Little Kitty, Big City Achievements Full list of all 39 Little Kitty, Big City achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 5-6 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 39 Offline Mode 39 Single Player 2 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 11 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 2 Shop 1 Buggy + 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Home Sweet Home!Find your way back home 2 guidesHello Everyone!Meet all the animals Quack Troops!Collect all the ducklings 4 guidesSnap Happy!Get your very own camera 3 guidesSnack Time!Get your first yummy fish 5 guidesFin-tastic!Eat all the yummy fish 4 guidesFat CatFind 200 Shinies 4 guidesCapped CrusaderCollect all the hats 3 guidesWorld TravelerOpen all Tanuki's portals 2 guidesCat NapperSleep in all the cosy nap spots 3 guidesBird BothererCatch (and release!) 20 birds 4 guidesIf I Fits, I SitsEnjoy 5 cardboard boxes 4 guidesLitter PickerRecycle 100 items 5 guidesSmash HitBreak 100 objects 3 guidesSticky BusinessBust all the old birds' nests 5 guidesGive A Dog A BoneBring bones to all the dogs 4 guidesCult Of Purr-sonalityGet petted 10 times 3 guidesLocal CelebrityGet photographed 20 times 10 guidesPapa-cat-ziTake 20 photos with your camera 4 guidesNeighborhood HeroComplete all the quests 1 guideCat-Like ReflexesCapture a bird in flight 6 guidesBack Of The NetScore every soccer goal 2 guidesSurprise!Knock a human over by jumping on them 4 guidesFruit FallMake a human slip on a banana 7 guidesTrip HazardMake 20 humans stumble 3 guidesIndustrial ArtistLeave your pawprints in the wet concrete 5 guidesCheckmate!Remove all the chess pieces from the board 4 guidesTo Me, To You!Get a human to kick a ball to you 4 guidesNo Parking!Splash paint on the fancy car 5 guidesRub-A-Dub-Dub!Put 4 rubber ducks in the pond 3 guidesAnd Stay Out!Get kicked out of a store 3 guidesKiller KittyChase a human with a dangerous item 7 guidesWho Needs Cash?Use your noggin on the soda machine 3 guidesBig Kitty, Little CityThis must be how Gecku feels all the time! Raaaaaaaah! 6 guidesCan't Stop The FeelingsUse an emote 3 guidesWhat Sweet MusicMeow 10 times in a row 3 guidesSplish!Drop a phone into the portapotty 5 guidesDeclutteringSmash 10 items 3 guidesDumpster DivingInvestigate 10 trash cans 4 guides