3. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Story walkthroughUpdate notes

The Story: The game follows the paths of Naruto and Sasuke as they cross and diverge. Over the course of the story, you will have various battles in which your character is always pre-determined. As mentioned in the overview, you can replay these chapters as many times as you'd like for the acheivements. HERE WE GO.

As we go through each chapter, some will have certain Interactive Actions (hereby known as IA) that must be done for an S rank to be achieved. If it does, please look for the button combos needed under each achievement.

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Misc Achievements that can be won during the story tries

Also there a few acheivements you can get while doing the story missions, which can be completed anywhere really.

I got this on the first battle using the cn_Y + cn_B combo to summon up a bunch of huge flying shurikens. Land these twice in a row and is an easy cheevo.

This one is also easy, and can be completed on any of the normal battles. Once you see the prompt to Finish them with a Secret Technique flash at enemy low health. You need to land your cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B attack to get this, and a brief cut-scene with flash in.

While in any battle, you need to have each character on your team land a secret jutsu (cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B). Pretty easy in any battle where you have just two fighters on your team.

You will no doubt get this during the course of the S rank attempts. Since you can't take more than 10% damage on those, you will get this as well during those tries.

This is another one you will get across the story attempts. At any point in the story missions, when you have at least one other person on your team, you can do this. You will need to land the cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B with both characters during the battle to net this cheevo.

Another easy you will probably get just playing. Just block, and then when someone dashes at you time your cn_X and you should blast them away with a powerful force. This is simply one of the fighting mechanics.

Deathmatch of Creation

  • 1st IA - Right at the start


Here are the two achievements tied to this battle. First one is easy, just need to beat the battle. This will consist of two parts: first you fight Madara on top of a crazy tree battlefield. As you fight Madara, he will eventually transform and start hurling attacks at you. Dodge around these until he returns to normal. Continue fighting until your legendary swords are flung onto the battle. Grab these and unleash the power on Madara! Once Madara takes enough damage again, he will begin the following:

Use the following to dodge his massive attacks.

cn_left cn_A OR cn_right cn_B

Complete to then combo break and follow up.

  • 2nd IA - After battle above

cn_B cn_up

The faces at the end are the best. That completes the first chapter. In the second we will fight Madara again in our super beast mode. Use the B attack and take Madara down enough to where he leaps away. Once he roars, prepare to dodge to the side and counter attack. Just like the last fight, Madara will at times jump away and begin hurling attacks at you. Dodge and weave these until you can get close and knock him around.

If you see Madara slam his blade in the ground and struggle to pull it back out, make sure to hit him with the full cn_B combo. This makes him drop a sword, which can be picked up and hurled back for massive damage.

Towards the end, Madara will at last charge up a massive tailed-beast bomb. Dash up to him and begin mashing cn_B to stop this. After, dodge the bombs hurled at you again and prepare for the IA.

  • 3rd IA - Towards end of Madara fight, after dodge the 3 tailed-beast bombs.

cn_A cn_B spin cn_LS x3, cn_B, cn_B

Short pause...


Then time the overlap of the two "diamonds" and hit cn_B

Yin Path

The Taka Flies Again

To get this you need the beat Orochimaru with above 90% health.

Pretty straight forward, just watch his attacks and use your teammates to assist whenever possible.

Those Who Know All

Beat Madara with above 90% health.

The cn_Y cn_Y + cn_B move is very strong and easy to hit. Use it to beat Madara down.

To the Battlefield.

We have another fight with IA you will need to nail to get the S rank. As always, have to end the fight with above 90% health. I found I had to do this fight a couple time. The Second Hokage seemed to always have great combos and do a lot of damage if he stayed in. The enemy will also have both teammates to attack you as well.

After you reduce the enemy team's health enough, the First Hokage will transform and attack. The giant form really isn't that tough, dodge the obvious large attack and just mash attack his feet. Once you have another health bar gone, the IA scene will trigger.

IA Buttons:

cn_LB, cn_RB, cn_Y + cn_B, cn_up, cn_right, cn_left, cn_Y, mash cn_B, mash cn_B

This concludes Sasuke's path or the Yin Path.

