Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 16 Offline Mode 34 Online Mode 16 Single Player 34 Versus 3 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 9 Difficulty Specific 3 Stackable 4 Collectable 24 Cumulative + 5 Level 1 Time/Date 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Easy Difficulty ClearedComplete all missions on "Easy" Difficulty. 2 guidesNormal Difficulty ClearedComplete all missions on "Normal" Difficulty. 2 guidesHard Difficulty ClearedComplete all missions on "Hard" Difficulty. 2 guidesExtreme Difficulty ClearedComplete all missions on "Extreme" Difficulty. 2 guidesEasy Mode Coin CollectorFind all Target Marks on "Easy" Difficulty. 2 guidesNormal Mode Coin CollectorFind all Target Marks on "Normal" Difficulty. 3 guidesHard Mode Coin CollectorFind all Target Marks on "Hard" Difficulty. 3 guidesExtreme Mode Coin CollectorFind all Target Marks on "Extreme" Difficulty. 4 guidesTrial ClearClear Trial Battle Mode. 1 guideGreat ScorerClear Trial Battle Mode with over 150,000 points. 2 guidesSpeed StarClear Trial Battle Mode in less than 300 seconds. 1 guideTrial MasterClear Trial Battle Mode on "Extreme" Difficulty. 2 guidesScore Attack ClearClear Score Attack Mode. Silver ScorerReceive 10,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode. Gold ScorerReceive 100,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode. Platinum ScorerReceive 300,000,000 points in Score Attack Mode. 1 guideMatch RookieFight to the finish in one online battle. 1 guideMatch BeginnerPlay 10 online battles. 1 guideMatch RegularPlay 50 online battles. 1 guideMatch VeteranPlay 100 online battles. 1 guideMatch ExpertPlay 500 online battles. 2 guidesWinnerWin an online battle. 2 guidesBronze WinnerWin 10 online battles. 1 guideSilver WinnerWin 25 online battles. 1 guideGold WinnerWin 100 online battles. 1 guidePlatinum WinnerWin 200 online battles. 1 guideLevel 10 PlayerAchieve level 10 in online battle. 1 guideLevel 20 PlayerAchieve level 20 in online battle. 1 guideLevel 30 PlayerAchieve level 30 in online battle. 1 guideLevel 50 PlayerAchieve level 50 in online battle. 1 guideLevel 100 PlayerAchieve level 100 in online battle. 1 guideTitle GrabberReceive a title. 1 guideTitle CatcherReceive 5 titles. Title CollectorReceive 10 titles. Title HoarderReceive 15 titles. Title KingReceive 20 titles. 1 guideMedal GrabberAcquire a medal. 1 guideMedal CatcherAcquire 3 medals. 1 guideMedal CollectorAcquire 6 medals. 1 guideMedal HoarderAcquire 9 medals. Medal KingAcquire 11 medals. 2 guidesMap WalkerBattle on 5 different maps online. Map MarkerBattle on 10 different maps online. 1 guideMap TravelerBattle on 15 different maps online. 1 guideMap SpecialistBattle on 20 different maps online. 2 guides1 KillDefeat an enemy player during an online battle. 2 guides100 KillsDefeat 100 enemy players in total during online battle. 2 guides500 KillsDefeat 500 enemy players in total during online battle. 2 guides1000 KillsDefeat 1000 enemy players in total during online battle. 2 guides5000 KillsDefeat 5000 enemy players in total during online battle. 8 guides