To start off, open the Skill Driving events and complete the first course for the Forest and Urban areas. You should have no difficulty earning three stars, but even if you only earn one, you’ll unlock Got Some Skills when you finish the first course. Make sure to earn three on both, though. You’ll need three stars on a lot of courses to unlock more courses.
Next, complete the first of the three Stadium mode events on Angel Stadium, Everbank Field, and Georgia Dome. You’ll unlock Rookie Racer for your first stadium mode win. You can only get two or three stars in the Stadium Mode races when you win, as one star means only winning one of the three rounds and losing overall. These are extremely easy to win, as you get a head start over the AI opponent, even on the higher difficulty ones. Just go slow over hills and around turns, and you should have no trouble. You’ll unlock Rookie Racer after your first win in Angel Stadium.
Head back into Skill Driving mode and complete the first one in the Desert area. After that, if you don’t have 10,000 points yet, repeat any skill driving event that you’ve already done and get three stars until you do. Once you have 10,000 points, unlock Grave Digger in the menus before the next event. Do not purchase Grave Digger – The Legend. Scroll all the way to the back and purchase the black version of Grave Digger with the green flames. This is one for the Back from the Grave achievement.
Keep replaying Skill Mode – Urban on very easy (the first event in the Urban area) a few times to upgrade Grave Digger twice so that you unlock two speed boosts, which will help three-star upcoming events as well as count toward one of the two cumulative achievements. Once you’ve got the speed boosts unlocked, start Stunt Mode – Forest – Jump. Fail miserably (don’t even get enough distance for one star) to unlock No Teeth.
Run it again and try to get enough distance with what little upgrades you have (two speed boosts, presumably) to get one star and unlock No Hands for your first stunt mode victory.
Complete Stunt Mode – Forest – Precision. You’ll likely only be able to get one star the first time, as you’ll need multiple speed boosts and a super jump to 3-star it. Continue on with the following:
Stunt Mode – Forest – Destruction – you need to destroy 20 cars by the end. Navigate the hills carefully and make sure to save a speed boost for the ramp so you clear the riverbed. You should be able to get the 3 stars even with only one or two speed boost upgrades. I did it with two with Grave Digger.
Stunt Mode – Forest – Challenge – You’ll likely only get two stars here for now. Three is possible, but my truck kept falling apart due to rewinding too much to get the first two stars, so I didn’t have enough durability left to make it to the final jump for star 3. Don’t stress over it now. We’ll be coming back to 3-star things later once we’re fully upgraded.
At this point, you should have 25 or 26 stars depending on whether you got one or two stars in the first Forests stunt.
Stunt – Urban – Jump – If you’ve earned your first superjump upgrade by now, you should get two stars easily.
Stunt – Urban – Precision – With a speed boost and the first superjump just before the end of the final ramp, you should be able to reach the red landing zone and nab 3 stars on this one.
Stunt – Urban – Destruction – Another one easy enough to get three stars on even without being fully upgraded. Just destroy 12 cars and make it to the finish line before time runs out. Be careful on the ramps not to flip, and use rewind if you do. Don’t worry about trying to take the upper path. There are enough cars on the lower one.
Stunt – Urban – Challenge – This one’s annoying to 3-star. Destroy 3 vehicles near the start, then when you reach the long downward ramp near the end, stop at the top of it. You’ll need 4 speed boosts and one super jump. Use two boosts going down the ramp, two more boosts across the flat at the bottom, and then your super jump on the longjump ramp. You need to go very far (jump distance around 450 feet), and land on top of the far building. You also need to make sure you ‘wreck’ by pushing the left thumbstick so that you tumble into the target for the 3rd star. Otherwise, it will just end if you ‘stick’ the landing on the roof, giving you only two stars.
Replay Stunt – Urban – Jump and get 3 stars now. Just use your four boosts on the way down the second long downward ramp, and use a super jump on the longjump ramp to get the 1000 feet needed rather easily. This should mean you have 3 stars on all Stunt – Urban courses, unlocking Wrecked the City.
You should have around 37-38 stars, so more courses will be unlocked. Also, by now, you should’ve used speed boost 25 times and unlocked Shiny Red Button.
