Mr. Pumpkin Adventure Walkthrough

Written by guns vs kittens Published June 26th 2017
0 - 0 hours 0 Playthroughs 13 7 Missable
Mr. Pumpkin Adventure Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
0 to 0 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Offline Mode
13 of 13 are Offline Mode
Single Player
13 of 13 are Single Player
7 of 7 are Missable
Main Storyline
5 of 5 are Main Storyline
1 of 1 is a Collectable
Multiple Playthroughs Required
1 of 1 is a Multiple Playthroughs Required
Gamers Involved
guns vs kittens
guns vs kittens (Owner)
Sashamorning (Contributor)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Hello, and welcome to Mr. Pumpkin Adventure! This is a relatively short point & click adventure in a slightly warped version of the world. So sit back, make sure your pumpkin is firmly attached above your shoulders, and let's go!

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Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - General hints and tips

Mr. Pumpkin has a relatively short adventure. On a speed run to collect all of the collectibles, I can do it in about 30 minutes or less. (Of course, by now I know where everything is.) That being said, you probably won't want to have to repeat parts if you don't need to. So I suggest the following:

Every level has 4 diary pages. Make sure you have all of the pages before you go to the next level. You can look at your diary (on the right of the screen) to make sure.

Save at the beginning of each level (except the first). There is no chapter select. If you have all the diary pages, you won't need to go back to early chapters anyway (unless you want to).

There are three endings to the game, and you need to see them all. Therefore, make sure you follow the guide so that you save at the appropriate points.

Never accept candy from strangers!

Please note: I do not complete all of the puzzles in this walkthrough, nor do I explore everything in the world. This guide contains explanations to move through the game as swiftly as possible, so you may discover items in the world that are not used. Those hold keys to solutions to the puzzles if you were doing this on your own.

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Chapter 1 - Wake up / Chapter 2 - Escaping

Chapter 1 - Wake up

We begin our story in Mr. Pumpkin's bedroom. Let's begin with a short minigame.

If you need any help with a puzzle (which you shouldn't, since you're following this guide), you can click the ? at the top right. This will open a minigame to give you clues. Click on the screen to begin. You need to press cn_A to make the pumpkin jump the blocks. Once you've passed 20 blocks and gotten a score of 200, you will earn the following:


Clear the mini-game for the first time.


Now click on the Diary #1 on the floor. Go up the ladder.

Upstairs, grab the Knife on the right. Click on the suitcase. The combination is 2015. Take Diary #2 and the Robot Head from the suitcase. Go back down.

Go to the right. You need to turn the light on, so click on the box on the lower left corner. The solution is below:

Pumpkin Light SolutionPumpkin Light Solution

Click on the center space (where the cursor is) once.

Go right. Take Diary #3 from behind the statue. Go downstairs

Diary #4 is on the wall at the back. The combination to the door is 5213. If you have all 4 Diary pieces, you can leave, and this will pop.

Clear Mind

Clear the first chapter: Wake up.

Clear Mind

Chapter 2 - Escaping

Make a manual save. There is no checkpoint system or automatic saving.

On the building in the middle (above the orange PUMPKIN sign at the bottom) is Diary #1. Go left.

Above the furnace, collect the Trowel. Just above that is Diary #2.

Click on the panel with the 5 dots next to the striped door. The solution is:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go inside. Diary #3 is on the floor.

Select the Trowel by using cn_LB. Use the Trowel on the potted plant on the right. Get the Saw from the pot. Use the Saw on the lock in the back. Get the Lever.

Go outside, then right, then down the stairs. Place the Lever in the place at the top, right next to Diary #4. Flip the lever. A panel will open.

The solution is to get the blue-eyed figures into a cross shape. The solution is:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

If you have all four Diary pieces go through the gate. You will earn:


Clear the second chapter: Escaping.

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Main Storyline - These achievements are gained automatically by progressing through the main game modes.

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Chapter 3 - Four cubes / Chapter 4 - The theater

Chapter 3 - Four Cubes

Make a manual save!

Begin by clicking on the clock and rewinding it to 2:35 with cn_left. Then click on the red lever at the bottom. Click on the smiley-faced elevator to go down.

Down here, collect Diary #1 on the right. Pick up the Letter and take the Hat from the broken-hearted Potato Head. (We are wonderful people, aren't we?)

Go back up the elevator, then to the right. Go up the stairs under the blue sign to enter the warehouse.

Grab Diary #2 from the wall in the back. Pick up the Screwdriver. Click on the computer. Here is the solution to this puzzle:

computer puzzle

Use the Screwdriver on the panel on the side of the computer and take the Battery. Leave the Warehouse via the staircase.

Outside, pick up the Blue Cube and the Yellow Cube. Go right.

