NHL 07 Achievements Here is the full list of all 26 NHL 07 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox 360.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 25 Offline Mode 25 Single Player 12 Versus 14 Difficulty Specific 1 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Passing WizardHave one player get 3 assists in Rookie Mode in a game 1 guideHat Trick in Rookie ModeHave a player get 3 goals in Rookie Mode in a game 1 guidePowerplay MasteryScore 2 goals on the Powerplay with the same player in Pro Mode 1 guideDangerous on the PKScore a short handed goal in Pro Mode 2 guidesScore a goal in All Star ModeScore a goal in All Star Mode 1 guidePowerplay QuarterbackScore a goal on the powerplay with a defenseman in All Star Mode 1 guideScore a goal in Superstar ModeScore a goal in Superstar Mode 2 guidesHat Trick in Superstar ModeHave a player get 3 goals in Superstar Mode 2 guidesShutout in Superstar ModeGet a shutout in Superstar Mode 4 guidesPlayer scores 5 goalsScore 5 goals in a game with one player 2 guidesVictory in Rookie ModeWin a game in Rookie Mode vs. the CPU 1 guideVictory in Pro ModeWin a game in Pro Mode vs. the CPU 1 guideVictory in All Star ModeWin a game in All Star mode vs. the CPU 2 guidesVictory in Superstar ModeWin a game in Superstar mode vs. the CPU 4 guidesComplete a ranked online gamePlay and Complete an Online ranked game 2 guidesTournament ChampionWin a tournament with a minimum of 3 games played in All Star mode 2 guidesShootout WinnerWin a game in shootout mode 2 guidesShootout PerfectionWin a shootout 2-0 without taking the third shot in the shootout 3 guidesFinish a season in Dynasty Mode™Complete a season in Dynasty Mode™ 2 guidesEarn 100 pts in a seasonYour team must earn 100 points in a season in Dynasty Mode™ 1 guideWin the President's TrophyCome in first place overall during a season in Dynasty Mode™ 4 guidesStanley Cup® ChampionsWin the Stanley Cup®. A minimum of 10 games must be played during the playoffs 1 guideComplete Dynasty Mode™Complete all 10 years of Dynasty Mode™ 3 guidesMVPHave a player on your team win Most Valuable Player during a season in Dynasty Mode™ 1 guidePlayoff MVPHave a player on your team win the Conn Smythe Trophy as Most Valuable Player during the playoffs 1 guide10 game winning streakWin 10 games in a row in Dynasty Mode™ 3 guides