Peggle 2 Achievements Full list of all 34 Peggle 2 achievements worth 1,450 gamerscore. It takes around 15-20 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Xbox One.The base game contains 28 achievements worth 1,000 Gamerscore, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 6 achievements worth 450 Gamerscore.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 25 Offline Mode 9 Online/Offline 34 Single Player 8 Versus 9 Main Storyline 3 Cumulative + 5 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Base Base Game (Excludes DLC) 2,288 1,000 28 3.9238,98510,445 (4%)15-20h Toured the CampusComplete every level in the Peggle Institute 1 guideInstitutionalizedComplete every trial in the Peggle Institute 1 guideTrolledComplete every level in Mountain Highs 1 guideHigher GroundComplete every trial in Mountain Highs 1 guideFound Frozen FriendsComplete every level in Winter Blunderland 1 guideSSSSlideComplete every trial in Winter Blunderland 1 guideFound So Many ContraptionsComplete every level in Gnorman's Gneighborhood 1 guideGroundedComplete every trial in Gnorman's Gneighborhood 1 guideNot Too ScaryComplete every level in Gravely Grove 1 guideTrials and Some TribulationsComplete every trial in the Gravely Grove 1 guidePeggle MasterComplete every Celestial Realm level Cryptic CryptidComplete every Celestial Realm trial 2 guidesOpt-inComplete 30 Optional Objectives 3 guidesObjection!Complete 60 Optional Objectives 1 guideHalf-Way Yay!Complete 90 Optional Objectives 1 guideExtreme ObjectificationComplete 120 Optional Objectives 1 guideUltra Extreme ObjectificationComplete 150 Optional Objectives 2 guidesAll the Cheevos!Complete 180 Optional Objectives 6 guidesBallerWin a level with at least 12 balls left (Except Trials and Multiplayer) 6 guidesSuperior ShotEarn 3 free balls on one shot (Except Trials) 3 guidesStylin'Get 75,000 styleshot points in a shot (Except Trials) 2 guidesCoolest ClearWin a level with the cool clear style shot (Except Trials and Multiplayer) 1 guideEvery day I'm Pegglin'Hit 10000 blue pegs 2 guidesOrange CrusherHit 5000 orange pegs 2 guidesI'd Hit ThatHit 300 green pegs 2 guidesI Got a FeverClear all orange pegs in a level (Singleplayer only) 2 guidesAce'd!Beat your first ace score (Singleplayer only) 1 guideUltra Extreme FeverClear all pegs in a level (Singleplayer only) 2 guides Add-on Windy the Fairy Master Pack 611 225 3 3.4931,1308,118 (26%)1-2h Fairily CompleteComplete all Hallelujah Hollow levels Viva the VioletComplete all Hallelujah Hollow trials 2 guidesEven. More. Cheevos.Complete 210 optional objectives 3 guides Add-on Jimmy Lightning Master Pack 666 225 3 3.6532,1586,657 (21%)1-2h Multiballular Madness!Complete all Jimmy's Jammin' Jaunt levels Jump That Shark!Complete all Jimmy's Jammin' Jaunt trials 1 guideAww yiss... Dat CheevComplete 240 optional objectives 4 guides