Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 30 Offline Mode 30 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Collectable 3 Missable 7 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Rookie AwardComplete the game's first Mission 1 guideA Fistful of Larry'sComplete the game’s Wild West Dreamscape 1 guideChamoneComplete the game’s Horror Dreamscape 2 guidesThe Ship of DreamsComplete the game’s Bytanic Dreamscape 1 guideThe EndComplete all the game’s the main story missions 2 guidesCupid SniperComplete the Larry Get Your Gun mission 1 guideDead BeatComplete the Army of the Dead mission 1 guideShuffle the DeckComplete the Shuffleboard mission 1 guideLarry ScoresAchieve a total score of 2800 on Shuffleboard 2 guidesNetworking SocialiteMeet every principle character in the game 2 guidesBest NewcomerCollect a total of 10 Larry Awards 1 guideBest Supporting ActorCollect a total of 50 Larry Awards 1 guideBest ActorCollect a total of 100 Larry Awards 4 guidesGymnastic LarryPerform 3 consecutive wall jumps 2 guidesWell HungPerform 3 consecutive ledge jumps 3 guidesFashionista AwardAccumulate a wardrobe of 6 outfits 1 guideBroadcasting on Top of the worldReach the highest point in Laffer Studio 2 guidesOld Silver-Tongue AwardComplete 4 Director Games successfully 1 guideHot Foot AwardTravel 100 miles on foot 1 guideRoad TrippingDrive 400 miles 2 guidesThree Bulls3 consecutive Bulls-eyes in the Shuffleboard mini-game. 2 guidesCar surfin’Stand 50 seconds on the roof of a moving car 4 guidesMr Lover-manComplete all seduction games 2 guidesCarjacker‘Hijack’ 50 vehicles 1 guidePedal to the MetalComplete all Races 1 guideDemolition BoyDestroy three vehicles within 60 seconds of each other 3 guidesLe MannsDrive in vehicles for a total of 3 hours while playing the game 2 guidesSpeedComplete the game in under 8 hours 1 guideSuits you SirUse all unlockable costumes during the same mission 1 guideMovie MogulComplete Everything In the Game 3 guides