Latest Lost Planet 3 News

Xbox Games with Gold for August 2021 revealed

Microsoft has now revealed August's Games with Gold titles. Those with an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or Xbox Live Gold subscription can download Darksiders III, Yooka-Laylee, Lost Planet 3, and Garou: Mark of the Wolves next month.

Posted 4 years ago by Sean Carey

Capcom Issues GameSpy Update

Following on from the earlier announcements from EA and NetherRealm and Rockstar as to what games will be affected by the upcoming GameSpy server shutdown, Capcom has followed suit: Lost Planet 3: Th

Posted 11 years ago by Michelle Balsan

Retail DLC Roundup: October 1st, 2013

We have DLC releases for six Xbox 360 retail games this week. None of the games add extra achievements to their list but four of the games have region exclusive DLC. Any XBLA DLC that is due to be re

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Lost Planet 3 Multiplayer DLC Confirmed

Lost Planet 3 will be getting DLC multiplayer maps, as confirmed by a blog post written by Neil Gortzand, a Capcom employee. The DLC will be bringing in six new maps in which to blow each other up. T

Posted 12 years ago by Zinn Gravey

Retail DLC Roundup: August 27th, 2013

With the transition away from Microsoft Points, the pricing in this article will take a slightly different format. From now on prices will be represented by US dollars, pounds, euros, Australian doll

Posted 12 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Lost Planet 3 Paradise Lost trailer

Capcom's latest entry in the Lost Planet series is out this week as soon gamers across the world will be able to return to E.D.N. III in Lost Planet 3. Players will take control of Jim Peyton, a util

Posted 12 years ago by Dog of Thunder

Retail Releases: Week of August 27th, 2013

Things heat up further as we edge closer to holiday season. Two titles hark back to celebrate the past of the platformer and sports genres, whilst the other releases involve killing enemies in stark

Posted 12 years ago by Keith Gray

Lost Planet 3 Voice Acting Developer Video

Capcom has released a video showing Bill Watterson putting the final touches to his voice acting contribution for the main character, Jim Peyton, in Spark Unlimited's upcoming shooter, Lost Planet 3.

Posted 12 years ago by Keith Gray

Lost Planet 3 Chilling New Trailer

Some things your parents teach you as children probably seem quite irrelevant at the time. Some of what they tell you probably even sounds like something made up to frighten you into behaving properl

Posted 12 years ago by Archer Rival

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