Yang Path

Behind the Mask

Beat Tobi with above 90% health.

Use both your teammates whenever possible to help win this. Keep in mind your cn_Y cn_Y + cn_B is very short range.

During this fight though, you can also complete the following achievement.

What you'll need to do for this is power up your storm gauge by using your allies to attack. Once this meter below your health bar fills up and is glowing red hot, you will have a prompt show up on the screen. It will indicate Press cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_Y +cn_B to unleash the team attack. If successful, all three of your party members will sprint at the opponent and attempt to hit them. If you miss, just try it again.

There are many other combinations that you can do this for in VS battle, but this is just one example in the story. The other possibility is when you have Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura together in a mission.

The Boys' Battlefield (Part 1)

Beat Mahiru with above 90% health.

In this fight the enemy will have tons of clones you must fight instead of a real battle. The key here is to press cn_Y and then press and hold cn_B to charge up your attack, which is indicated by dots filling up above your characters head. Just spam this attack and dodge the few clones that prepare a channeled area attack.

Finally the real Mahiru will appear, which is just a clone with more health. Beat him down with a barrage of cn_B to seal the deal.

The Boys' Battlefield (Part 2)

This is going to be a long one. You need to beat all 3 parts to this battle with an S rank. The first two are simple battles while the third you will have an IA event to deal with.

1. Rin, Kidnapped

Beat Taiseki with above 90% health.

Pretty easy when you know his moves. Use your trusty cn_B attacks to just unload. During the fight the enemy will jump up to a wall for an attack. When you see this just guard against the ranged attacks, and use cn_Y + cn_B to knock him down. Rinse and repeat for an easy S.

2. The Two United

Beat Taiseki & Kakkou with above 90% health.

Use your teammate to help out whenever possible again. I prefer to use Obito again for ease. Use his same moves as the previous fight to knock the enemies down when they jump up to the wall. Dodge the red telegraphed attacks whenever you see those begin to appear. At the very end, you'll need to use cn_LSd and cn_B to end the fight after enough damage is done.

3. Inherited Eyes

Beat Kakkou with above 90% health and complete all IA.

During the fight you can finally use your cn_Y cn_Y + cn_B attack. Watch our for when the enemy jumps up onto the wall (what a surprise!) and dodge the attack with a cn_LSr and cn_B whenever possible. Otherwise just guard vs. ranged attacks and wait for him to bring the fight to you.

Finally after dealing enough damage, the IA scene will trigger.

IA Buttons:

cn_B, cn_RB, cn_left, cn_up, cn_right, cn_up, cn_down, cn_left + cn_right, cn_Y + cn_B, cn_Y + cn_B

Time the overlap of the diamonds and hit cn_B

In Hell

Another two battles need to have S rank here to get the achievement.

1. Beyond Death

Beat Garuguru with above 90% health.

Another mass clone battle. Blast your way through all of the clones until the Garuguru jumps into the fray. When he does, he will appear and make you choose between three versions of Garuguru, only one is the correct choice. Simply pick the one that looks exactly like Garuguru. The other two wrong choices will appear to have "swirls of flesh" coming off them, and look obviously different. Do this three times and then finish off the rest of the clones.

2. A Beast Roaring in the Tragic Rain

Beat the Mist Ninja with above 90% health.

There is also 4 secret factors you need to activate to get S rank.

1. Run straight up the path again and a group of ninjas will try to ambush you. Press the two needed cn_LT and cn_B to complete.

2. Continue forward to find Kakashi and Rin laying in pool of rain. Obito will scream out.

3. To the left of where you found Kakashi and Rin in the pool a group of ninjas will be standing there. Run into the group of them and press cn_Y + cn_B. They will comment on using the wood style justsu and a brief scene will flash.

4. Last one is just for finishing a downed enemy. As you begin to actually fight all the ninja, you'll eventually see some on the ground with a cn_B prompt above them. Go over to one and do this to get the last secret factor.

A Pitch Black World

Beat Minato with above 90% health.

