Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast Walkthrough

Written by PangoBara Published August 3rd 2018
8 - 11 hours 6 Playthroughs 20
Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast Walkthrough
Achievements in this walkthrough
Total Gamerscore
Total TrueAchievement
Estimated Time
8 to 11 hours
Playthroughs Required
Missable Achievements
Unobtainable Achievements
Online only Achievements
Contains DLC Achievements
Discuss this walkthrough here
Full Achievement Breakdown
Single Player
18 of 18 are Single Player
Offline Mode
14 of 14 are Offline Mode
6 of 6 are Versus
Main Storyline
4 of 4 are Main Storyline
4 of 4 are Online/Offline
Multiple Playthroughs Required
3 of 3 are Multiple Playthroughs Required
Online Mode
2 of 2 are Online Mode
Cumulative +
2 of 2 are Cumulative +
1 of 1 is a Time/Date
Gamers Involved
PangoBara (Owner)
Shh I am Batman
Shh I am Batman (Walkthrough Manager)

Please note that the details above reflect the time and playthroughs required to get all the Achievements in this walkthrough.

Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast - Walkthrough overviewUpdate notes

Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast is a relatively simple game to complete though it takes some luck and a decent bit of time.

Oh... Sir is a game where you go head-to-head with another person/AI and insult them by going back and forth choosing a phrase. Once you and your enemy end your sentences, they will deal damage to the other player. It does more damage depending on the amount of insults in the sentence, how much it makes sense as an insult, whether or not it's a combo, and whether or not one of that characters weaknesses were attacked.

The achievements require you to beat the career mode 6 times while completing every challenge, winning a cliffhanger, winning a roast quickly, and doing a bunch of damage with a single sentence.

You will need a boosting partner for the 2 multiplayer achievements because the multiplayer was dead as soon as the game was released and you need to complete 65 matches.

Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast - General hints and tips


cn_LS - Used to navigate phrases

cn_A - Selects phrases

cn_B - Ends sentence

cn_Y - Uses a Comeback (which ends your sentence, but does some extra damage)

cn_LB - Selects the left option of your two personal phrases

cn_RB - Selects the right option of your two personal phrases

cn_X - Rerolls your personal phrases


Each character has something that they take 1.5x damage from. This not only applies to your enemies, but to you as well. So, try to use the phrases that apply to your enemies weakness while preventing them from using yours against you. Each character will be listed next with their weakness.

Dirty Potter - Manliness

Marilyn Nomore - Age & Beauty

The Greasy Wizard - Law Problems

Chop Sue E. - Toughness

Wisecrack - Originality

F. Parker, CFO - Money

Nosferateen - Emotions


The easiest (but luck required) way to do a ton of damage. If you insult one noun two sentences in a row, then you will deal 2x damage on any insult to that noun on the second turn (and so on for more sentences in a row). The damage multiplier only applies to insults on that noun specifically though.

Say this is your second sentence in a row using "Your mom":

"Your mom ruins the British accent!" - The insult would be multiplied by 2

If it was:

"Your mom ruins the British accent and looks like your dog!" - Both parts of the insult will be multiplied by 2

If it was:

"Your mom ruins the British accent and your dad looks like your dog!" - Only the first part of the insult will be multiplied by 2


Comebacks end sentence with a little phrase that does some extra damage. The bar to use these is shown on the bottom left of your screen and it fills up as you take damage. There are 3 levels to comebacks (as shown on the bar). Each level does more damage than the one before it. You will have to do a challenge to use 3 comebacks in one fight five times, so be ready to get used to balancing taking damage and dishing it so that you can use three level 1 comebacks before winning the fight.

Golden Parrots

Golden parrots are challenges placed one each level of each characters career. There are 3 golden parrots per mission. They will always be the same regardless of the character depending on the tier of the fight. So, the first level fight will have the same three challenges on every characters career. You do not have to get all parrots in a single run of the fight, but you must win for it to count. You must get all parrots in 5 different characters' careers for an achievement.


You will often see "..." appear as one of your phrase choices. If you pick this, it will allow you to carry over your sentence to the next round. However, if 15+ damage is done to the person that uses "...", they will forget the sentence. Using it (and a combo) is important to get a golden parrot in the final fight if each career that requires you to deal 35+ damage in a single turn along with achievements that require you to deal high amounts of damage in one turn (with the higher of the two being 55+).


A cliffhanger occurs when you and the enemy die on the same turn. This will probably never happen in natural play, so you will have to try to get one so that you can win it at some point. To win the cliffhanger, all you will need to do is deal more damage with your sentence than they do. It's a one-turn, winner takes all type situation.

Self Damage

If you choose a(n) phrase/noun/conjunction/ending where it doesn't make grammatical sense, you will lose 3 health and your turn. If your enemy has already ended their sentence and you run out of time to make your move, you will lose 3 health. Each time you do it after that, it will do more and more to you. Self damage does not fill your Comeback bar.

Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast - Story walkthrough

Single Player

Upon reaching the main menu, select Single Star. Now, select Acting Class (choose Newcomer). This will take you into the basic tutorial. You can basically just mash cn_A until you have to choose between one of two options. Then, just select one. Press cn_B to end the sentence when prompted to do so. Now, you must create your own sentence. Do so. Remember to always make your sentences grammatically correct. After your sentence is said, say no to the Master class and you will unlock your first achievement.

Roasting 101

Finish the basic tutorial

Roasting 101

Now, select Career.

Choose Dirty Potter for your first playthrough.

