Legend of the Guardians Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Legend of the Guardians achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 1 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 4 Shop 1 Time/Date 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply A Bird in the HandUpgrade your owl with any Battleset 1 guideVictory!Defeat an enemy in a mission 1 guideFeeling ShatteredBreak an enemy’s armor 1 guideTop SpeedReach maximum speed in a mission 1 guideThat Was Close!Narrowly avoid colliding with an enemy in a mission 1 guideDo a Barrel Roll!Do a barrel roll in a mission 1 guideTeam AttackUse the Team Attack Combo to help out a wingman in trouble 1 guideUpgrade your FlightUnlock a new combat attack 1 guideMake some NoiseHoot 108 times 1 guideTyto is RightoComplete the Forest Kingdom of Tyto Missions 1 guideKuneer or KufaarComplete the Desert of Kuneer Missions 1 guideDefeat the Hagsfiend QueenComplete the Glauxian Brothers Retreat Missions 1 guideOwls of Derisive LaughterComplete Race to the Retreat in 4 minutes or less 1 guideO Rly?Replay a mission 2 guidesThat's Got to HurtSuccessfully perform the Fall From Grace 1 guideReady for BattleComplete the Tutorial Missions 1 guideC-C-Combo BreakerPerform a chain attack on a single enemy in a mission 1 guideCounter CultureSuccessfully counter attack an enemy in a mission 1 guideTake That, You Fiend!Hit an enemy with the Corkscrew in a mission 1 guideGreat ShotHit an enemy with a flaming coal 1 guideThe JourneyFly 100 Kilometers 1 guideSilver LiningGet all Silver medals 1 guideLight'em upComplete Lighting The Way without a torch going out too early 2 guidesMake a SplashThrow an enemy into the water 1 guideFly SafeComplete An Ally in the Sand without touching a twister 1 guideOwlageUse the corkscrew on 20 enemies 2 guidesGliding with StyleComplete a mission without losing your armor 1 guideVanquish the EvilComplete the game 1 guideSeven in One BlowDefeat seven enemies without being hit in a mission 1 guideNo Flies on ShardComplete all objectives in a mission successfully without dying 1 guideFashionable OwlWear 4 different Battlesets in missions 1 guideFree FlightExplore all five environments in the Bonus Missions for a short time 1 guideDodge'emsComplete Pure Retaliation without being hit by a turret Love the SmellBomb 20 Turrets Boss RushDefeat any boss without losing a life 1 guidePut the Win in WingmanUse your Wingmen 20 times 2 guidesPassive AggressiveComplete a mission using just wingmen 2 guidesLucky NumberAchieve a 15 hit chain in a mission 1 guideNo WitnessesDefeat every enemy in a story mission 1 guideAs the Crow FliesDefeat 20 Crows 1 guideNew Game +Continue playing after completing the game 2 guidesSee a PennyCollect 4200 Shinies 2 guidesMax PowerEquip a top quality Battleset 1 guideFly like the WindUse 50 Wind Currents 1 guideArt AppreciationCollect all the artwork 2 guidesGold, Shard, Gold!Get a Gold ranking in all story missions 3 guidesBonus GoldGet a Gold ranking in all bonus missions 1 guideBoy Are My Arms TiredFly more than 200 kilometers 1 guideBird of a Different FeatherComplete the game as all Four Characters 1 guideSold OutBuy all the Battlesets 1 guide