MorphX Achievements Here is the full list of all 41 MorphX achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 41 Offline Mode 41 Single Player 9 Main Storyline 1 Story Completed 3 Collectable 14 Cumulative + 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Late night shoppingLevel Awakening is complete. 1 guideJoggingLevel Run from Beast is complete. 1 guideSubwayLevel Kurskaya station is complete. 1 guideRuinsLevel Inside the Perimeter is complete. 1 guideBack to backLevel Field hospital is complete. 1 guideOminous silenceLevel Way to the Base is complete. 2 guidesHeart of evilLevel The Mound is complete. 1 guideHome sweet homeLevel The Base is complete. 1 guideShowdownLevel Final battle is complete. 2 guidesX-filesAll secret cocoons have been collected. 2 guidesSnoopAll gene cocoons have been collected. 2 guidesCollectorAll close combat weapon has been collected. 1 guideHumanitarianYou did not kill a single soldier when you were running away from the Beast. 1 guideEnergy blastThe Annihilator has been killed by a grenade explosion. 2 guidesDeadly metalThe Beast has been killed by a grenade explosion. 1 guideSuicideThe Beast has been killed by its own shot, reflected from the shield. 1 guideAlien DNAYou disconnected a monster from the Swarm and it killed the Beast. 1 guideImmortalYou have completed all levels without a single death. 3 guidesAnonymous AlcoholicYou have broken 50 bottles. 2 guidesExplosives expertYou have blown up 20 barrels. 1 guideSportsmanYou have jumped 100 times. 1 guideMaster of reflectionYou have reflected 200 shots with your shield. 1 guideButcherYou have killed 5 enemies in one 'rage' spell. 1 guideBlood bathYou have killed 8 enemies in one 'rage' spell. 4 guidesOvermindYou have taken 30 aliens under control. 2 guidesCat's eyeYou have spent 15 minutes in Alien-view mode. 3 guidesIllusionistYou have killed an enemy with shots reflected from the shield. 1 guideBiologistYou have collected gene material of every alien type. 2 guidesKick-boxerYou have kicked to death 20 kamikaze. 2 guidesGrendierYou have killed 2 enemies with one grenade. Senior GrenadierYou have killed 3 enemies with one grenade. 1 guideRipperYou have killed the Terminator with a grenade. 3 guidesPrybar masterYou have killed 100 enemies with close combat weapon. 1 guideSharp-shooterYou have killed 100 enemies with distant combat weapon. 1 guideMoscow saviourYou have killed 100 enemies. 1 guidePlanet saviourYou have killed 250 enemies. 1 guideGalaxy saviourYou have killed 500 enemies. 1 guideVivisectionistYou have dealt fatality to 10 aliens. 1 guideFatalistYou have dealt fatality to 25 aliens. 1 guidePost graduateYou have achieved maximum level in one of the skills. 1 guideBachelorYou have reached maximum level in all of your skills. 2 guides