Nothing else special besides the above conditions for S rank. Watch out for Minato using his chakra charge attack, as just one hit can remove all the health needed to get S.

The Battle Intensifies

Another two battles need to have S rank here to get the achievement.

1. Madara Appears

Beat Madara with above 90% health.

Straight forward fight. Naruto can land several easy hits with just cn_Y + cn_B

2. Matching Blades

Beat Obito with above 90% health.

Straight forward fight. Kakashi is one my favorite characters to use for challenges and fights. Both his cn_Y + cn_B and cn_Y +cn_Y +cn_B are awesome. Use these and your support characters to win this easy.

Roar of the Ten Tails

A big boss battle. Here are the conditions for an S rank again.

Beat the Ten Tails with above 90% health and complete the IA events with above 90%.

This battle is split between two parts. In the first bit, you will fight the boss standing directly in front. Using the cn_X just dodge around and blast the eyes covering the Ten Tails back. While doing this, watch for when the Ten Tails launches small tracking attacks at you, dodge these and repeat until the Ten Tails becomes enraged. He will turn red and begin launching massive eye beam attacks at you. Make sure to just run to the left or right out of the way when you see this. Once you deal enough health damage the Ten Tails will fall face first onto the field. Run up and deal massive damage with cn_B directly to the eye.

You should be near the end of this fight after that attack. In the final bit, the Ten Tails will begin trying to use his hands to either land a massive attack from above or to sweep the battlefield. For the attack from above, just move to either side. When the sweeping attack happens, time your jump and jump right over the hand as it passes. Don't forget to continue to use cn_X to chip away at his health. After enough damage again, the Ten Tails will land face first in front of you. Run up to the exposed eye and finish this first part!

We now enter the 2nd part of the boss fight, where you must flee from the chasing Ten Tails.

Kurama/Naruto will begin automatically running down a long curving path. The Ten Tails will give chase and attempt to attack you the whole way. While running you cannot attack, all you can do is move between the left, middle, and right of the path.

The biggest challenge here is to dodge the constant lightning attack the Ten Tails launches. 1-3 lightning pillars will shoot out towards you, and you will need to move between the left, middle, and right of the path to dodge. Getting hit with one or two isn't a restart depending on how much damage you took in the first fight. His other attack is easily dodged, as the Ten Tails jumps into the air and tries to land on you in the middle of the path.

Near the end of the path, A red warning sign will display indicating the Ten Tails is preparing for a eye beam. Just don't stand in the middle when you see this. The Ten tails will then get stuck at the end of the chase scene and trigger the IA listed below.

IA Buttons:

cn_RB, cn_Y + cn_A, mash cn_B, cn_Y + cn_B, mash cn_B x2

Brief pause...


Brief pause...

cn_down, cn_right, cn_left, cn_up, cn_A + cn_A +cn_A +cn_A, cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_Y, cn_B + cn_B +cn_B + cn_B, mash cn_B

This ends the Yang path.

Beating all of the missions up until here nets you the achievement for the Two Unparalleled Warriors chapter.

The United Front

Team 7 United

For S rank, complete the clone battle with above 90% health and complete the IA events with above 90%.

This battle is not the straight foward kind of usual. Instead you play as Gamakichi and fight an army of Ten Tails clones. You will also have the aid of allies as well, call on them using the cn_LB and cn_RB During the first part, just move up the path and avoid the large enemies charge attacks. You don't need to kill all the enemies along the way here, but you can as well. Just make sure to save your health. Once at the end, a large boss clone will slam down.

The large boss clone is a pushover. Jump away from his slow charged attacks and avoid the blast lines created. During the course of the fight, when the boss has lost enough health, he will enrage and chase you down. Just jump away while he is enraged and let your allies do some damage with cn_LB and cn_RB. One the red rage glow fades, you can continue the smackdown. After you defeat the clone, prepare for a brief IA section, then some froggy rail jam.

