Medal of Honor Achievements Full list of all 50 Medal of Honor achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 29 Offline Mode 29 Single Player 15 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 2 Difficulty Specific 1 Stackable 2 Cumulative + 1 Time/Date 2 Buggy - 21 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Multiplayer: First rotationPlay online for 15 minutes 1 guideMultiplayer: Tour of DutyPlay online for 2 hours 2 guidesMultiplayer: Heavy Fire SupportFire 1000 bullets in a round (awarded at end of round) 5 guidesMultiplayer: Boot campPlay once as each class (min 2 min) 2 guidesMultiplayer: Mission TrainingPlay Combat Mission 1 guideMultiplayer: Assault TrainingPlay Team Assault 2 guidesMultiplayer: Secure TrainingPlay Sector Control 1 guideMultiplayer: Raid TrainingPlay Objective Raid 3 guidesMultiplayer: EnlistedReach level 2 in any class 1 guideMultiplayer: VeteranReach level 4 in any class 1 guideMultiplayer: Triple CanopyReach level 8 in one class 1 guideMultiplayer: Mission SpecialistPlay two hours of Combat Mission 2 guidesMultiplayer: Assault SpecialistPlay two hours of Team Assault 1 guideMultiplayer: Secure SpecialistPlay two hours of Sector Control 1 guideMultiplayer: Raid SpecialistPlay two hours of Objective Raid 3 guidesMultiplayer: Forward SpotterDeploy a missile strike support action (awarded at end of round) 1 guideMultiplayer: Fire ControllerUse each offensive support action once (awarded at end of round) 9 guidesMultiplayer: QuartermasterGet 1000 support points 1 guideMultiplayer: Tier 1Reach top level in one class 5 guidesMultiplayer: High AchieverBe top 3 on the scoreboard ten times 5 guidesFirst IncisionSingleplayer: Complete First In 1 guideWelcome to the TOCSingleplayer: Complete Breaking Bagram 1 guideDevelop the SituationSingleplayer: Complete Running with Wolves... 1 guideUnexpected GuestsSingleplayer: Complete Dorothy's a Bitch 1 guideFull Battle RattleSingleplayer: Complete Belly of the Beast 1 guideBad Guy JamboreeSingleplayer: Complete Gunfighters 1 guideFriends From AfarSingleplayer: Complete Friends From Afar 1 guideCliffhanger...Singleplayer: Complete Compromised 1 guideS.E.R.E.Singleplayer: Complete Neptune's Net 1 guideEight Heroes AboardSingleplayer: Complete Rescue the Rescuers 1 guideSmooth OperatorSingleplayer: In First In, Kill the Hostage Taker with a Head Shot 2 guidesThe SledgehammerSingleplayer: In Breaking Bagram, destroy 2 vehicles with a single 2000 lb Laser Guided Bomb 2 guidesDropping DeuceSingleplayer: Jump 7.5 meters high on the ATV 4 guidesFear the ReaperSingleplayer: In Dorothy's a Bitch, destroy the entire AQ Camp with the AC-130 2 guidesManic SuppressionSingleplayer: In Belly of the Beast, defeat the DShK in under two minutes 4 guidesIt Takes A Village...OutSingleplayer: Destroy 30 buildings in Gunfighters Village 5 guidesLike a SurgeonSingleplayer: While long range sniping, hit one of every bodypart 4 guidesFeeding the PigSingleplayer: In Compromised, get 15 kills with the M60 3 guidesThe Quiet ProfessionalSingleplayer: In Neptune's Net, eliminate 13 enemies without alerting anyone 3 guidesTimber!Singleplayer: In Rescue the Rescuers, chop down 5 trees with the Minigun 2 guidesThe Battle is Won...Singleplayer: Finish the game on Easy, Normal or Hard 1 guide...But the War Rages On.Singleplayer: Finish the game on Hard 5 guidesConspicuous GallantrySingleplayer: Finish every level in the game on Tier 1 Mode under par time 3 guidesThe ScalpelSingleplayer: Achieve 20 total knife kills 2 guidesPistol Pete ShowdownSingleplayer: Get a total of 30 pistol kills 2 guidesRight in the Grape...Singleplayer: Get 7 headshots in a row with any weapon except the long range sniper rifle. 8 guidesCrowd ControlSingleplayer: Kill 5 enemies at once with a single hand grenade 5 guidesRangers Lead the WaySingleplayer: Finish all of Dante's missions 1 guideNever QuitSingleplayer: Finish all of Rabbit's missions 1 guideHave a Good OneSingleplayer: Finish all of Deuce's missions 1 guide