Minecraft Achievements Full list of all 130 Minecraft achievements worth 2,950 gamerscore. It takes around 30-35 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One.The base game contains 79 achievements worth 1,750 Gamerscore, and there are 15 DLC packs containing 51 achievements worth 1,200 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Grouping All achievements Update Alpha 0.12.0 Update Alpha 0.14.0: Overworld Update Update Alpha 0.15.0: Friendly Update Update Alpha 0.16.0: Boss Update Update 1.0.0: Ender Update Update 1.0.4: Villager Trading Update 1.1.0: Discovery Update Update 1.4.0: Update Aquatic - Phase One Update 1.5.0: Update Aquatic - Phase Two Update 1.8.0: Cats & Pandas Update 1.10.0: R10 Update Update 1.11.0: Village & Pillage Update 1.11.1: Village & Pillage Update 1.13.0: Suspicious Stew Update 1.14.0: Buzzy Bees DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 130 Online/Offline 128 Single Player 130 Cooperative 2 Main Storyline 20 Difficulty Specific 8 Collectable 5 Cumulative + 1 Cumulative - 2 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 3,564 1,750 79 4.35678,56536,028 (5%)30-35h Acquire HardwareSmelt an iron ingot. 2 guidesArcherKill a Creeper with a Bow and Arrows. 2 guidesBake BreadTurn wheat into bread. 1 guideBenchmakingCraft a Crafting Table with four blocks of wooden planks. 2 guidesBody GuardCreate an Iron Golem 3 guidesCamouflageKill a mob while wearing the same type of mob head. 4 guidesChestful of CobblestoneMine 1,728 Cobblestone and place it in a chest. 3 guidesCow TipperHarvest some leather. 2 guidesDelicious FishCatch and cook a fish! 2 guidesDiamonds to you!Throw diamonds at another player. 1 guideDIAMONDS!Acquire diamonds with your iron tools. 2 guidesDispense With ThisConstruct a Dispenser. 1 guideEnchanterConstruct an Enchantment Table. 2 guidesFreight StationUse a Hopper to move an item from a Chest Minecart to a Chest. 3 guidesGetting an UpgradeConstruct a better pickaxe. 1 guideGetting WoodPunch a tree until a block of wood pops out. 4 guidesHave a Shearful DayUse Shears to obtain wool from a sheep. 2 guidesHot TopicConstruct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks. 1 guideInto FireRelieve a Blaze of its rod. 1 guideInto the NetherConstruct a Nether Portal. 2 guidesIron BellyStop starvation using Rotten Flesh. 2 guidesIron ManWear a full suit of Iron Armor. 1 guideIt's a Sign!Craft and place an Oak Sign. 1 guideLeader of the PackBefriend five wolves. 2 guidesLibrarianBuild some bookshelves to improve your enchantment table. 1 guideLion HunterGain the trust of an Ocelot. 2 guidesLocal BreweryBrew a potion. 2 guidesMap RoomPlace 9 fully explored, adjacent map items into 9 item frames in a 3 by 3 square. 7 guidesMOAR ToolsConstruct one type of each tool. 1 guideMonster HunterAttack and destroy a monster. 2 guidesOn A RailTravel by minecart to a point at least 500m in a single direction from where you started. 1 guideOverkillDeal nine hearts of damage in a single hit. 1 guidePassing the TimePlay for 100 days. 2 guidesPork ChopCook and eat a porkchop. 3 guidesPot PlanterCraft and place a Flower Pot. 3 guidesRainbow CollectionGather all 16 colors of wool. 2 guidesRenewable EnergySmelt wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal. 4 guidesRepopulationBreed two cows with wheat. 2 guidesReturn to SenderDestroy a Ghast with a fireball. 2 guidesSmelt Everything!Connect 3 Chests to a single Furnace using 3 Hoppers. 