Perfect 10 came to a standstill
by 吊打小逗比
"Dragonslayer" Event Incoming
by UprootedGosling
Achievement progress totally stalled on PC
by Bedeviling1
Help Choose Microsoft's Next Casual Title
by Matrarch
Event and Star club games not count for achievos?
by nad destroyer
Trouble with the achievements
by RaumArt
Other Games Like This?
by xuxicroptop
In-Game Solver
by BionicTriforce
Unable To Access Daily Challenges? [FIXED]
by Dresden N7
Is anyone else having an issue signing in?
by Apostle92627
FreeCell Confusion
by Kyotowalled
Guard Duty Glitched? Help
by Bort Bortson
Is Expedition Leader bugged?
by ShazamFTW
Random achievement popped when playing for the first time
by DaithixPxD
3:14 Spider Expert Event for today (23 Aug)
by Aura Battler
Achievement levels
by Murray Sobol
Event Friend Leaderboard
by Prattalmighty
Solitaire World Tour TriPeaks Challenge #28
by OniNoIsha
Is XP bonus new?
by Moe GZ
2022-4-15 Event achievements are not unlocked.
by Lyy7512
Achievement didnt Unlock
by Woolyguy24
Marathon mid month
by Erickson187
Anyone else having trouble cancelling premium?
by Doc Buddha
Syncing Questions
by Vaulkos
Perfect 10 not tracking correctly
by atryeu1
Achievements glitched
4 piece silk suit achievement
by Razor8674
Achievement Help/Alert thread!
by ShadyShall
Premium now included with Game Pass Ultimate!
by Xterm1n8or
Is their a way to find a Windows Phone Installer of this version of the game?
by Trevioso
Pyramid double XP
What's the fastest way to get level 200 in a category?
Ads Need Changing
by VisibleRaptor5
Is anyone else getting a game crash on the DLC themed Star Club packs?
by planchetflaw
New achievements?
events/bracelet question
by NativeB1ood
Resetting of Stat Data
Title Update in Microsoft Solitaire Collection (UWP) achievements found
by TrueAchievement
There's a timed mode? achievement impossible to unlock now?
by Johnny Hugz
This works on Win10 just fine
by JGODZ1206
Is this completeable on Ios & Win10?
Can’t connect to achievements
by jebuscamps
Award trackers not updating at all
by ijiekmotors
WP vs UWP vs WIN10 vs Android
by Leo Ascendent
Cloud sync issues / solution
by MakeMeACoffee
Klondike wins no longer counting
by intheshallow
Backgrounds not rotating
by ttfp saylow
Synchronization between Win8.1/WP8.1/Win10/Win10M Versions