Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Achievements Full list of all 60 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance achievements worth 1,310 gamerscore.The base game contains 50 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 10 achievements worth 310 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 60 Offline Mode 60 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 10 Difficulty Specific 6 Collectable 1 Missable 20 Cumulative + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 4,223 1,000 50 4.05108,565905 (1%)20-25h File R-00: Status - ClosedComplete File R-00: Guard Duty. 2 guidesFile R-01: Status - ClosedComplete File R-01: Coup d'État. 1 guideFile R-02: Status - ClosedComplete File R-02: Research Facility. File R-03: Status - ClosedComplete File R-03: Mile High. 1 guideFile R-04: Status - ClosedComplete File R-04: Hostile Takeover. 1 guideFile R-05: Status - ClosedComplete File R-05: Escape From Denver. 1 guideFile R-06: Status - ClosedComplete File R-06: Badlands Showdown. 1 guideFile R-07: Status - ClosedComplete File R-07: Assassination Attempt. 1 guideStormbringerComplete story mode on Revengeance difficulty with all S rankings. 3 guidesSteel TailCut off Metal Gear RAY's metal tail during File R-00. 3 guidesNo Flash Photography!Destroy all the Gun Cameras in File R-01. 3 guidesDwarf RaidenIncapacitate all the soldiers in File R-02 using a Dwarf Gekko. 3 guidesA Walk in the DarkComplete the abandoned railroad sequence in File R-03 without using AR Mode. 5 guidesMenace to SocietyCut off the finial at the top of the pagoda in File R-04. 6 guidesGreat EscapeComplete File R-05 in less than 7 minutes. 2 guidesSurprise Attack!Arrive at the objective in File R-07 without being spotted. 3 guidesProdigal MurdererDefeat ????? without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 4 guidesGenius DestroyerDefeat ????? without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 5 guidesTruly HumanDefeat ????? without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 5 guidesChosen by HistoryDefeat ????? without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 4 guidesThe Politics of Silencing FoesDefeat ????? without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 2 guidesAnti-Cyborg SentimentDestroy a total of 100 Cyborgs during story mode. 1 guideThe Bigger They Are...Destroy a total of 100 Custom Cyborgs during story mode. 1 guideDemilitarized ZoneDestroy a total of 100 Heavily Armed Cyborgs during story mode. 2 guidesHerpetophobiaDestroy a total of 10 Gekkos during story mode. 1 guideSilverbackDestroy a total of 10 Mastiffs during story mode. 1 guideExtinction Level EventDestroy a total of 10 Raptors during story mode. 1 guidePond ScumDestroy a total of 5 Vodomjerka during story mode. 1 guideWolf HunterDestroy a total of 10 Fenrirs during story mode. 2 guidesSlider StrikeDestroy a total of 10 Sliders during story mode. 1 guideJumping the SharkDestroy a total of 10 Hammerheads during story mode. 3 guidesLooking Out for the Little GuysDestroy a total of 30 Dwarf Gekkos during story mode. 1 guideTearing Away the DisguiseDestroy all of the humanoid Dwarf Gekkos during story mode. 1 guideDatsu RightSuccessfully complete 50 Zandatsus during story mode. 1 guideWhat Doesn't Kill You...In story mode, successfully parry 10 attacks in a row in one minute or less. 3 guidesAssassin Behind Closed DoorsSuccessfully complete 30 Ninja Kills during story mode. 1 guideYou Don't Run from ChanceSuccessfully complete 50 Executions during story mode. 2 guidesA Lover, Not a FighterSuccessfully complete 10 No Kill battles during story mode. 5 guidesAssault with a Deadly WeaponDismember three enemies during Blade Mode with a single attack. 5 guidesRip 'Em Apart!In story mode, kill 100 enemies by cutting them. 1 guideLove at First SightWhile remotely operating a Dwarf Gekko in story mode, find and communicate with all Dwarf Gekkos. 3 guidesIch Liebe Kapitalismus!Acquire all customization items. 3 guidesA Big Fan of LeftiesAcquire all enemy officers' left arms. 2 guidesAmateur Radio OperatorListen to most of the codec conversations. 1 guidePeekabooDiscover all of the soldiers hidden in cardboard boxes. 2 guidesData MiningAcquire all data storage devices. 1 guideHumanitarian AssistanceRescue all the civilians. 1 guideAnalysis CompleteUnlock every VR Mission. 1 guideVR MasterComplete every VR Mission. Virtually FlawlessSet the highest score on every VR Mission. 2 guides Add-on VR Mission Expansion 412 110 2 2.46556550 (99%)6-8h DL-VR MasterComplete every DL-VR Mission. Hero of the MetaverseSet the highest score on every DL-VR Mission. 1 guide Add-on Jetstream 591 100 4 3.6115,486752 (5%)3-4h DL-Story-01: Status - ClosedComplete DL-Story-01: Jetstream. 1 guideYou're HiredDefeat Sen. Armstrong without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 1 guideMaster of the WindComplete DL-Story-01: Jetstream on Revengeance difficulty in one hour or less. 4 guidesDraw, Pardner!Defeat 100 enemies in DL-Story-01: Jetstream's Story Mode using Quick Draw. 2 guides Add-on Blade Wolf 493 100 4 3.7012,149850 (7%)2-3h DL-Story-02: Status - ClosedComplete DL-Story-02: Blade Wolf. 1 guideWolf's PrideDefeat Khamsin without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above. 2 guidesFangs of FuryComplete DL-Story-02: Blade Wolf on Revengeance difficulty in one hour or less. 2 guidesPredatory InstinctsDefeat 30 enemies in DL-Story-02: Blade Wolf via Hunt Kills. 1 guide