4 guidesSniper DuelKill a Skeleton with a Bow and Arrows from more than 50 meters. 6 guidesStayin' FrostySwim in lava while having the Fire Resistance effect. 1 guideTaking InventoryOpen your inventory. 9 guidesTaste of Your Own MedicinePoison a witch with a splash potion. 1 guideThe LieBake a cake using: wheat, sugar, milk and eggs. 2 guidesTime to Farm!Make a Hoe. 2 guidesTime to Mine!Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe. 2 guidesTime to Strike!Use planks and sticks to make a sword. 2 guidesTrampolineBounce 30 blocks upward off a slime block. 3 guidesZombie DoctorCure a zombie villager. 6 guidesTie Dye OutfitUse a cauldron to dye all 4 unique pieces of leather armor. 3 guidesAdventuring TimeDiscover 17 biomes. 2 guidesWhen Pigs FlyUse a saddle to ride a pig, and then have the pig get hurt from fall damage while riding it. 3 guidesInceptionPush a piston with a piston, then pull the original piston with that piston. 3 guidesSaddle UpTame a horse. 1 guideArtificial SelectionBreed a mule from a horse and a donkey. 4 guidesFree DiverStay underwater for 2 minutes 5 guidesOverpoweredEat an Enchanted Apple 8 guidesRabbit SeasonCook and eat Rabbit Meat 2 guidesThe Beginning?Spawn the Wither 1 guideThe Deep EndDefeat an Elder Guardian 2 guidesDry SpellDry a sponge in a furnace 2 guidesThe BeaconatorCreate and fully power a Beacon 3 guidesSuper FuelPower a Furnace with Lava 1 guideThe Beginning.Kill the Wither 2 guidesThe End?Enter an End Portal 3 guidesThe EndKill the Ender Dragon 1 guideBeam Me UpTeleport over 100 meters from a single throw of an Ender Pearl 3 guidesThe End... Again...Respawn the Ender Dragon 1 guideGreat View From Up HereLevitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker 7 guidesSuper SonicUse Elytra to fly through a 1 by 1 gap while moving faster than 40 m/s 3 guidesYou Need a MintCollect dragons breath in a glass bottle 3 guidesThe HagglerAcquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading with villagers. 1 guideSo I Got That Going for MeLead a Caravan containing at least 5 Llamas 2 guidesLet It Go!Using the Frost Walker boots, walk on at least 1 block on frozen water on a deep ocean 4 guidesFeeling IllDefeat an Evoker 3 guidesCheating DeathUse the Totem of Undying to cheat death 4 guidesOrganizational WizardName a Shulker Box with an Anvil 1 guideTreasure HunterAcquire a map from a cartographer villager, then enter the revealed structure 8 guides Update Update 1.4.0: Update Aquatic - Phase One 417 200 8 3.82382,40951,315 (13%)1-2h Atlantis?Find an underwater ruin 3 guidesSail the 7 SeasVisit all ocean biomes 5 guidesCastawayEat nothing but dried kelp for three in-game days 2 guidesAhoy!Find a shipwreck 5 guidesI am a Marine BiologistCollect a fish in a bucket 4 guidesMe Gold!Dig up a buried treasure 10 guidesSleep with the FishesSpend a day underwater. 13 guidesAlternative FuelPower a furnace with a dried kelp block 3 guides Update Update 1.5.0: Update Aquatic - Phase Two 291 120 4 3.89208,94265,035 (31%)0-0.5h Do a Barrel Roll!Use Riptide to give yourself a boost 4 guidesOne Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, FourPlace four Sea Pickles in a group 7 guidesMoskstraumenActivate a Conduit 3 guidesEcholocationFeed a dolphin fish to have it lead you to treasure 3 guides Update Update 1.8.0: Cats & Pandas 203 80 3 3.71171,32657,916 (34%)0-0.5h ZoologistBreed two pandas with bamboo. 5 guidesTop of the WorldPlace scaffolding to the world limit. 6 guidesWhere have you been?Receive a gift from a tamed cat in the morning. 