1st IA Buttons:

cn_A, cn_B

This triggers the part of the fight where Gamakichi is running/grinding along the arms of the Ten Tails. Once again you can move to the left, middle, and right as the boss fires orbs of death at you. Watch for the ground to glow red, and jump to another arm. Towards the end, the Ten Tails will try the same move from the chase. A red warning sign will display indicating the Ten Tails is preparing for a eye beam. Just don't stand in the middle when you see this and you won't get blasted. Jump at the end to continue the IA.

2nd IA Buttons:

cn_LB + cn_RB, cn_A, cn_A, mash cn_B, cn_Y + cn_Y, cn_X, cn_Y, cn_Y, cn_B, spin the cn_LSc x2, mash cn_B

Then complete!

A Battle Across Time and Space

Beat Obito with above 90% health.

Straight forward fight again. Nothing special here, can just use cn_Y + cn_B over and over for easy win.

The Ten Tails Jinchuriki

Two part battle here. For S rank, complete each fight with above 90% health.

1. The Hokage and Obito

Straight forward fight. Obito has some new moves, and can crush 10% health with a good combo move. I prefer to use the First Hokage here, as his cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B attack chases people down and does tons of damage as well. Use this to lay down the law, or switch to one of the other two Hokages if you prefer. Otherwise call in your allies as needed to assist.

2. With My Father

Straight forward fight. Right at the start switch to Minato, as he will stay in awakened state the whole fight. While in this form, each attack does tons of damage. Very easy to beat Obito in this form with Minato. You can also get the following achievement by beating Obito in awakened form:

Battle of the Ancestors

For S rank, you must beat Madara with above 90% health.

Use the First Hokage's move of cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B as stated before. This attack chases down the enemy, and is easy to land. Otherwise straight forward fight here as well.

Filling a Hole of the Heart

This battle part has 3 different battles to beat. As always you need to complete each fight with above 90% for S rank. You will also have to complete the IA in the 2nd battle with above 90% accuracy.

1.Risking the Future

This first battle is a boss fight against Obito. The only difference is he has multiple health bars you must destroy to win this fight, making it a bit longer. Here you also have an ally you can call on for aid during the fight. No special actions or IA here.

2. Ninja Dreams, Lonely Dreams

Let me just say it here that your cn_Y + cn_B can be used to deal damage at range anytime during this fight.

This second battle is an actual boss fight vs. Obito. He will shift into a 4 arm monster that floats around. Naruto will also switch over to tailed beast mode and the fight begins. During the first bar of health, Obito does a slow 3 hit attack which is easily dodged. During the final punch, he will pause for a moment with his fist slammed on the ground. Run up and use the regular attacks to break the first arm off. This will happen throughout the fight.

Obito will then get quite angry and turn into this flying saucer mode. He will fly around the battle ground in a circle before trying to dive bomb you. Stay on the move to avoid his attack, or jump out of the way when he charges. After this he can then transition back to the ground and begin firing slow moving orbs of death. Dodge around these and chip away at his health when possible. His last attack he does is transform into a drill of sorts and attempt to land on you from above. Stay on the move and be sure to get out of the blast zone when he finally lands.

Rinse and repeat until we get to a brief IA scene.

1st IA Button:


Then the fight will resume as you combine with Sasuke into your ultimate form! Obito also gains 2 new abilities. One is to launch random lightning attacks on the ground. The range is actually very short, so just move away from it and chip away with cn_X while he does. The other is a close range attack where his arms become scythes and will swipe toward you. Jump over the scythe attacks or run away until he finishes.

Towards the end of his health, Obito will go into the center of room and do a sweeping constant laser attack. Time your jumps right and jump over the lasers as they pass. Then deal a bit more damage to finish this fight and begin the last of the IA buttons.

2nd IA Buttons:

mash cn_B, cn_A, mash cn_B, and then just like before time the overlap of the two diamonds and press cn_B

3. "Obito Uchiha"

In our last fight here, you play as Naruto without the use of your super chakra attack. Instead, you can hold down cn_B when you use your cn_Y + cn_B attack for a charged up attack that deals plenty of damage anyways. Use this technique to help bust through all those health bars. Otherwise this is a straight forward fight.

Madara's Pulse

This battle has two fights each to get S rank in. As always need complete each fight with above 90% health.

