MagnaCarta 2 Achievements Full list of all 46 MagnaCarta 2 achievements worth 1,240 gamerscore. It takes around 40-50 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 37 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 9 achievements worth 240 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 46 Offline Mode 46 Single Player 13 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 8 Collectable 8 Missable 3 Cumulative + 12 Level 6 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 1,942 1,000 37 3.847,842861 (11%)40-50h Battle of Highwind IslandComplete the battle of Highwind Island. 1 guideBattle of Oldfox CanyonComplete the battle of Oldfox Canyon. 1 guideBattle of Cota MareComplete the battle of Cota Mare. 1 guideBattle of Dunan HillComplete the battle of Dunan Hill. 1 guideBattle of Ruhalt BasinComplete the battle of Ruhalt Basin. 1 guideEscape from BelfortSuccessfully escape from Belfort. 1 guideAssault on Ruhalt PlateauComplete the assault on Ruhalt Plateau. 2 guidesGame CompletedComplete the game's main story. 2 guidesFirst Quest ClearedClear the first quest. 1 guide10 Quests ClearedClear 10 quests. 1 guide50 Quests ClearedClear 50 quests. 80 Quests ClearedClear 80 quests. All Quests ClearedClear all quests. 1 guideCo-op Technique: Juto & ZephieLearn Co-op Technique for Juto & Zephie. 1 guideCo-op Technique: Zephie & RueLearn Co-op Technique for Zephie & Rue. 1 guideCo-op Technique: Argo&CelestineLearn Co-op Technique for Argo & Celestine. 1 guideCo-op Technique: Juto & CrocellLearn Co-op Technique for Juto & Crocell. 1 guideCo-op Technique: Celestine & RueLearn Co-op Technique for Celestine & Rue. 1 guideStyle Master: 1 Handed SwordMaster Juto's 1 Handed Sword skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: 2 Handed SwordMaster Juto's 2 Handed Sword skill tree. 2 guidesStyle Master: HammerMaster Argo's Hammer skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: AxeMaster Argo's Axe skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: RodMaster Zephie's Rod skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: FanMaster Zephie's Fan skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: FireballMaster Crocell's Fireball skill tree. 2 guidesStyle Master: KnucklesMaster Crocell's Knuckle skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: AromaMaster Celestine's Aroma skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: BowMaster Celestine's Bow skill tree. 2 guidesStyle Master: KatanaMaster Rue's Katana skill tree. 1 guideStyle Master: ShurikenMaster Rue's Shuriken skill tree. 2 guidesWeapon EnhancedUse Enhancements on a weapon. 1 guideObtained Item RecipeObtain an item recipe. 1 guideObtained 6 Item RecipesObtain 6 item recipes. 1 guideObtained All Item RecipesObtain all item recipes. 1 guide100 Chain BreaksComplete 100 chain breaks. 2 guides300 Chain BreaksComplete 300 chain breaks. 500 Chain BreaksComplete 500 chain breaks. 2 guides Add-on Bonus Pack 453 240 9 2.692,113884 (42%)40-50h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Viewed Live Drama 1View Live Drama 1 "What's Wrong With Her?!" 1 guideViewed Live Drama 2View Live Drama 2 "Does Anyone Want Seconds?" 1 guideViewed Live Drama 3View Live Drama 3 "Celestine's Pet Adoption Agency" 1 guideWeapon Collector: JutoCollect all of Juto's weapons, including downloadable content. 1 guideWeapon Collector: ZephieCollect all of Zephie's weapons, including downloadable content. 1 guideWeapon Collector: ArgoCollect all of Argo's weapons, including downloadable content. 1 guideWeapon Collector: CrocellCollect all of Crocell's weapons, including downloadable content. Weapon Collector: CelestineCollect all of Celestine's weapons, including downloadable content. 1 guideWeapon Collector: RueCollect all of Rue's weapons, including downloadable content. 1 guide