Minion Masters Achievements Full list of all 38 Minion Masters achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 80-100 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 2 Offline Mode 13 Online Mode 23 Online/Offline 25 Single Player 34 Versus 3 Missable 20 Cumulative + 4 Shop 3 Online Skill 5 Time/Date 1 Time Consuming 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Stone LeagueReach the Stone League. The Silver LeagueReach the Silver League. 1 guideThe Bronze LeagueReach the Bronze League. Tactics StudySpectate another in-match player. 2 guidesSupreme!Claim 5 Achievements 1 guideSpell SlingerPlay 5 spells in a row during an online Match and then win. 2 guidesSupreme CrafterCraft a Supreme card. 1 guideResource MasterUse 100000 Gold. 2 guidesResource ManagerUse 10000 Gold. 1 guideResource GathererUse 1000 Gold. 1 guideRare CrafterCraft a Rare card. 1 guideRanked WinnerWin 3 Ranked Battles. 1 guideRanked ObliteratorWin 100 Ranked Battles. 1 guideRanked MasterWin 500 Ranked Battles. 2 guidesRanked ConquerorWin 10 Ranked Battles. 1 guideRanked AnnihilatorWin 50 Ranked Battles. 1 guidePower MasterUse 250 Power Tokens. 1 guidePower ManagerUse 100 Power Tokens. Power GathererUse 25 Power Tokens. 1 guideNovice CollectionAcquire a collection of 50 cards. Master CollectionAcquire a collection of 100 cards. Legendary!Complete 15 Achievements. 1 guideLegendary Royale!Complete 30 Achievements. 1 guideLegendary CrafterCraft a Legendary Card. 2 guidesKnow it allWin a Ranked battle with 8 different Masters. 1 guideFriend ChallengerPlay a friendly challenge with 3 different friends. 1 guideDefeat them allWin against 8 different Masters. 1 guideDeck MakerCreate 3 decks. 1 guideDaily WinnerComplete 3 Daily Quests. 1 guideDaily ObliteratorComplete 50 Daily Quests. Daily MasterComplete 100 Daily Quests. Daily ConquerorComplete 10 Daily Quests. 1 guideDaily AnnihilatorComplete 25 Daily Quests. 1 guideCommon CrafterCraft a Common card. 1 guideClose oneWin a Ranked Battle with less than 100 Health left. 1 guideChallenge completed!Complete 1 Practice Match on Hard. 1 guideChallenge accepted!Complete 1 Practice Match on Medium. 1 guideApprentice CollectionAcquire a collection of 25 cards.