Knights Contract Achievements Full list of all 50 Knights Contract achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 50-60 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 5 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 4 Collectable 19 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Bone CollectorDefeat the witch Straeggele 3 guidesIce BreakerDefeat the witch Trude 3 guidesFire FighterDefeat the witch Holda 3 guidesUntil Next Time...Force Faust to retreat 1 guideStorm StopperDefeat the witch Trendula 4 guidesHair CutterDefeat the witch Rapunzel 2 guidesStone CrusherDefeat the witch Verderinde 2 guidesTo the Fires of HellDefeat Faust 2 guidesTrue Peace at LastDefeat your true enemy 3 guidesNovice ExecutionerBeat the game on Page Average ExecutionerBeat the game on Squire 1 guideSkilled ExecutionerBeat the game on Knight 3 guidesMaster ExecutionerBeat the game on Hexen Knight 3 guidesLegendary ExecutionerBeat the game on Witchslayer 3 guidesThe Witch's Ultimate WeaponAcquire Spirit Cannon 2 guidesTerrorAcquire the Scythe of the Assassin Queen 1 guideFrightAcquire the Scythe of Imperial Massacre 1 guideSoul GrabberCollect 10,000 souls 1 guideSoul ReaperCollect 100,000 souls 1 guideCombo MasterAttain the highest possible combo rating 1 guideThe Sonic KnightPerform a 30-hit combo 2 guidesTake One for the TeamPerform 10 counterattacks while taking enemy attacks 2 guidesRing Around the RosieCatch and defeat five enemies at once with Mag Mell's Rose 2 guidesKeeping HealthyCollect 100 Recovery Items 1 guideSouls UnitedDefeat 200 enemies with Knight's Fury 1 guideHer True StrengthDefeat 200 enemies with Witch's Embrace 1 guideA Worthy ApprenticeDefeat 50 enemies with the help of Minukelsus 1 guideGrowing PowerUpgrade a Witchcraft 1 guideWitchcraft CollectorAcquire all Witchcraft 2 guidesThe Finer ThingsAcquire all equipment 1 guideLight ReadingAcquire a collection item Information JunkieAcquire all collection items 1 guideBlood SpilledDefeat an enemy 2 guidesBlood BathDefeat 100 enemies 1 guideBloody MassacreDefeat 1,000 enemies 1 guideExecutedLand a Finisher 1 guideSkillfully ExecutedLand 100 Finishers 1 guideExpertly ExecutedLand 1,000 Finishers 1 guideElegantly ExecutedLand 100 Perfect Finishers 1 guideHead Bangin'Bash the same enemy into a wall five times 2 guidesGet 'Em UpPick up the same enemy five times 2 guidesNice Try!Repel an enemy's attack 10 times 1 guide'Tis But a Scratch!Experience your first revival 1 guideIt's Just a Flesh Wound!Revive 50 times 1 guideBodyguardSave Gretchen from enemy attack 1 guideGuardian KnightSave Gretchen from enemy attack 50 times 2 guidesEye CandyUse Witch's Embrace when no enemies are present 1 guideI'm Taking You With MeDamage both yourself and an enemy with Witchcraft 1 guideCareful With That!Damage both yourself and an enemy with Witchcraft 10 times 1 guideTouch Too MuchCarry Gretchen around for a long time 3 guides