Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Xbox 360) Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 5 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 7 Level 3 Shop 1 Time/Date 1 Buggy + Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Paths of the DeadCollect 25% of the Artifacts. Crowned with Living LightCollect 50% of the Ithildin. Stinking RebelsBrand 5 Bodyguards of a Warchief, turning them against him in combat. 1 guideThe Maker's BowComplete all Azkâr Legend Missions. Legend of the MakerComplete a Bow Mission and begin growing the legend of Azkâr. 1 guideStrike TrueUnlock 2 Bow Rune slots. 1 guideGorthaur the CruelDestroy the Monument Gate and topple the statue of Sauron. 1 guideThe Last ShadowComplete all Acharn Legend Missions. Legend of ShadowComplete a Dagger Mission and begin growing the legend of Acharn. 1 guidePaid in BloodUnlock 4 Dagger Rune slots. 1 guideHeight of DespairUse Strike From Above while at least 60 feet above your target. 3 guidesYou Will ObeyMake an uruk yours. 1 guideBlack CelebrationPoison a Captain at his own Feast. 2 guidesMemories of EregionActivate all Forge Towers. Jaws of DeathAttract caragors with bait 5 times. 1 guideThe Bright MasterDiscover some of the Wraith's past. 1 guideFly you fools!Make 20 uruks flee by dropping Morgai Fly nests. 1 guideIron of DeathIssue a Death Threat, and then successfully kill the target. 2 guidesUnleashedFree 5 caragors from cages. 1 guideThe Spirit of MordorStart a Riot by commanding a Warchief to attack another Warchief. 1 guideScout of the MorannonSuccessfully complete a Survivalist Challenge. 1 guideThrill of the HuntSuccessfully complete 4 Hunting Challenges. 1 guideLord and MasterBrand all 5 Warchiefs. 1 guideAnd it Burns, Burns, BurnsUse the Detonate ability to burn 50 uruks. 1 guideThe White RiderLiberate 20 slaves in 300 seconds while riding a caragor. 3 guidesBeyond HopeSave Lithariel's life. 1 guideDivide and ConquerEliminate the bodyguards of two Warchiefs, then draw them out and kill them. To Rule them AllWitness the creation of The Rings of Power. A New MasterBrand a Captain while in combat. 3 guidesBearer of the Shining LampCollect 100% of the Ithildin. Ranger of IthilienComplete all Survivalist Challenges. Master of the WildsComplete all Hunting Challenges. 2 guidesThe Free FolkComplete an Outcast Rescue Mission. LiberatorComplete all Outcast Rescue Missions. 2 guidesA Mighty DoomAcquire a level 25 Rune. 2 guidesPower VacuumKill all 5 Warchiefs before any uruk take their place. 4 guidesShadows of the Ancient PastCollect 100% of the Artifacts and listen to their memories. 2 guidesRatbag the Great and PowerfulGet Ratbag promoted to Warchief. No Power in NumbersHelp a Captain survive a Recruitment Power Struggle, and then kill him and all his new recruits. 3 guidesFire of JusticeComplete all Urfael Legend Missions. Legend of VengeanceComplete a Sword Mission and begin growing the legend of Urfael. 1 guideThe Cold LightUnlock 3 Sword Rune slots. 1 guideThe White WizardLift Lady Marwen's curse. The Hand is SeveredKill The Black Hand. 1 guideFor My BrotherKill the Great White Graug. 1 guideRise and FallAfter an uruk kills you to become a Captain, help him become a Warchief, then kill him. 2 guidesThe Tower CrumblesKill The Tower. 1 guideThe Hammer FallsKill The Hammer. 1 guideBurning VengeancePerform an Execution on a flaming Berserker. 4 guidesA Graug's HeelCapitalize on a Warchief's Fear. 1 guide