Latest Kung-Fu High Impact News

Kung-Fu High Impact Demo Released

Kung-Fu High Impact has been available now for nearly a month, but that hasn't stopped Virtual Air Guitar Company and UTV Ignition from releasing a demo of the game onto the Xbox LIVE Marketplace. If

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

New Kung-Fu: High Impact Trailer

The visual style of Kung-Fu High Impact is reminiscent of a classic Mortal Kombat, but don't be fooled. That isn't Sub-Zero dispatching enemies left and right -- it's you. This Kinect game doesn't ju

Posted 14 years ago by Mark Delaney

Kung Fu High Impact Announced [UPDATED]

Virtual Air Guitar Company are handling the developing duties on the latest Kinect title to be announced, Kung Fu High Impact. A Kinect title unlike any released previously, this side-scrolling brawl

Posted 14 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Latest Kung-Fu High Impact Videos


Latest Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshots

Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 1Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 2Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 3Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 4Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 5Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 6Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 7Kung-Fu High Impact Screenshot 8