Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows)

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows)

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows)

Latest Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) News

What games could leave Xbox Game Pass in March 2023?

As much as we'd all love them to stay, games don't stick around in Game Pass forever unless they're a first-party title. To help get the most out of your gaming time, here's a list of titles that could leave Game Pass in March.

Posted 1 year ago by Sean Carey

Is this the end for Final Fantasy on Xbox?

Final Fantasy on Xbox was once but a dream, until the Xbox 360 generation saw Square finally start to show Xbox some love. Now, it feels like that spell might have run its course... have we seen the last of Final Fantasy on Xbox?

Posted 1 year ago by Luke Albigés

The best Game Pass additions of 2022: March

Game Pass is an embarrassment of riches. Each month, Game Pass has delivered a glut of excellent additions, and today, we shine the light on March 2022, which saw, Tunic, Guardians of the Galaxy, Norco, and more join the service.

Posted 1 year ago by Sean Carey

Best games like Bayonetta on Xbox

As Bayonetta 3 sashays onto Switch, Xbox players might once again find themselves feeling a little left out. But never fear — if you fancy some stylish action of a different kind instead, you have plenty of great options on Xbox!

Posted 2 years ago by Luke Albigés

The best Xbox soundtracks

Music is one of the secret ingredients of great game design. While it might often go unnoticed by many players, it's an aspect of gaming that doesn't get the love it deserves, so let's change that.

Posted 3 years ago by Luke Albigés

Latest Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshots

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 1Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 2Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 3Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 4Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 5Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 6Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 7Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Windows) Screenshot 8
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