Lost Planet 2 (GFWL) Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Lost Planet 2 (GFWL) achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 12 Online Mode 3 Offline Mode 37 Online/Offline 41 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 5 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 23 Cumulative + 2 Online Skill 6 Time Consuming 13 Level 2 Partly Disc/Unob 3 Multiple Playthroughs Required 42 Cooperative 21 Versus 4 Time/Date 2 x4 Players Required 2 x8 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Complete Prologue AComplete Episode 1 Chapter 0-A. Complete Prologue BComplete Episode 1 Chapter 0-B. 1 guideComplete Episode 1Complete all the chapters in Episode 1. 1 guideComplete Episode 2Complete all the chapters in Episode 2. 1 guideComplete Episode 3Complete all the chapters in Episode 3. 1 guideComplete Episode 4Complete all the chapters in Episode 4. 1 guideComplete Episode 5Complete all the chapters in Episode 5. 1 guideComplete Episode 6Complete all the chapters in Episode 6. 1 guide100-Chapter PlaybackPlay through 100 chapters. 200-Chapter PlaybackPlay through 200 chapters. 300-Chapter PlaybackPlay through 300 chapters. 1 guideIt's So EasyPlay any combination of chapters 39 times on Easy. RookieComplete the game on Easy. SoldierComplete the game on Normal. Super SoldierComplete the game on Hard. Ultimate WarriorComplete the game on Extreme. Snow PirateAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 10. Snow Pirate WarriorAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 30. Snow Pirate LeaderAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 50. Snow Pirate CommanderAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 80. Rounder ChiefAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 99 with the Rounders. Fight Junkie BerserkerAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 99 with the Fight Junkies. First Among Snow Pirate ElitesAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 99 with the Snow Pirate Elites. NEVEC Black Ops CommanderAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 99 with the NEVEC Black Ops. Femmes Fatales Faction LeaderAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 99 with the Femmes Fatales. Quintuple FactionalismAchieve a Career Level of Lv. 99 with all 5 factions. Endangered SpeciesDefeat 3000 S- and M-sized Akrid. A Thousand Unmarked GravesDefeat 1000 enemy soldiers. VS GraveyardDestroy 100 enemy VSs. Monster HunterDefeat 30 bosses. Instrument of DestructionDefeat 9999 enemies (Akrid, VS, or enemy soldiers). Thermal Energy ReactorAccumulate a combined total of more than 99999 units of thermal energy. Death WishDie more than 444 times. Weapons MasterUnlock all regular weapons and grenades. Prove Your MettleUnlock all the Abilities. Warrior of Many NamesUnlock 100 Noms de Guerre. A Collector's CollectorUnlock all items (weapons, Abilities, Noms de Guerre). 1 guideAll in a Day's WorkAchieve 100 different Good Job awards. Honeymoon PeriodCelebrate your six-month anniversary with LOST PLANET 2. Welcome to the Battle!Play one Online match. War VetPlay 500 Online matches. 1 guideCenturionWin 100 Online Ranked matches. 1 guideSlayer of a Thousand MenAchieve 1000 kills in Online matches. Me Against the WorldComplete 93 areas while online without the help of other players. Two is Better Than OneComplete 386 areas with one or more other players. Let's Go VS Force!Merge two VS units. Hot ShotGain promotion to the rank of Gunner. 1 guideProfessional TurncoatFight for a number of different factions in Faction Match. 2 guidesGood Job, SoldierEarn all the Good Job awards. Committed 'til the EndEarn all the Good Job awards, items, and Career Levels available in the game. 1 guide