Latest LocoCycle News

LocoCycle Gets a Release Date and Contest

Put those romantic plans on hold, gamers, because Twisted Pixel is ready to drop their latest game, LocoCycle, squarely on your Valentine's Day plans. That's right, you'll be able to get your hands o

Posted 11 years ago by Jonathan Barnes

Friday XBL Content Roundup: November 22nd, 2013

Unless you've been living under a rock for the few months, you won't have been able to escape the fact that the Xbox One launched today in 13 countries across the world. As Microsoft are now pushing

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

I.R.I.S. Takes Lococycle Screens for a Spin

LocoCycle was one of three games that were shown over a quick five minute period at E3 2012. The description of I.R.I.S., a Tron-style motorbike, meant that the game could take several directions. It

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

LocoCycle Live-Action Trailer

It's been pretty quiet in terms of news for Twisted Pixel's upcoming title LocoCycle. As with other Twisted Pizel games, expect crazy and wild fun that is sure to be sprinkled (a lot) with humour. To

Posted 12 years ago by Marc Hollinshead

LocoCycle Gets Primed With New Screens & Gameplay

To commemorate the arrival of LocoCycle at this year's PAX Prime in Seattle, Twisted Pixel has released some new screens, as well as giving us pleasure of viewing some gameplay footage from the recen

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

Xbox One Launch Titles Confirmed

Earlier, we were able to bring you the latest news over the titles that had been confirmed for the Xbox One. Today, we can add a little more detail to some of these titles, and reveal that a number o

Posted 12 years ago by Andrew Ogley

LocoCycle Drags In Some New Screenshots

The announcement that Twisted Pixel's LocoCycle would be available as an Xbox One launch title was universally heralded and celebrated by all. In all seriousness though, if you're a fan of an origina

Posted 12 years ago by litepink

LocoCycle Confirmed as Xbox One Launch Title

Are you wondering what your gaming options will be on day one of Xbox One? Well, thanks to Twisted Pixel, we'll have a unique experience to try right out of the gate. That's right, they have confirme

Posted 12 years ago by Archer Rival

LocoCycle Trailer Zooms In From The Distance

Only last week we were pondering on the progress of Twisted Pixel's upcoming XBLA title, LocoCycle, whilst mourning the cancellation of another title, Matter, both of which were announced at last yea

Posted 12 years ago by Chewie

LocoCycle Gets Crazy with Two Videos

Have you ever watched T2: Judgement Day? Have you indulged your senses in the Nickelodeon TV series All That? Twisted Pixel's new racing/fighting/game of chaos and mayhem, LocoCycle will feature two

Posted 13 years ago by SgtDigglesworth

Latest LocoCycle Screenshots

LocoCycle Screenshot 1LocoCycle Screenshot 2LocoCycle Screenshot 3LocoCycle Screenshot 4LocoCycle Screenshot 5LocoCycle Screenshot 6LocoCycle Screenshot 7LocoCycle Screenshot 8