1. The Ultimate Evil Strikes Again

Beat Madara in this straight forward fight, nothing special to note here.

2. The Enthralled

Beat Madara again, this time as Sasuke. Nothing special here, just win the fight. At least this time you have support as well, call upon the ally as needed.

Completing this chapter gets you another achievement.

Onward we go!

The Final Showdown

Two cut-scene chapters to watch for both Naruto and Sasuke before the battles begin again.

Yang Path


To get S rank on this mission, complete the battle with above 90% health and complete the IA actions with above 90%.

In this battle, you will fight Madara through a series of health bars. During the fight he will jump for a lightning attack, just move out of the way of the red attack areas and beat him down. He will also summon up a large sword attack, which if you dodge gives you a chance to follow up.

Once towards the end of the health, prepare for IA.

IA Buttons:

cn_up, cn_RB, cn_LB, cn_Y + cn_B, cn_down, cn_RB, cn_B, mash cn_B, cn_A, mash cn_B, and finally line up the diamonds and hit cn_B

The Crimson Beast

Beat the two battles here with an S rank to get this achievement. As always, make sure your health is above 90% at the end. The 2nd battle has IA that you must complete 90% or more as well.

1. Might Guy Strikes

This one can also be a bit of a pain to get S in. Mostly because Guy has some hard to land attacks. Madara can also land some devastating combos if not careful. My best advice here is time you cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B attack for when Madara backs off and begins to charge his chakra. Otherwise play it slow and careful here. Complete this fight to go on to the next.

2. The Eight Inner Gates Formation

In the second fight, Guy is always in awakened mode for the fight. Very easy to just pummel Madara down. When he protects himself with the orb, just bash away at it until it breaks. Rinse and repeat until it is time for one epic IA session.

IA Buttons:

cn_down, cn_B, cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_Y + cn_B, cn_RB, cn_B, cn_B, mash cn_B


Yin Path

The Taka Soars Ahead

Beat this battle with an S rank to get this achievement. As always, make sure your health is above 90% at the end.

Very straight forward fight though. Nothing special, just need the high health and beat down town.

The Man Named Kabuto

Beat this battle with an S rank to get this achievement. As always, make sure your health is above 90% at the end.

Again nothing special in this fight again. Move set will be very similar to the previous fight really.

Once you've beaten both paths, you can proceed onwards.

Wind Rages, Thunder Races

This will be a 3 part battle in total. This one will a long one, so buckle up.

1.The Last Battle Begins

The battle is another boss fight. Lots of health, so play it smart here. Whenever Madara jumps away and a quick scene plays, he will rush at you with a chain connected to a clone. Simply run left or right as soon as he starts and you can move out the way. Rinse and repeat until we get to the IA scene.

IA Buttons:

cn_Y, cn_B

2. Six Paths Perfection

In the second fight, you must fight a giant flying version of Madara. This fight is not a standard one, and getting the S rank is a tough one.

In his first phase, blast down his smaller clones with cn_Y + cn_X and hold cn_X to charge up the attack. Do this a couple times while dodging his slashing attacks. Once you see a clone get low and a cn_B appears above them, dash at them and finish off with melee. Once all clones are down, you can use cn_Y + cn_B on Madara himself, and do serious damage.

In second phase, it is similar to the same strats above. Madara will instead be much closer, and do two blade swings at a time to try and knock you down. As a tip, you can still dash with cn_A to avoid the sword attacks. Once the clones are down again, bash away.

Last phase, it will be the same strats as the first phase again. Blast away the clones with cn_X and then once they are done, cn_Y + cn_B on Madara for heavy damage. The only note here is towards the last bit of health, Madara will begin raining slow moving meteors at you. Easy to dodge again, but there will be a lot of projectiles flying your way.

3. Chaos on the Planet

In this last fight, you face Madara in a normal fight. Nothing special during the fight until a set of IA buttons at the end.

IA Buttons:

cn_Y, cn_down, mash cn_Y x2, cn_B, spin the cn_LSc, cn_B, mash cn_B

Kaguya, The Violent Goddess (Part 1)

Two battles to complete this achievement again. As always, make sure your health is above 90% at the end.