Your 1st battle will be against Jane Blunt.

To receive the golden parrots in her fight, you must:

  • Win
  • Do at least a 15 damage insult. (and is your best friend)
  • Use a comeback. (Once the comeback bar is at least ⅓ full, press cn_Y to use a comeback whenever it becomes emboldened in the bottom left)

Try to create as long and good as insults as you can because your side goal is to win with over half health.

She isn’t very tough, so once you win, you will unlock:


Win your first argument


Assuming you had over half health, you will unlock:

"It's not about how hard you can get roasted

Win a Roast losing less than half of your HP

It's not about how hard you can get roasted

The 2nd battle will be against The Greasy Wizard.

Golden parrots:

  • Win
  • Have above 15 health when you win
  • Get a 2x combo. (Insult the same thing 2 turns in a row. Requires some luck)

During this battle, skip the dialogue as much as possible and go as quickly as possible while also trying to earn the following achievement.

If you use a well made, multilayered combo, then you may have done 30+ damage. If you did you will unlock the following achievement. If not, you will have to deal 35+ damage on the final boss at the end of each career 6 times (so you'll get it at some point).

Oh Sir, what a burn!

Take 30 Pride points off your opponent with a single insult as a Single Star

Oh Sir, what a burn!

Also, if you got a long, long combo (using a "..." or two & a bunch of ands/buts) that had insults that made sense, you may have done 55+ damage. This would unlock you the following achievement. If not, then you have 28 more career Roasts to try for it (not counting retries).

Aaaaand cut!

Use a 55 points hot burn playing as a Single Star

Aaaaand cut!

Assuming you did this quick enough and early enough in the battle, you probably won in under 3:40. This will unlock:

Gone in 220 seconds

Win a Roast in less than 3:40 minutes

Gone in 220 seconds

The 3rd battle will be against Marilyn Nomore.

Golden parrots:

  • Win
  • Win in 8 or less insults. (You are gonna need decent scoring roasts for this one! Use … when available to try and get more ands to make really long, good insults)
  • Deal 25 damage in one insult. (This helps the other one above. Remember her weakness and combos)

The 4th fight is against Chop Sue E.

Golden parrots:

  • Win
  • 2x hit (Same as 2 fights ago)
  • Uses 3 Comebacks. (As soon as you fill up a bar, use it to end your sentence. You’ll need to take a decent bit of damage for this)

There is also an achievement for using 3 comebacks in one single player fight, so once you do so, you will unlock:

Classic Comeback!

Use 3 Comebacks in one single player fight.

Classic Comeback!

The 5th fight is against F Parker, CFO.

Golden parrots:

  • Win
  • Win with over 35 health (Nuke him with combos)
  • Hit him for 35+ damage with one insult (Again… combos!)

Once you beat him, you’ll unlock:

Dirty Tricks

Finish the career as Dirty Potter

Dirty Tricks

If you got all golden parrots, then you’ll also unlock:

The Citizen Kane of Roast

Receive 15 Golden Parrots with one character

The Citizen Kane of Roast

Now, you must repeat this with the other 4 achievement characters!

The golden parrots will always be the same for each fight just with different characters.

The characters that you will be playing are:

Greasy Wizard

The fellowship of the long firm staff

Finish the career as The Greasy Wizard

The fellowship of the long firm staff

Marilyn Nomore

Better never than later

Finish the career as Marilyn Nomore

Better never than later

Also, upon getting your 15th parrot in this career, you will unlock the achievement for doing it with 3 characters:

The cast of Parrots

Have 3 characters receive 15 Golden Parrots each

The cast of Parrots

Upon completing your 3rd career, you will unlock the character Wisecrack.

Chop Sue E

The house of crouching dragons

Finish the career as Chop Sue E.

The house of crouching dragons


Part of the way through this (the 5th) career, you will unlock:

Boogie Nights

Receive 69 Golden Parrots in total

Boogie Nights

After beating it:

The Avenger of Justice

Finish the career as Wisecrack

The Avenger of Justice

Also, for beating your 5th career, you will unlock F Parker, CFO.

He will be your 5th career because you need to beat him as himself, and you need 6 characters with 15 golden parrots.

So, upon completing his career with all golden parrots, you will unlock both:

Face Off

Prove victorious in a battle royale of CFOs

Face Off


A Parrot-studded gala

Have 6 characters receive 15 Golden Parrots each

A Parrot-studded gala

Now, all that’s left is winning a cliffhanger and playing 65 online matches.

So, start a match and take your opponent down to as little health as possible, then let them whittle you down. Once you know that they will kill you on the next move, kill them as well. This will create a cliffhanger.

Now, you just have to outdamage your opponent on the next turn. Do more damage in the cliffhanger to win it, then you will unlock:

Online Matchmaking

Now, all you have to do is find a single boosting partner. All that’s left is to play 65 online matches. You don’t even have to win!

Go to Two Stars from the main menu. Then, choose ‘Roast on the Internet’.

You’ll want you and your partner to choose the same map. Now, both of you just need to choose a public match (because you will almost certainly not be grouped up against anyone else).

Whoever goes first, just press cn_B to end your turn. The other player should then choose 1 grammatically incorrect option to lose 3 health (this will save you a ton of time!). Then, just repeatedly let the timer run out until that player dies. That will be one game completed. Then, you can just choose to rematch.

Repeat 25 times to unlock:

Seasoned Star

Finish at least 25 scenes online

Seasoned Star

Repeat 65 total times to unlock:

The One

Finish at least 65 scenes online

The One