Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge Achievements Here is the full list of all 48 Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 48 Offline Mode 48 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 2 Story Completed 4 Difficulty Specific 1 Collectable 9 Cumulative + 10 Level 2 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Master of the Secret ArtsObtained all achievements. 2 guidesObliteration TechniqueSuccessfully mastered the Obliteration Technique. Ultimate TechniqueSuccessfully mastered an Ultimate Technique. Ninpo MasterSuccessfully mastered a Ninpo spell. Steel on BoneSuccessfully mastered the Steel on Bone technique. 1 guideIzuna DropSuccessfully mastered the Izuna Drop technique. 1 guideThe Grip of MurderFinished Day 1. Bumpy RideFinished Day 2. CooperationFinished Day 2 - Ayane. Antediluvian SlumberFinished Day 3. The Great EscapeFinished Day 4. The Karma of a ShinobiFinished Day 5. WaitingFinished Day 6. On Your OwnFinished Day 6 - Ayane. Advent of the GoddessFinished Day 7. ShinobiCleared the game on Normal difficulty. 1 guideMentorCleared the game on Hard difficulty. Master NinjaCleared the game on Master Ninja difficulty. Ultimate NinjaCleared the game on Ultimate Ninja difficulty. 1 guideBloody RageReached the maximum karma multiplier during Bloody Rage. 1 guideFeat of a Hundred SlashesAchieved a 100-hit combo. 2 guidesKatana ExpertStrengthened the Katana to Level 3. 1 guideKatana MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Katana. 1 guideDual Sword ExpertStrengthened the Dual Swords to Level 3. Dual Sword MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with Dual Swords. 1 guideFalcon's Talons ExpertStrengthened the Falcon's Talons to Level 3. 1 guideFalcon's Talons MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Falcon's Talons. 1 guideLunar Staff ExpertStrengthened the Lunar Staff to Level 3. Lunar Staff MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Lunar Staff. 1 guideKusari-gama ExpertStrengthened the Kusari-gama to Level 3. 1 guideKusari-gama MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Kusari-gama. 1 guideThe True Form of Eclipse Scythe.Upgrade Eclipse Scythe to level 3. Eclipse Scythe MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Eclipse Scythe. Fuma Kodachi ExpertStrengthened the Fuma Kodachi to Level 3. Fuma Kodachi MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Fuma Kodachi. 1 guideHeavenly Dragon ExpertStrengthened the Heavenly Dragon to Level 3. Heavenly Dragon MasterDefeated 1,000 enemies with the Heavenly Dragon. 1 guideShrouded Moon ExpertUpgrade Shrouded Moon to level 3. Shrouded Moon MasterDefeated 1000 enemies with the Shrouded Moon. 1 guideCrystal SkullCleared all Tests of Valor. 1 guideGolden ScarabObtained all Golden Scarabs. 1 guideKunoichiCleared all chapters with Ayane, Momiji, and Kasumi. 1 guideYou Got SkillsUnlocked all Ninja Skills for Hayabusa, Ayane, Momiji, and Kasumi. 2 guidesInitiateCleared 10 Acolyte Trials. 1 guideVeteranCleared 10 Mentor Trials. 1 guidePrestigeCleared 5 Leader Trials. 1 guideOverlordCleared 5 Master Ninja Trials. 2 guidesUltimateCleared 3 Ultimate Ninja Trials. 2 guides