Latest Orbital (WP) News

WP7 DotW: February 22nd, 2012

Orbital is an extremely unique puzzle game for Windows Phone 7. This sale is a perfect opportunity to check it out. I've had a great deal of fun with the title, myself. Orbital (WP) - $2.99 / £2.49 $

Posted 12 years ago by Suyomizzle

Windows Phone 7 Releases: October 26th, 2011

To make up for the recent Windows Phone 7 drought, two promising looking releases appeared on the marketplace this week. Please note that Orbital requires the Mango update to be available to download

Posted 13 years ago by Suyomizzle

Tons of New WP7 Games Announced at Gamescom

As you can see from the TrueAchievements front page, lots of exciting Xbox 360, Kinect, and XBLA news has been churning out of Gamescom. Today, Microsoft has shown that they are going at their Window

Posted 13 years ago by litepink

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