Marvel's Midnight Suns Achievements Full list of all 72 Marvel's Midnight Suns achievements worth 1,510 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.The base game contains 51 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 4 DLC packs containing 21 achievements worth 510 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 72 Offline Mode 72 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 6 Collectable 4 Missable 10 Cumulative + 7 Level 3 Shop 1 External Content Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,083 1,000 51 4.2932,8971,389 (4%)60-80h Lilith ReturnsComplete the tutorial. Oshtur's GiftAcquire the "Open" Word of Power. 1 guideA Light ExtinguishedComplete the New York story missions. 1 guideBig MadComplete the Southwest story missions. Family is ForeverComplete the Transia story missions. 1 guideAre You On Superlink?Gain a Friendship Level with any hero. Did We Just Become Best Friends?Reach the maximum Friendship Level with any hero. Friendship is MagicReach the maximum Team Friendship Level in the Abbey. Hunter the ExplorerFind every Haven on the Abbey Grounds in a single campaign. 1 guideCape of Many ColorsApply a Suit palette to every Hero in a single campaign. 1 guideAnd Look Good Doing ItSpend 1500 Gloss on cosmetic options for the Hunter. 1 guideMake a House a HomePurchase 10 different upgrades for the Hunter's Quarters. 1 guideMight Need PocketsCraft a combat item at the Item Bench. Fire Burn and Cauldron BubbleUse Agatha's Cauldron to complete a Recipe. 1 guideWith a Box of ScrapsCraft a hero ability card in the Forge. You Absolute LegendComplete a Midnight Sun Challenge in the Forge. 1 guideFully OperationalBuild every Abbey upgrade in a single campaign. 1 guideThe Best GirlPet Charlie 15 days in a row. 2 guidesUnrequited LovePet Ebony on 4 different days. 1 guideExtracurricular ActivitiesAttend all Abbey Club meetings in a single campaign. 1 guideSpread the PainComplete a Daily Sparring session with every hero. 1 guideSome Minor AdjustmentsApply mods to 10 different hero abilities. T.H.R.E.A.T. EliminatedSurvive 3 turns in the THREAT Room with every hero. 3 guidesElemental, My Dear AgathaSolve the mystery of Agatha's Altar. 1 guideAtum's CallAcquire the "Reveal" Word of Power. 1 guideHyppus' AidAcquire the "Purify" Word of Power. Set's FavorAcquire the "Break" Word of Power. The KeymasterOpen 25 Arcane Chests. 1 guideWisdom of the WoodsCollect 10 of every Reagent. 1 guideA Coven RestoredSolve the mystery of Hiram Shaw's church. A Mother's GiftSolve the mystery of Lilith's Garden. 1 guideA Shining LightReach maximum Light Balance. 1 guideA Growing DarknessReach maximum Dark Balance. 1 guideFully ArmedAcquire every Hunter ability. 1 guideChallenge AcceptedComplete 10 Mission Challenges. 1 guideYou Have the LeadComplete a general mission led by every hero. 2 guidesBack in Time for LunchComplete a general mission in 2 turns or less. 1 guideWe Have WaysInterrogate 5 enemies. 1 guideKKRRAKATHOOMSpend 10 Heroism with a single ability. 3 guidesQuantity is QualityUse 8 hero abilities in a single turn. 1 guideCollateral DamageKO 4 enemies with a single environmental. 2 guidesDream TeamKO a villain with a Hero Combo. 2 guidesSpeed KillsKO a villain with a Quick ability. 1 guideKitchen SinkUse 5 environmentals in a single turn. 2 guidesWilhelm ScreamKnockback 2 enemies into Drops in a single turn. Not a ScratchComplete a general mission where no hero takes Health damage. 2 guidesPinball WizardKO multiple enemies with a single Knockback 25 times. 2 guidesNeedful ThingsUse 25 combat items. 1 guideTrading UpRedraw 75 cards. 1 guideBig GunsUse 3 different Legendary hero abilities in a single mission. 3 guidesBig Game HunterObtain all other Midnight Suns Achievements 1 guide Add-on The Good, the Bad, and the Undead 195 105 5 4.109,7772,201 (23%)6-8h The Good, the Bad, and the UndeadComplete all Deadpool story missions. 4 guidesDr. Deadpool, MD, PhD, JD, RN, CPAComplete all Deadpool Research. 4 guidesThat Special FeelingComplete Deadpool's Midnight Sun Challenge mission. Time to Make the Chimichangas!Reach maximum En Fuego with Deadpool. 3 guidesHemophobicComplete a Vampyre mission without any hero gaining Bleed from a Vampyre Bite. 1 guide Add-on Redemption 210 105 5 4.076,7021,782 (27%)6-8h RedemptionComplete all Venom story missions. 3 guidesComeback KingComplete all Venom Research. 1 guideLethal ProtectorComplete Venom's Midnight Sun Challenge mission. 1 guideNever Been SatisfiedCompletely spend and then refill Venom's Ravenous meter in a single encounter. 1 guideIt's All ConnectedModify 5 general missions using the Whisper Web. 1 guide Add-on The Hunger 210 105 5 4.226,3571,745 (27%)6-8h The HungerComplete all Morbius story missions. 2 guidesBeyond BiochemistryComplete all Morbius Research. 1 guideBond of BloodComplete Morbius' Midnight Sun Challenge mission. Living VampireUse Morbius' "Bloodlust" on the first turn, then retain Bloodlust for the rest of the mission. 3 guidesWhat's In This, Anyway?Apply stat modifications to 5 different heroes using the Laboratory. 1 guide Add-on Blood Storm 390 195 6 4.245,0371,351 (27%)6-8h Blood StormComplete all Storm story missions. 2 guidesElemental TeachingsComplete all Storm Research. 1 guideBlessings of the GoddessComplete Storm's Midnight Sun Challenge mission. 1 guidePatience, Young OnePlay 3 Storm abilities with activated Next Turn bonuses on the same turn. 1 guideShocking DevelopmentStun 4 enemies with Storm abilities in a single turn. 2 guidesDracula's TombComplete the Dracula Tomb's mission. 1 guide