6 guides Update Update 1.10.0: R10 Update 62 20 1 3.6369,14369,146 (100%)0-0.5h Fruit on the LoomMake a banner using an Enchanted Apple Stencil 7 guides Update Update 1.11.0: Village & Pillage 346 180 7 3.79368,15057,768 (16%)0-0.5h Plethora of CatsBefriend twenty stray cats. 4 guidesKill the Beast!Defeat a Ravager. 5 guidesBuy Low, Sell HighTrade for the best possible price. 6 guidesDisenchantedUse a Grindstone to get experience from an enchanted item. 3 guidesWe're being attacked!Trigger a Pillager Raid. 3 guidesSound the Alarm!Ring the bell in a village after a villager has been hurt. 8 guidesI've got a bad feeling about thisKill a Pillager Captain. 5 guides Update Update 1.11.1: Village & Pillage 93 30 1 3.0970,19470,198 (100%)0-0.5h Master TraderTrade for 1,000 Emeralds. 7 guides Update Update 1.13.0: Suspicious Stew 54 20 1 3.5592,46992,475 (100%)0-0.5h Time for StewGive someone a suspicious stew. 3 guides Update Update 1.14.0: Buzzy Bees 208 75 3 3.81122,93664,535 (52%)0-0.5h Bee our guestUse a Campfire to collect Honey from a Beehive using a Bottle without aggravating the bees. 3 guidesTotal BeelocationMove and place a Bee Nest, with 3 bees inside, using Silk Touch. 2 guidesSticky SituationSlide down a honey block to slow your fall. 2 guides Update Update 1.16.0: Nether Update 285 125 4 3.98211,34261,369 (29%)0-0.5h BullseyeHit the bullseye of a Target block 7 guidesCover me in debrisWear a full set of Netherite armor 6 guidesOooh, shiny!Distract a Piglin using gold 7 guidesHot tourist destinationVisit all Nether biomes 3 guides Update Update 1.17.0: Caves and Cliffs: Part 1 304 80 3 3.6868,06633,352 (49%)0-0.5h Wax on, Wax offApply and remove Wax from all the Copper blocks!!! 3 guidesWhatever Floats Your GoatGet in a boat and float with a goat 4 guidesThe Healing Power of Friendship!Team up with an axolotl and win a fight 8 guides Update Update 1.18.0: Caves and Cliffs: Part 2 326 80 4 3.6757,15030,405 (53%)0-0.5h Feels Like HomeTake a Strider for a loooong ride on a lava lake in the Overworld. 3 guidesSound of MusicMake the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a jukebox. 5 guidesStar traderTrade with a villager at the build height limit. 3 guidesCaves and CliffsFree fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive. 4 guides Update Update 1.19.0: The Wild Update 234 60 4 3.45107,20827,508 (26%)0-0.5h Sneak 100Sneak next to a Sculk Sensor without triggering it 2 guidesIt SpreadsKill a mob next to a catalyst 3 guidesBirthday SongHave an Allay drop a cake at a note block 4 guidesWith Our Powers Combined!Have all 3 froglights in your inventory 5 guides Update Update 1.20.0: Trails & Tales 274 50 3 3.4230,78319,516 (63%)0-0.5h Planting the pastPlant any Sniffer seed 2 guidesCareful restorationMake a Decorated Pot out of 4 Pottery Sherds 3 guidesSmithing with styleApply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder 4 guides Update Update 1.21.0: Tricky Trials 357 60 4 3.5731,46113,325 (42%)0-0.5h RevaultingUnlock an Ominous Vault with an Ominous Trial Key 3 guidesCrafters Crafting CraftersBe near a Crafter when it crafts a Crafter 1 guideWho Needs Rockets?Use a Wind Charge to launch yourself upward 8 blocks 3 guidesOver-OverkillDeal 50 hearts of damage in a single hit using the Mace 3 guides Update Update 1.21.50: The Garden Awakens 199 20 1 3.358,0088,009 (100%)0-0.5h Heart TransplanterPlace a Creaking Heart with the correct alignment between two Pale Oak Log blocks 4 guides