The robot outside has no power! Click on his chest panel, insert the Battery, and (optionally) close the door. Click on the robot's arm that is on our right (his left) for the Red Cube. Place the Hat on the X at the bottom left, and the robot will helpfully burn it away, revealing another exit. Go through the lower left.

Diary #3 (shaped like an F) is above the left door. Place the Letter in the Postbox and take the Green Cube. Leave the way you came, then go upper left. Now go to the lower left, down the stairs.

Diary #4 is on the bottom left billboard. Place the 4 colored Cubes in their places, then click on the ground for another puzzle.

Click and hold the red 3 and drag it up once, then right twice.

Click and drag the green 5 up once, right once, and down three times.

Drag the blue 6 left twice, down once, and right three times.

Drag the yellow 4 left once, up twice, and then right once.

It should look like this:

cube puzzle

Pick up the blue Plus Sign. Go up the stairs, then again into the warehouse. Use the Plus Sign on the box, then press the green button.

Go outside, then right, then lower left. The panel by the left door is now lit. Click on it and solve the puzzle. The solution is below:

Click the icons like this:

Top left: 2x

Top right: 3x

Bottom left: 2x

Bottom right: 3x

Check to make sure you have all four Diary pieces, then click on the now-open door.


Clear the third chapter: Four cubes.


Chapter 4 - The theater

Make a manual save!

From the start, click on Diary #1 at the top of the screen. Then go up the stairs. Get the Popcorn, go back downstairs and give the popcorn to the man behind the counter. He will turn on the lights.

Go back upstairs into the now-lit room. Take Diary #2 from the top right. Plug in the fan and pick up the Hatchet that was under the newspaper.

Go downstairs, then left. Use the Hatchet on the middle picture frame, and take the Round E.

Go to the right. Use the Round E on the machine in front of you. Here are the solutions, based on the numbers that you see:

1 2 3 9: 9 x 3 - 2 - 1

5 5 5 1: 5 x (5 - 1 / 5) Use the division symbol instead of the "/"

4 4 7 7: 7 x (4 - 4 / 7) Use the division symbol instead of the "/"

Take the Ticket and give it to the Popcorn Man. He'll give you a Star. Go left, use the Star on the box, and go through the open door.

Take Diary #3 from the top near the VIP entrance, then go up the stairs.

At the top right is a panel with four circles. The solution is below:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go through the door. Take Diary #4 from the back wall. The solution to the door puzzle is:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go through the door (make sure you have all four Diaries!) and collect your achievement.

The Best Audience

Clear the fourth chapter: The theater.

The Best Audience

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Chapter 5 - The metro

Chapter 5

Begin by once again making a new save.

Go down the ladder. The panel at the front left has a puzzle.

You need to click in the space in the middle of each square of four lights. So thinking of the puzzle in terms of 3 rows and 2 columns...

Image 1

Click row 3, column 1 once.

Click row 2, column 2 three times.

Click row 1, column 2 once.

Click row 1, column 1 twice.

Click row 3, column 1 once.

Click row 2, column 2 once.

The light is now on. Take Diary #1 and the Fertilizer from here.

Go up the ladder and to the left. Then go up the stairs.

Take Diary #2 from the bottom and the Hat from the statue. Go down the stairs and give the Hat to the Octopus. Click the door and go down twice.

On the left is a red arcade machine. The solution is a bit complicated, so go ahead and make a manual save in case you get lost.

You can use your d-pad. You don't need the screen buttons. Move the white cube through the puzzle with these commands (I recommend only looking at the screen when I break the commands with a note in parentheses)

cn_upx4, cn_rightx3, cn_downx2, cn_leftx3, cn_downx2 (You should be back at start)
cn_rightx3, cn_upx2, cn_leftx3, cn_downx2 (You should be back at start)
cn_rightx3, cn_upx2, cn_leftx3, cn_rightx3 (This closes the center door)
cn_downx2, cn_leftx3, cn_upx4, cn_downx4 (You should be back at start)
cn_rightx3, cn_upx4, cn_leftx6, cn_downx4, cn_rightx3 (You should be back at start)
cn_upx4, cn_rightx3, cn_downx2, cn_leftx3, cn_rightx3, cn_downx2, cn_leftx3 (You should be back at start)
cn_upx4, cn_downx4 (You should be back at start)
cn_rightx3, cn_upx4, cn_leftx6, cn_downx2, cn_upx2. (You should be in the top left corner)
cn_rightx6, cn_downx4, cn_leftx6, cn_upx2, cn_leftx1. Voila!

Take the Hammer and go up three times to the Statue (that you took the hat from). Use the Hammer on the Statue and take the Peanut Head. Use the Fertilizer on the new branch in the statue's neck and take the Flower.

Go downstairs and into the building. Give the Flower to the Strawberry Head. Take Diary #3 from behind him.

Go downstairs and to the left. Take Diary #4 from the top right. Give the Peanut Head to, um, the Peanut Head. Open the suitcase and take the Key.

