Painkiller Hell & Damnation Achievements Full list of all 58 Painkiller Hell & Damnation achievements worth 1,500 gamerscore.The base game contains 48 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 6 DLC packs containing 10 achievements worth 500 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 36 Offline Mode 7 Online Mode 15 Online/Offline 52 Single Player 17 Cooperative 16 Versus 7 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 11 Collectable 14 Cumulative + 5 Time/Date 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,883 1,000 48 3.385,374245 (5%)25-30h Evil's EnduranceCemetery: Beat the level (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's HasteTutorial: Destroy all objects (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's TimeOriental Castle: Gib 123 enemies (Solo Campaign) 2 guidesEvil's SpeedCathedral: Collect 330 pieces of gold dropped by enemies (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's FuryLoonypark: Kill 3 monsters in a row using saw blade (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's Double HasteOpera: Collect 100 souls (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's DexteritySwamp: Kill SwampThing in under 4:00 (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's WillOrphanage: Gib 50 frozen enemies (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's RageShadowland: Collect all Holy Items (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's Double TimeColloseum: Pick up every ammo box (Solo Campaign) 1 guideEvil's Triple HasteAlastor: Kill Alastor in under 5:00 (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's SoulAtrium Complex: Finish level in under 7:00 (Solo Campaign) 3 guidesAngel's BlessingEnclave: Kill Necrogiant in under 2:00 (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's ReplenishColloseum: Morph into demon 3 times (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's DarkOpera: Find all secret areas (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's CatcherTrainstation: Cut limbs of 100 enemies using Soul Catcher (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's GreedOrphanage: Kill all monsters (Solo Campaign) 2 guidesAngel's VitalityCathedral: Collect 500 gold (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's InterventionLoonypark: Possess 25 enemies using Soul Catcher (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's Last BreathCity On Water: Find all secret areas (Solo Campaign) 2 guidesAngel's RedeemerOriental Castle: Collect all Holy Items (Solo Campaign) 1 guideAngel's MercyShadowland: Kill Grim Reaper (Solo Campaign) 1 guideDevil's NameKill 666 enemies with Soul Catcher 1 guideReversed DevilKill 999 enemies with Shotgun 1 guideGreedy FarmerSolo Campaign: Collect 2012 pieces of gold from fallen enemies 1 guideDiscovererSolo Campaign: Find 25 secret areas 1 guideGrave RaiderSolo Campaign: Finish 1st chapter 1 guideSkyscraperSolo Campaign: Finish 2nd chapter 1 guideEvil's KidsSolo Campaign: Finish 3rd chapter 1 guideAbove the BeastCollect 667 souls of dismembered enemies 1 guideStatistical EffectShoot 50000 times 1 guideTrue friendshipPlay 10 different levels in cooperative mode 1 guideWarehouseCollect 500 ammo crates 1 guideBarrel destroyerDestroy 300 barrels 1 guideCycloneKill 333 enemies with explosive weapons 1 guideFive Points GangstaKill 5 enemies with one rocket 1 guideRabbit's SonSpend 666 seconds on bunny-hopping 1 guideChopper of the YearGib 500 enemies entirely with rockets 1 guideNightmare is OverSolo Campaign: Play whole game on Nightmare difficulty level 1 guideTrauma's EndSolo Campaign: Play whole game on Trauma difficulty level 2 guidesCloth CollectorCollect 40 armors 1 guideHigh StakesSolo Campaign: Finish the level using stakes only and don't miss any hit 2 guidesExtinctionKill 6666 enemies with stakes 2 guidesDisasterKill 500 enemies with environmental explosions 1 guideTricksterKill 123 enemies with combo damage 1 guideSport LeagueCapture 3 flags playing as Eve in one game 1 guideExterminatorKill 1000 enemies in Survival mode 1 guideHard-boiledGet 30 kills in 3 minutes in Deathmatch mode 1 guide Add-on Medieval Horror 182 100 2 2.23486479 (99%)0-0.5h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Psycho KillerWin deathmatch game on Psycho 1 guideIlluminationWin survival game on Illuminati 2 guides Add-on Full Metal Rocket 91 50 1 2.23472472 (100%)0-0.5h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Flag or FragWin capture the flag game on Meatless 1 guide Add-on The Clock Strikes Meat Night 201 100 2 2.28478331 (69%)1-2h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.One Bridge Too CloseKill all enemies on Bridge map (solo campaign) 1 guideLeper MessFinish Town map (solo campaign) Add-on Operation "Zombie Bunker" 214 100 2 2.64460245 (53%)1-2h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Treasures of WarFind all secrets on Bunker map(solo campaign) 1 guideDr. FragensteinWin deathmatch game on Fragenstein 1 guide Add-on Demonic Vacation BS 216 100 2 1.95265244 (92%)1-2h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Sacred MoneyCollect all holy items on Monastery map (solo campaign) 1 guideRuin the RuinsDestroy all objects on Ruins map (solo campaign) 1 guide Add-on City Critters 107 50 1 1.90251251 (100%)2-3h This DLC has been removed from the Microsoft Store and is no longer available for purchase.Lord of WarCollect all ammo on Pentagon map (solo campaign) 1 guide