1. "Kaguya Otsutsuki"

This fight is a real piece of work to get S rank I will say. Not only does Kaguya have multiple boss health bars to get through, her attacks are killer. During the course of the fight, Kaguya will change the level to various elements. Fire is by far the worst as she will summon lava with attacks that damage you if you touch them. The others like earth and ice were not as bad I felt. Best advice for this fight is just to hang back and spam cn_Y + cn_B. Far easier to hit with this over and over, especially in the fire level than risk rushing in for an attack.

2. Ninja Puppetry

The second of these two fights is again a tough one. Kaguya will have the full boss health of several bars, and you can't use your ultimate chakra attack either. You will have two support characters, so switch over if Obito isn't for you. The way I tackled this was to wait for Kaguya to use her hundred fist attack and just follow up with a cn_Y + cn_B right after. Dodge around the other attacks, and don't let her land a solid combo.

Kaguya, The Violent Goddess (Part 2)

This is another two part battle for the achievement. Goes without saying, need above 90% health again at the end.

1. Kaguya's Rampage

The first fight is not a standard fight, and instead like when we fought Madara in the sky a couple fights ago. Begin by blasting down all the arms attached to remove their extra attacks. Then focus on the head. Blast away with cn_X and when she swipes at you, dodge with a quick cn_A dash. Continue until the cn_B prompt appears above the eye for some melee action.

A brief run of pressing cn_B and the fight switches to the back of the orb. The heads of the tailed beasts will appear, and you must target these down fast. Each head will launch a fast moving eye beam attack. They do at least charge up and indicate their attack order, so dodge away and timing isn't that bad. Once all the heads are down, go back around to the front for the same thing as first time.

This time, several tailed beast heads will join the large body. You should take these out again to prevent a bunch of beams hitting. As with these types of fights, your cn_Y and hold cn_X is perfect for hitting everything at once.

2. History's Winner

This second fight will take a long time with the amount of health Kaguya has. Playing as Naruto, again you can just spam your cn_Y + cn_B from afar to deal damage and avoid a fist fight. The only thing to note in here is Kaguya will at times do a channeled attack which you must move out the way of. Simply just move a little to the left or right out of the way from her called shots. After getting through enough health, prepare for IA.

IA Buttons:

cn_A, cn_LB + cn_RB, cn_left, cn_up, cn_B, cn_right, mash cn_B, cn_left, mash cn_B, cn_down, mash cn_B, cn_B + cn_B x2, cn_B + cn_B + cn_B, cn_B x3, cn_B, cn_Y + cn_B

Once again, completing the whole chapter nets another achievement.

New Life

Naruto and Sasuke

Two fights to complete here, each with above 90% health as always.

1. The Dreams of Two Unparalleled War

The first fight is pretty straight forward. Battle Sasuke until he triggers the IA scene. During the fight, he will jump up to the walls and attempt to fireball you. Just run around avoiding the fire, and then blast him off the wall with a cn_Y + cn_B. Here are the buttons for the IA.

IA Buttons:

cn_Y, cn_B, cn_B, cn_B, cn_B, cn_Y, cn_Y + cn_B, time the overlap of the diamonds and press cn_B, then mash cn_B

2. The "Final" Battle

This will be the last fight you must go through before the end of the game. This level has 9 different secret factors you must complete for an S rank.

During this fight Naruto and Sasuke will battle, phasing in and out of old times and battles. When these happen, you will be promoted to complete a one or two button IA. Simply nail these to complete a couple of the secret factors now. The rest will come at the very end of the battle. Once you get to the point where both players look nearly dead, this is where you can complete the rest of the IA.

You need to let Sasuke hit you two times for secret factors. The rest come from you hitting Sasuke about 3 different times.

You shouldn't miss the other secret factors as they come from part of the battle. Otherwise complete the last fight and lets wrap this up!

After the last fight you are just in credit mode now! Watch the rest of the cut scenes and videos from the chapter to complete it.

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