Latest LEGO The Lord of the Rings News

LEGO The Hobbit Announced

Those of us who have played LEGO The Lord of the Rings definitely enjoyed seeing the world of Middle Earth in LEGO form. By now, Traveller's Tales know when there's an opportunity, so this had to com

Posted 11 years ago by Marc Hollinshead

Retail DLC Roundup: December 11th, 2012

This week sees DLC releases for 12 Xbox 360 retail games. Two of the games add extra achievements to their list and three of the games have region exclusive DLC. Here is this week’s list: Assassin's

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Demo Roundup: LEGO LotR and Just Dance 4

I apologize for that strapline, but it was so easy, I just couldn't resist. It's like shooting fish in a barrel or completing Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Burning Earth, something so easy you just

Posted 12 years ago by Dog of Thunder

LEGO Lord of the Rings Launch Trailer Released

While many games see an ebb and flow in support among their fanbase, one game series that seems to routinely give their fans exactly what they're looking for is Traveller's Tales' LEGO titles. Maybe

Posted 12 years ago by Michelle Balsan

LEGO Lord of the Rings Tests Its Humour

The LEGO games are known for their offbeat humour and ridiculing of subject material when creating games based on famous films and literature. LEGO The Lord of the Rings looks set to continue that tr

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

LEGO Lord of the Rings Dev. Diary

Whether you are a fan of the movies, books, or you enjoyed playing with LEGO as a child, the upcoming release of LEGO Lord of the Rings is sure to be one entertaining journey for the kid in all of us

Posted 12 years ago by SgtDigglesworth

LEGO LotR Devs Discuss The Fellowship

Remember back in the day when LEGOs contained a few yellow smiley faces and generic blocks? Then they progressed on to police stations, hotels, and restaurants. Before we knew it, Spider-Man, Batman,

Posted 12 years ago by Mark Delaney

LEGO Lord of the Rings Dev. Diary and Info

Are you a hero or a villain? Would you rather be a furry-footed Hobbit or a minion of Mordor? Today, we shall delve into the fire of the volcano and take a deeper look into the darkness that exists i

Posted 12 years ago by SgtDigglesworth

LEGO Lord of the Rings Details Unearthed

Whilst wandering through the wastes of Mordor recently, I noticed that the fiery volcano of Mount Doom had belched out some new details for Traveller's Tales' upcoming game LEGO The Lord of the Rings

Posted 12 years ago by Chewie

Latest LEGO The Lord of the Rings Videos


Latest LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshots

LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 1LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 2LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 3LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 4LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 5LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 6LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 7LEGO The Lord of the Rings Screenshot 8
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