EA Announces Several Server Shutdowns Coming in OctoberServer shutdowns aren't taken lightly by this community, so allow me to take the time and calmly remind you all to not shoot the messenger. EA has revealed several servers will be going offline later in 2017. Posted 8 years ago by Mark Delaney
Retail DLC Roundup: December 4th, 2012This week sees DLC releases for 14 Xbox 360 retail games. Three of the games add extra achievements to their list and three of the games have region exclusive DLC. Here is this week’s list: Armored C Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith
Retail DLC Round-Up for August 28thThis weeks retail DLC brings some much anticipated additions to games currently running the gauntlet known as your console, so without further ado let's get into what is available. Damage Inc. Pacifi Posted 13 years ago by SgtDigglesworth
Retail DLC Roundup: July 10th, 2012This week sees DLC releases for nine Xbox 360 retail games. None of the games add extra achievements to their list and four games have region exclusive DLC. Here is this week’s list: http://www.truea Posted 13 years ago by Rebecca Smith
NCAA Football 13 Launch TrailerCollege was some of the best years of my life: the studying, the food in the commons, the mandated gen-ed requirements... ah, those were the days. Better than all of that, though, were the Saturdays. Posted 13 years ago by Jonathan Barnes
Retail Releases: Week of July 9th, 2012Though most of the world is taking a break from what they consider football, for us in North America, football is just about to begin. This week, the collegiate game makes its return, graced by forme Posted 13 years ago by Mark Delaney
NCAA Football 13 TV Spotshttp://www.trueachievements.com/NCAA-Football-13-xbox-3....htm is almost ready for its July launch and EA Sports is tackling the masses with an offensive play of TV spots full of parental love, masco Posted 13 years ago by Kendrene
New NCAA 13 Video Shows Recruitment MechanicsTo build a successful football franchise, it's important to pick and nurture the right players. The newest http://www.trueachievements.com/NCAA-Football-13-xbox-3....htm trailer shows gamers how to d Posted 13 years ago by Kendrene
The Making of NCAA 13 TrailerLarry Richart, former Florida QB, and the developers at EA Sports are revamping the passing game in NCAA Football 13 to bring you the best experience yet. They are bringing the fans all new dropbacks Posted 13 years ago by Kendrene
NCAA Football 13 'Making Of' VideoEA has not been shy when releasing footage for NCAA Football 13. We have covered everything and the kitchen sink from The Road to Glory, seven minutes of gameplay footage from West Virginia vs. Texas Posted 13 years ago by SgtDigglesworth