Replay the Stunt – Forest courses (should be Jump, Precision, and Challenge) that you didn’t 3-star before and get the 3-stars now. You should be close to fully upgraded on Grave Digger, making this easy enough. Even if you have to retry them a couple of times it’s fine, because that’s just more points toward maxing out Grave Digger and making the rest of the courses a breeze. If you’re like me and the Precision one takes repeated attempts, you’ll probably unlock the achievement for 25 super jumps uses, What Does This Button Do? Also, once you’ve finished 3-starring the Stunt-Forest courses you’ll get Dangerous Lumberjack for getting three stars on all the Stunt – Forest events.
By now, you should have 42 stars. More stunt courses are available, but let’s leave that annoyance for later. Head back and do all the available skill driving events currently unlocked (one for Forest, Urban, Desert, and Frozen, and two for Farm of you’ve been following along with me). Finishing all those will bring you to 60 stars, unlocking the 3rd Forest and Urban skill courses and the 2nd Frozen one, so do those three now too to reach 69 stars. The 3rd Desert, Farm, and Frozen courses will open up. Finish them to reach 78 stars.
We’re done with skill courses for now, but you should have more than enough money now to unlock the Max-D truck and get the Destroyer Maximus achievement.
You’ll now have seven new stadium events to do, one each for Angel Stadium, Everbank Field, and Georgia Dome, and the first two for NRG Stadium and Sam Boyd Stadium. Do all seven of those. With your upgraded Gravedigger, you should have no trouble getting 3 stars (win all 3 ‘rounds’). Just make sure to take the turns and the bumps/obstacles slowly so you don’t flip/spinout. At this point, you should have 99 stars, and the final event for the first three stadiums, Freestyle, will be unlocked. It’s finally time to pop some achievements again.
Complete the Freestyle event in the first three stadiums. To get 3 stars is quite simple. You just need to keep doing tricks. Don’t worry if you don’t do 3-star quality tricks. Just keep doing one- and two-star tricks over and over again. This will earn you a time bonus as the time runs out, and eventually, the event will stop when the time runs down again. If you’ve performed enough tricks to impress the judges and earn a 10.0 score, you’ll get three stars. It’s extremely easy to do. I seriously just kept doing doughnuts in the same spot over and over, earning two stars each time, until the end, to get the ten points and three stars easily. Once you’ve gotten three stars in the Freestyle for the first three stadiums, assuming you got the three stars in the two races for each if you’ve been following along, you’ll unlock a trio of achievements.
Once you’ve finished Georgia Dome, the freestyle for NRG stadium should be open, so 3-star that to unlock No Problem Houston!
If you haven’t gotten the backflip and 2-/3- second air time achievements yet, load up Georgia Dome’s freestyle. If you boost and super jump off the tall middle hill, you should get three seconds of air time to unlock Don’t Look Down and Fly To The Moon. If you boost and super jump off of it, or bounce off a smaller hill or wall and hold down enough times, you’ll eventually do a backflip and unlock One Step Back. You should have likely unlocked this inadvertently already, though.
Also on Georgia Dome, hit one of the medium sized hills at full speed in a straight line, and once you’re in the air, hold to do a front flip. For some reason, even if you flip forward, it often registers as a back flip. If you can’t get it to register for you, just keep holding any time you bounce off a ramp or wall in freestyle, and sooner or later, it will pop. I got it when I barely fell off the side of a hill and didn’t even flip.
We still haven’t unlocked two of the losing achievements yet, so load up one of the stadium race events, and just sit at the start for all three rounds to lose the event and unlock Left In The Dust. Next, load up any Skill Driving event, and flip your truck upside down after going off a ramp so that you get the DESTROYED screen and unlock Skilled Loser.
You should have 111 stars currently. You need 114 to do the final stadium freestyle event, so head to Skill Driving – Forest and do the 4th event (Hard difficulty) until you get three stars. Then head back into Stadium Events and do the Freestyle in Sam Boyd Stadium for three stars and the Always Bet On Me! achievement.
All the remaining Skill Driving events should be unlocked, meaning you should have the final Forest event (Extreme) and both the Hard and Extreme courses of the other four areas to do, so do those now. There’s not much to say here other than practice makes perfect. The skill driving events are timed, and the time doesn’t stop running if you use rewind. So try to memorize each course and look for the best spots to use your four speed boosts and your two super jumps to your advantage. You can skip a great deal of some of the courses by using a well timed boost + super jump near the end of a ramp to launch you all the way across parts of the course. The hardest ones are the Frozen ones, but after enough practice, you should be able to 3-star all of these without too much trouble. The main grind will be the stunt mode events.
