Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders Achievements Here is the full list of all 45 Lonely Mountains: Snow Riders achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 17 Offline Mode 29 Online/Offline 45 Single Player 1 Cumulative + 29 Versus 1 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Ramming ThroughUnlock a second pair of skis 2 guidesSnake CharmerUnlock a third pair of skis 1 guideRUN, Cheetah Run!Unlock a fourth pair of skis Free like a birdUnlock a fifth pair of skis Peace and QuietFind one resting spot 1 guideUnder the PinesFind all resting places on Tannenstein 2 guidesPath to ParadiseFind all resting places on Monte Guanaco 2 guidesLonely PlacesFind all resting places on Sierra Gelida 1 guideIt's all Downhill from hereCross your first finish line 1 guideThe Monte is CallingUnlock Monte Guanaco Riding HighUnlock Sierra Gelida Just TrailingFinish all Blue Slope Challenges on Tannenstein Born to ride!Finish all Black Slope Challenges on Tannenstein Off the beaten trailsFinish all Blue Slope Challenges on Monte Guanaco Offroad KingFinish all Black Slope Challenges on Monte Guanaco Fast and FreezingFinish all Blue Slope Challenges on Sierra Gelida Master of the Snowy MountainsFinish all Black Slope Challenges on Sierra Gelida Boooh!Unlock ghost mode for the first time 1 guideGhost BusterBeat your best time im ghost mode 1 guideThe journey is the destinationRide one Trail in Zen Mode 1 guideFree FallinJump for 4 seconds 2 guidesSdrawkcab!Ride Backwards for 200 meters 2 guidesNo brakes, high stakes!Ride 90 seconds without braking 4 guidesLike Having WingsReach a speed of 35 m/s 2 guidesMaster of the ElementRide on Water for 3 seconds 2 guidesSpin the RiderLand a 360 Spin successfully 1 guideYou spin my head right roundLand a 720 Spin successfully 1 guideHave a save FlipLand a front- / backflip successfully 1 guideFlippin' AwesomeLand a double front- / backflip successfully 2 guidesSmash 'n' GrabHold a Grab for 3 seconds and land successfully 1 guideMix it Up!Land a combination of a flip or spin and grab successfully 1 guideMaster TricksterLand a combination of a flip, spin and grab successfully 2 guidesJump to SafetyDo at least 25 Jumps in a Run 1 guideHolding OnDo at least 19 Grabs in a Run 1 guideFlip like a SwitchDo 13 backflips,frontflips or spins in a Run 1 guidePerfect Ride!Ride a trail without crashing 1 guideBadge of HonorReceive 20 Badges 1 guideTeamwork makes the dream workFinish at least the first goal during a Team mode run We are the Champions!Finish all goals during a Team mode run 2 guidesTo The RacesTake part in a Racing mode run. 1 guideRace like you mean itReach 1st-3rd place on a Racing mode Run with at least 4 players Watch Me RideSpectate another player 1 guideWith a little help from my friendsRecover 20 other players 1 guideTraining DayReach the Finish Line of the Training Ground 1 guideUnstoppableFinish all the Trainig Ground Challenges 1 guide