Metal Gear Solid HD Edition: 2 & 3 Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Metal Gear Solid HD Edition: 2 & 3 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Grouping All achievements Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 19 Main Storyline 1 Difficulty Specific 5 Collectable 21 Missable 3 Cumulative + 1 Level 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 2 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Down in SmokeDisorient an enemy with a cloud of smoke from a fire extinguisher 2 guidesSextingSend Otacon a picture of the marine with no pants 2 guidesI Think You Need a Hug, EFind Emma Emmerich 1 guideDon't Taze Me, BroTranquilize 100 enemies 4 guidesNothing PersonalBreak the neck of 30 enemies 1 guideRent MoneyBeat 30 enemies unconscious 4 guidesPiece of CakeComplete a VR or Alternative mission 1 guideJohnny on the SpotHear Johnny's bowel noises in two locations 4 guidesKissing BoothKiss a poster in a locker 3 guidesSnake BeaterGet caught by Otacon stimulating yourself 2 guidesSpaghetti CinemaMeet Revolver 1 guideSteel GripAttain grip level 3 6 guidesLights OutDefeat Olga Gurlukovich 2 guidesParty's OverDefeat Fatman 1 guideNo-Fly ZoneDestroy the AV-88 Harrier II 2 guidesNo Ray, JoséDefeat Metal Gear RAY 2 guidesAnother Snake Bites the DustDefeat Solidus Snake 2 guidesVampire SlayerDefeat Vamp 2 guidesWho Ya Gonna Call?Take a clear photograph of the ghost image in Hold No. 2 2 guidesNo Boss of MineComplete Boss Survival 2 guidesTell Me a TaleComplete all Snake Tales 1 guideGreat DaneCollect all dog tags 6 guidesA Cut AboveBeat the Tanker and Plant chapters on any difficulty 1 guideVirtually ImpossibleComplete all VR and Alternative missions 2 guidesYoung GunSubmit Ocelot 1 guidePain ReliefDefeat The Pain 1 guideIf It Bleeds, We Can Kill ItDefeat The Fear 2 guidesThe EndDefeat The End 1 guideHouston, We HAD a ProblemDefeat The Fury 1 guideRiver of PainDefeat The Sorrow 1 guideShagadelicDefeat Shagohod 2 guidesGroundedDefeat Volgin in a fist fight 1 guideThe PatriotDefeat The Boss 1 guideMama SaidCQC Slam a guard and knock him out 2 guidesLike He Just Doesn't CareCQC Hold up an enemy 4 guidesClose ShaveCQC Slit an enemy's throat 3 guidesSnake EyesSee all of the first-person views that are not indicated by the RB button icon 2 guidesRalph CalledMake Snake throw up 3 guidesCan I Keep It?Capture any animal alive 1 guideSnake EaterEat a snake of any type 1 guideA Good Man Is Hard to FindAchieve a camouflage index of 100% 2 guidesProblem Solved, Series OverCreate the Ocelot Time Paradox 3 guidesBelieve It or NotCatch a Tsuchinoko (mythical serpent) 5 guidesFashionistaFind every type of camouflage 1 guideOnly Skin DeepFind every type of face paint 1 guideThe Early EndKill The End before the boss battle 2 guidesKing of the JungleObtain title of MARKHOR 2 guidesIt Ain't Easy Being GreenFind all 64 Kerotans 2 guidesLike a BossFinish the game on any difficulty 1 guidePEACE WALKERFinish game without killing anyone 5 guides