Xbox Hall of Fame: one man's journey into the dark world of quick completionsWith the Xbox Hall of Fame Gamerscore Champion contest, Sean thought it would be a good idea to try and get in on the action, subjecting himself to hours of Ratalaika and quick completions. Posted 5 years ago by Sean Carey
2018's Easiest Achievement Lists - Earn 20,000 Gamerscore in 15 HoursAfter we've collected each month's easiest new gamerscore lists, we decided to go an extra step for the holidays and gift our readers with the full roundup of 20 games that can be completed in under one hour. Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney
Easiest Xbox Achievement Lists from March 2018We're now a quarter of the way through the year, and if the first three months of this feature are any indication, there may never be a month lacking for easy Gamerscore. March 2018 brings several more lists with few obstacles. Posted 7 years ago by Mark Delaney
TA Podcast: Sea of Thieves, Attacking Llamas, Tesla vs Lovecraft, and Win a GameWelcome to the 112th episode of the TrueAchievements podcast! The history of TrueAchievements podcast is still coming, we promise, but while you wait for that, here's your regular weekly helping of TA news and gossip. Posted 7 years ago by Dave Horobin
One Eyed Kutkh First ImpressionsAre you a fan of easy completions? Enjoy simplistic point and click titles? Perhaps One Eyed Kutkh is worth your time. Check out THEpaynexkiller's latest first impression video. Posted 7 years ago by Will Cruz
TA Podcast: Burnout Paradise Remastered, North, Birthday Challenge & Win a GameWelcome to the 111th episode of the TrueAchievements podcast. We've had an extremely busy week with all of our 10th birthday celebrations, but we're back to chat about everything for the world of TA and Xbox. Posted 7 years ago by Dave Horobin
New Xbox Releases: Week Beginning March 5th, 2018Scribblenauts comes to Xbox for the first time, and Kylotonn Games takes players for a two-wheeled spin around the Isle of Man. There are eight digital titles, while Windows 10 gets Final Fantasy XV. Posted 7 years ago by Rebecca Smith