The worst Cleveland Browns team ever is better than this game.I feel I gave this game more of a fair chance than most. I fully realize it was developed by a team of three people (with essentially one guy doing all the programming). I spent time in practice mode familiarizing myself with the controls, and googling or looking up on reddit when a couple aspects of the controls had me confused. Long before purchasing I even made a couple small donations to the dev team through Patreon. Probably like many others who have tried this game, I miss the NCAA series and was hoping this would be a passable way to bring back college football video gaming.
Let's start with the one positive: The customization options are decent (and are mostly unaffected by the problems with the User Interface that I will touch on later). Team info and uniform editor is alright. The logo editor is a little awkward to learn how to use at first, but gives you the ability to create just about anything you want, if you have enough patience with using the tool.
Awesome graphics don't always make an awesome game, so I can handle the graphics being poor. Ironically, the graphics are one of the few areas where this game isn't a complete failure. Yes, they look bad by 2019 standards but I didn't notice any graphics related glitches, at least not any that make the game unplayable.
In my book, poor graphics can easily be overcome with great (or even decent) gameplay. Especially considering the small team and amount of resources the developer has. But this game has far too many gameplay issues for me to want to return to it. All of which I encountered in playing one game:
Ball spotting is inaccurate. Ball is spotted where it is after the tackle, instead of factoring in forward progress. Although I must say all the Michigan fans who still whine about "the JT Barrett spot" will probably love this feature.
No interceptions ever seem to happen, ever. Neither for the user or CPU controlled teams. (In fairness, it happened one time for the CPU, out of around 300 combined pass attempts for both teams in the two games I played).
At times have gotten sacked 0.25 seconds after snapping the ball. Seriously, as quick as snapping your finger, before the receivers can take one step, I'm sacked.
QB sometimes runs into RB when dropping back to pass.
Sprint control is awkward. Press A to sprint instead of RT (with RT being the standard sprint control on pretty much every Xbox 360/One football game ever made). However, when the QB is rolling out, it's RT to sprint then. Yeah. That is so going to mess people up who are used to using RT to sprint always.
User pass defense is just awful. Have the receiver perfectly covered, press the catch button as the ball arrives, CPU WR magically catches the ball and then goes all the way for a TD because when you press catch that causes you to slow to a halt.
No user catching on offense. This isn't as big of a deal as the other things I've listed, but still would have been nice to have.
I played a second game for the purpose of knocking out as many achievements as possible. For some insane reason, you have to play 15 minute quarters to be able to unlock achievements in game at all. In this marathon second game, the CPU committed about 25 delay of game penalties, as the center would stand and walk in a circle between the quarterback and where the ball was spotted, while everyone else on the CPU was set and ready for the play to begin. I wish I was joking. What's more, when this happened where the game clock was running before the snap, the game clock would just keep on running, allowing the CPU to take whole minutes off the clock between plays unless I called timeout.
Oh, and in that one super long game I played, I got 50 rushing yards and that achievement never popped. I got 273 rushing yards in the college game but no achievement then because I didn't play 15 minute quarters. Thanks David.

I honestly think this would have been better as a sim only game, with minimal graphics .......... That's what I would be saying if the User Interface was not complete garbage.
Seriously, this definitely wins the award for the worst UI design/functionality on any video game I have ever played. Menu options are laid out strangely in certain spots. Some menus, I have to press the D-pad seven times just to go over once. Here's an example: When you first enter Dynasty mode, one of the options is grayed out before you play a single game, as it is meant to be accessed once the season begins. Unlike any UI that's been designed in the last 25+ years, I cannot arrow through it to skip past it. I seriously have to go up on the line above it, and over a couple times, and then down arrow, to do what in any other game one press of the right arrow would do. In the year 2019 there is absolutely no excuse for such a crappy UI.
Four of the achievements are permanently bugged, never been unlockable. I knew this before I started playing this. And honestly now I don't give a damn. I'm not playing this broken piece of donkey shit anymore.
Let us all hope EA (or some other competent developer) will at some point give us a playable college football game again.
Gameplay: 1/10
Graphics: 4/10
User Interface: 0/10
Achievements: 2/10
Replayability: 0.5/10 .5