After getting three stars in Skill Driving mode for all five courses in each of the five areas, you’ll unlock the following achievements:
City CruiserComplete Skill Driving – Urban with all stars collected.
All that’s left now is to finish up the Stunt events for Desert, Farm, and Frozen. Unfortunately, this is the most annoying part of the game. The Jump and Destruction courses shouldn’t pose much difficulty, but the Precision and Challenge might get annoying. Just remember to use that rewind feature, especially for Precision. Do a boost jump and watch to see what speed you’re going when you do your super jump and where you launch from. Then, based on where you land, you can rewind and try to get more speed or jump earlier/later to get to the red target for Precision. More often than not, you’ll need to jump earlier as the super jump has a delay to it.
The Jump ones are extremely easy, but here are some tips on some you might struggle with:
For the Desert Precision event, the red target is actually in between the green and yellow, not after yellow. You need to hit the end of the ramp going about 100-110mph without doing a super jump and bounce off the rock just past the green target to fall down into the red one.
For Desert Destruction, go off the first ramp just fast enough to land on the rock with the car, and then boost off the next ramp to stay on the upper path in order to get enough cars before the finish line. You only need four cars, but I ended up with five on this path.
For Desert Challenge, after dropping off the first hill, back up to find a car to destroy. Watch for the next two in your path and back up if you fly over them off the hill/ramp. The star for the long jump is super easy and shouldn’t pose a problem. Make sure to save a super jump for the final ramp just before the finish line so that you can super jump over the finish line and land on the yellow target for the third star.
For Farm Precision, build up speed and boost before you hit the first dirt ramp so that you land on the high wooden platform. Drive at full speed until just before you hit the ramp at the end and let off the gas as you hit it. Don’t boost or super jump off of it. Aim for just past the green target, where there’s a hole in the building’s roof that you can fall through to hit the red target for three stars.
Farm Destruction is super easy. I ended up with 24 and missed several near the end, and you only need 20 to 3-star it. Just make sure to back up over cars that you fly over when you come off the tops of the hills if you’re worried about missing the total.
For Farm Challenge, again just back up over cars if you fly over them. I had 20 cars before I even reached the yellow target. The target is hard to miss, as it’s a water tower right in front of a ramp you go off of after the car destroying area. Just drive off the dirt ramp full speed (back up if you’re slow when you reach it, rewind if needed), and you should smack right into the water tower for the target. Obviously, for the jump at the end, just use your boost + super jump to nail the distance. This is one of the easiest, if not the easiest, challenge one to 3-star.
For Frozen Precision, when you go off the jump, you’ll see the yellow target first. The green target is a good distance past that, and the red is just past the green, but higher. You need a MASSIVE jump to reach the red one. This one is remniscent of the Forest Precision event. It will require lots of rewinding and timing the super jump at max speed on the right part of the ramp to get both the distance and height required. Use all four boosts going down the large hill, and you’ll most likely need to super jump earlier than you think to reach it. If you keep reaching the green target but falling short of red, hit your super jump a second sooner.
For Frozen Destruction, just take your time and cruise across the bottom path. Make sure to back up after the first hill near the beginning if you jumped over the car. From there, you’ll find the other four cars you need just by driving along the bottom path, so don’t worry about trying to do any crazy jumps to reach the top path. This one’s super easy.
For Frozen Challenge, drive slowly over the first few hills to destroy the three cars for the 1st star. After the 3rd car, you’ll go over a large hill and down its slope to a jump for the jump challenge. Don’t super jump or boost off of it. Just hit it full speed (around 110-120mph), and you’ll get the 250 feet required easily. This prevents you from overshooting the platform below and falling into the pit. When you land on that wood platform, back up, get a good running start, and super jump off the ramp at the end to clear the large insta-death gap below. When you reach the jump at the end of the course, it may seem like the red target is nowhere in sight. Just use all four boosts down the hill, and super jump off the ramp as usual. Try to time your jump so you fly under the rock wall but above the yellow target. You’ll pass underneath (wrecking actually, I think) and hit the unseen red target for the 3rd star.
Stuntman!Complete Stunt Mode – Frozen with all stars collected.
If you’ve gotten three stars on all of the other courses, you should have all 180 stars now and unlock Perfectionist.
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