossom' to your right and climb back down the plant.
Follow the path to your right and under the alcove to visit The Merchant of Miracles. Ask 'Can I see your wares?' And buy 'Porridge with Branberries'.
Walk back to the Central island. Follow the path to the left and forward up the ladder. Keep following the path, past the entrance to the garden and stop when you reach the Fireplace.
Notice the plant to your left is also fully grown now. Collect 'Glass Slipper' from the flower. Walk right past the Fireplace and down the stairs. Give Goblin Cinderella a 'Glass Slipper', to receive a 'Broom'.
Climb back up the stairs, left past the Fireplace and follow the bottom path. Go down the ladders, right to the Central Island and down under the archway. Descend the stairs to the First Floor.
Cross the middle bridge and follow the path. Give Bramble 'Porridge with Branberries' from your inventory. The couple are now healthy enough to cook.
Give Wente 'Wooden Chair', to use as firewood. Give Bramble 'Flour' and she will cook you up a 'Sweetycake'.
Give Wente 'Chunder-Blossom' to get 'Sweetycake (Poisoned)' in your inventory.
Follow the path to your right to get to the Hobblepots and give them a 'Sweetycake'. Now that the Hobblepots are at full health they can make us a bomb.
Give the Hobblepots a 'Pea' from your inventory. Turn around and collect the Rose from the water bath. Return to the Hobblepots and give them 'A fresh Rose', to receive 'Bone Bomb'.
Backtrack to the Second floor by following the path to the bridge and crossing it. Ascend the stairs and walk under the archway.
From the Central Island walk left then forwards up the ladder and follow the path past the garden. Keeping going until you reach the Fireplace.
Use 'Bone Bomb' from your inventory on the Fireplace to make a new path. Follow the path and directly In front of you, on some pipes should be 'Page of Bravery'.

Image 27

During the cut scene the Goblins will break a pipe which we can now crawl through.
On a rock to the right will be 'Bolt Cutters', collect them. Crawl back through the pipe and follow the path right to where the Fireplace used to be.
We need to hide our contraband. Follow the path back down the ladder, right to the Central Island and down the stairs to the Ground Floor.
Follow the path and enter the door to your right where the Mole rat is. Luckily he is fast asleep. Walk up to the Chest and open your inventory before selecting 'Bolt cutters'.
Leave through the door to your left and follow the path back to your cell. Use 'Sweetycake (Poisoned)' on the placemat to unlock

There is one last person we need to see before we sleep so head back up the stairs to the First Floor and left across the bridge to Amaya.
Give Amaya the 'Broom' from your inventory after the cut scene you will receive 'Gold'. We will also unlock:

The King is in a Cent

Found all gold in Chapter 2.

The King is in a Cent
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Collectable - These achievements are obtained by exploring the game environment to find a set of unique objects.Missable - These achievements can be missed.

Today is the day we escape! Exit your cell and follow the path. When you reach the door to your right grab the 'Bolt cutters' from the chest.
Continue along the path and up the stairs to the First floor. Cross the bridge to the left and follow the path to Amaya's cell.
Use 'Sweetycake (poisoned)' on the final guard. Amaya is the last person to be feed but luckily we have 'Meat' in our inventory to give her.
After feeding Amaya we have a decision to make
If you wish to escape with Amaya walk up to her cell and use 'Bolt Cutters'.
If you wish to escape with Bramble walk up to the small door left of the cell and use 'Bolt Cutters'.
If you wish to escape with Chester Walk up to the right side of the cell and use 'Bolt Cutters'.
After the cutscene you will unlock two more achievements:

Rubble Yell

Escaped the goblin prison.

Rubble Yell
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.


Escaped without any townspeople taken away.


After escaping the cells you will be in a new area. The person you escaped with will not know how to cross the stepping stones so you will have to show them. Remember which stones you stepped to as the others will crumble.

Image 1

  • Go Right!
  • Go Right!
  • Go Forward!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Forward!

Image 3

  • Go Right!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Forward!
  • Go Right!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Forward!

Image 5

  • Go Right!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Right!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Right!
  • Go Left!
  • Go Forward!

Once you are both safely across, follow the path towards the shadow of the dragon. Graham will automatically collect 'Dragon Baby'.

In front of you will be some Goblins bullying another Goblin. Walk right until you see a makeshift spotlight, select it. Next use 'Dragon Baby' on the Spotlight to scare away the Goblins.

Cross the bridge to find your 'Adventuring hat'. Continue along the path to enter the library. Read the book written by Manny that's located on the middle stand.

Image 33

Go to the left bookshelf and grab 1001 Goblin Pranks. Notice the book has landed at a page called Baby Swap.

Pull a book from the shelf on the right hand side, next to the ladder to open the secret door. Walk through the door for a cut scene.
Walk along the path and to your right will be a door, peek through the bars to see Mr.Fancycakes. Continue along the path to meet the Goblin King.
Graham will start telling the Goblin King a new story.

Once upon a time there lived a? Choose either Chester, Bramble or Amaya.

For the next part of the story you will have 3 dialogue options choose 'Outsmarted a quizzical Griffin'.

Choose 'Heart' to deal with the final Goblin guard.

When packing up his things to runaway he found? Choose the item 'My old hat' from your inventory.

For the final option choose one of the book pages,

'A page of heat' for Compassion

'A page of strength' for Bravery

This would be a good chance to do a Compassion play through.

Unfortunately we can't choose Wisdom for this play through because we didn't save Mr. Fancycakes.
After the final cut scene you'll unlock:

The Reign is Just Beginning

Completed Chapter 2.

The Reign is Just Beginning
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

For the final achievements please turn to Chapter 2: Saving Mr.Fancycakes

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