by szaszumi
Servers may be finally down (Oct 7th)
by TiringStew72877
Taptiles (Windows) Flag Changes
by TrueAchievement
Reminder: Windows 8 Microsoft Casual Games servers closing on April 5th
by BadRubberPiggy
The Full List of the 20 Medals and their Requirements
by VisibleRaptor5
Taptiles online servers to be retired in April?
by planchetflaw
Taptiles (Win 8) Server Closure changes
Best cheap tablet to play this on?
by TrapMuzik99
Dash Game Not Loading
by Trevioso
Windows 10 Version: Achievements In Future?
by BulgyDragonZord
Taptiles (Win 8) Multi-Genre Discussion
Ads not showing - not recieving time bonus
by Srfsmurf
Taptiles showing up as recently played
by Serukis
DLC is currently free.
by mosin360
Microsoft Announces First Wave of Windows 8 Titles
by Lexual
How do I remove win 8 games off my gamertag?
by RadioactiveSkin
Taptiles running chunky as hell
by Brooklyn Gin
DLC; where is it?
by SaltyTON
Progress reset
by aLifeGam3r
Daily Challenges score maxes out at 10,000
by HairlessGrub7
Microsoft Details Their Windows 8 Beta Games
by punkyliar
For best enjoyment read here
by ScottMacFreedom