Click on the Door of the metro car. Make sure you have the four Diary pieces before the last puzzle.

Put the Key into the keyhole and interact with the panel.

You need to click on the red squares to show the appropriate symbols. From left to right, this will be 10, 11, 7, and 4 clicks.

train puzzle

When your screen looks correct, click the red button and the level will end.

Good Driver

Clear the fifth chapter: The metro.

Good Driver

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Chapter 6 - The end of the world

Chapter 6

This is the part where your saves are crucial, unless you want to replay the entire game. Save here.

Note the symbols at the bottom left, above the End of the World sign. You'll need those later.

Grab Diary #1 on the right (behind the Help and Diary buttons). Go right.

DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DOOR ON THE RIGHT. You can't right now anyway, but it will open in a minute.

Grab Diary #2 on the right. Take the Wings and the 1UP signs. Click on the blue box above the door. The solution is:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go left, then up the ladder. Give the Wings to the poor Unicorn/Pegasus. Take the Balloon Poster from the bottom. (If you don't solve the last puzzle, the poster wouldn't be here.) Click the panel that was behind the unicorn and solve the new puzzle:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go up the ladder. Diary #3 is here, and go right for Diary #4. Head back to the left and place the Balloon Poster on the blue grid on the machine. Click on the Balloon.

Make a new save right here so that you're ready to go to the next section, and you'll have your Diary progress ready.

Note the 3 symbols here. They don't match the earlier ones, so click each one three times. You'll know when the arrow turns yellow...but make sure you have your Diary pieces before you click on it.


Arrive to the end of the sixth chapter: The end of the world.


You're now at the end. Click on the large red NED sign a few times until the letters rearrange themselves to END.

Now reload that last save, go down and into that open door into Chapter 7.

Dream Interpreter

Clear the sixth chapter: The end of the world

Dream Interpreter
Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Missable - These achievements can be missed.

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Chapter 7 - The lab

Chapter 7

In the first room, pick up the Hammer and Diary #1 underneath. Go up the stairs.

Use the Hammer on the planks under the robot and take the Flask. Grab Diary #2 from the back wall. Go right twice.

On the right is a door with a panel. You need to make some of the blue lights turn red. Here's the solution:

Go through the door... It's Mr. Pumpkin!!! But he's out cold! Grab Diary #3 from behind him. On the right is a machine with dials. Here's the solution:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go left. At the bottom is a puzzle to turn the lights on. The solution is:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go down the stairs. Grab Diary #4, then go right.

Give the Flask to the Mean Doctor, then click on the flower, then the Mean Doctor again. He will give you a Red Pill and a Blue Pill. Go back to Mr. Pumpkin.


Give Mr. Pumpkin the BLUE PILL. He will smack the bed and make a Bottle roll out. Head left, down the stairs and to the right and give the Bottle to the Mean Doctor. Climb the vine twice, and put the Flower on the exhaust pipe of Mr. Pumpkin's rocket


Arrive to the end of the seventh chapter: The lab.


Now click the NED sign again, then reload your last save. Give the red pill to Mr.Pumpkin and wait for the monitor on the right to turn into a grid so you can interact with it, ending the chapter.

Another Clear Mind

Clear the seventh chapter: The lab.

Another Clear Mind

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Chapter 8 - My way

Chapter 8

Grab Diary #1 from the back wall. Go up the ladder and take Diary #2. The combination to the suitcase is 1975. Take the Knife.

Go down the ladder and go right twice. Diary #3 is on the picture. Take the Pumpkin Head off the statue. Go downstairs and get Diary #4. If you've collected all the Diaries, you will earn this:


Collect all of the diary pieces.


Go up and left, and use the Knife on the Shell Beach poster. Place the Pumpkin Head on the grid behind. Then click on Mr. Pumpkin and go left.


Arrive to the end of the eighth chapter: My way.

Offline Mode - These achievements require play in game modes that do not necessitate a connection to any online services.Single Player - These achievements can be obtained by a single player.Missable - These achievements can be missed.

...and that's it! (Almost.) We have one more thing, assuming you've gotten all three endings.

Mr. Pumpkin Adventure - Plus - No applause

When you're at the main menu, click the word Secret to the left of Mr. Pumpkin to find a new area. Click on the board on the wall a few times to be taken to the hidden chapter.

The finale takes place after the rocket crashes. Go left from the site.

Pick up the Hammer and the Flower, then solve the puzzle:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go inside and use the Hammer on the jar with the Worm. Pick up the Worm and go upstairs.

Use the Worm on the man with the green hair. Flip the switch behind him. Go right.

Give the Flower to the robot. The lights on his chest are a new puzzle:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Under the awning is the final puzzle in the game:

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

Go through the door, and dominate!!


Clear the hidden chapter: No Applause.

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