Light Fairytale Episode 1 Achievements Here is the full list of all 29 Light Fairytale Episode 1 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 29 Offline Mode 29 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 24 Missable 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply All cleared!Clear all the achievements. Dreamer boyTry to return to the cliff just after the opening cutscene. 1 guideB-bomb?!Get a bomb from the hiding cat girl. 1 guideSneakyTalk to some NPCs from behind. That was close!Slip near the cliff. 1 guideWelcome home!Rest at Haru's place before the fortune teller event. 1 guideChildhood friendsCheck the gray duck at the park with Kuroko. There you are!Find hiding Kuroko. 1 guideRuled by these guys?!Overhear the station soldiers talking. 1 guideOut of my way!Talk to the sprinting scavenger. 1 guideScary smile...Talk to angry Kuroko. 1 guide1st win!Win your 1st battle. A.R beginnerGet used to your A.R. goggles before the 1st battle. FreebieRest during the spiders battles. 1 guideFizzle maniacCheck the fizzle vending machine before the fortune teller event. 1 guideMy precious...Check the class 3 A.R. goggles before talking to Daisuke. 1 guideNight rider!Do better than Kuroko's high score. 1 guideCalculating guyGet the ground credits in level 1 or 2 after the fortune teller event. 1 guideGlasses...Give back Emiko's credits. 1 guide"Haru? Haru! Haruuu!"Get caught during the stealth minigame. High scorers clubGet a high score of 75+ in the stealth minigame. Number oneGet the stealth contest's ultimate prize. 1 guideEx-number oneGet an orb from the former number one. 1 guideMaterialistGo to the corridor with Miyu's materials. The journey beginsComplete Haru's story. Alternate journeyComplete Kuroko's story. Don't anger meReach the fury status during a battle. 100+ HP damageDo a 100+ single HP damage to an enemy. 250+ HP damageDo a 250+ single HP damage to an enemy. 1 guide