Game Information
As with all Kinect Sports Gems, gaining levels is not based on gaining experience or burning calories, unlike what you may have expected by looking at the achievements. To gain levels, you must complete challenges. A full list of the challenges appears on the next page along with tips for each and every one of them. The challenges range from earning extra lives, saving with specific body parts, to obtaining certain scores.
The more shots you save, the faster the shots become, with the difficulty increasing as your score increases.
If you enter Settings, there is an option to 'Clear Missions'. DO NOT USE THIS OPTION! It will clear your challenges and ALL of your progress meaning you will have to start over from Level 0.
General Tips:
Stance/Technique - Your general stance should be on your feet with your arms out slightly to your left and right. This will allow you to save each shot easily, and should give you enough time to focus the saves based on certain body parts, providing the challenges require this. You may wish to stand with your legs slightly wider so the lower shots are easier to save.
Scoring and extra lives - Each shot saved is worth one point. An extra life is gained with every 20 points earned. The shots at the start of the game are relatively easy, so it should be easy to acquire a decent amount of lives before the game gets tough.
Xbox Guide Button - The following method was suggested by Cnacu6o, whom recommends using the Xbox Guide Button to pause the game with each shot. This will allow you to see where the next show is going to be. Move to a position where you can save the next shot, and then unpause the game. You can also do this to set up the more difficult challenges. Personally, I found that this method would slow down gameplay too much, but some gamers may find it useful.
The achievements in the Kinect Sports Gems minigames are straight forward. You must reach Level 10. An achievement is earned with each level. To gain a level, you must obtain a certain amount of stars. To earn stars, you must complete challenges. The number of stars required are shown with each level below (as well as a list of challenges) along with tips and the stars rewarded are shown at the base of the page. Once you have completed all three challenges in a single game, allow the game to end. Getting high scores is not necessary; completing challenges is!
Level 1:
Requires 2 stars.
New SigningGood start! You reached level 1 (or observed another player doing so) to become a New Signing.

Level 2:
Requires 5 (+3) stars.
Bench WarmerYeah! You reached level 2 (or observed another player doing so), rising to Bench Warmer.

Level 3:
Requires 10 (+5) stars.
Shot StopperWicked! You reached level 3 (or observed another player doing so) to advance to Shot Stopper.

Level 4:
Requires 17 (+7) stars.
Safe HandsCool! You reached level 4 (or observed another player doing so) to rank as Safe Hands.

Level 5:
Requires 26 (+9) stars.
Team SaviorYes! You reached level 5 (or observed another player doing so) for a promotion to Team Savior.

Level 6:
Requires 37 (+11) stars.
Ball MagnetNever miss! You reached level 6 (or observed another player doing so) to climb to Ball Magnet.

Level 7:
Requires 50 (+13) stars.
Spot Kick NemesisSuper! You reached level 7 (or observed another player doing so) to rank as Spot Kick Nemesis.

Level 8:
Requires 65 (+15) stars.
The WallReach level 8 (or observe another player doing so) to gain the rank of The Wall.

Level 9:
Requires 82 (+17) stars.
Championship DefenderReach level 9 (or observe another player doing so) to gain the rank of Championship Defender.

Level 10:
Requires 101 (+19) stars.
World Cup WinnerReach level 10 (or observe another player doing so) to gain the rank of World Cup Winner.

Challenges come in various forms. A maximum of three will appear at a time. Completed challenges will be replaced by new challenges after the game ends. Note that some challenges are worth more stars than others, with the more difficult challenges being worth 2 or 3 stars. Also note that some of the challenges are cumulative and can be earned across multiple games.
The challenges are pre-set. There is a set amount, which will reward the exact number of stars required to reach Level 10. Once you have three remaining challenges, completing one of them will not allow one more to appear.
I repeat: If you enter Settings, there is an option to 'Clear Missions'. DO NOT USE THIS OPTION! It will clear your challenges and ALL of your progress, so you will have to start all over, from Level 0.
Make a save with your feet - Move your foot towards a low target to save the ball.
Save 5 balls in a game - Stop 5 balls by moving your body parts to the targets.
Get a score of 10 points or more - Save 10 balls in a game for 10 points.
Win an extra life - An extra life is earned for every 20 points/saves.
Get a total score of 40 - Cumulative. Score 40 points in total over all games.
Make a two handed save - Move both hands towards a high ball for a two handed save.
Save in the sequence: hands, hands, feet - Save two consecutive shots with your hands, and the third shot with your feet. This is easy, assuming the third shot is low.
In one game save 6 balls with your hands - All shots can easily be saved with your hands. Shots at mid-height are easiest.
Save 2 balls in a row with your feet only - Use your feet to save two consecutive shots. Hopefully both will be low shots.
Rack up a score of 40 points or more - One point is earned with each shot saved. Save 40 shots in one game.
Save in sequence: hands, head, feet - Use your hands, head and then feet to save three consecutive shots.
Get a total score of 80 - Cumulative. Score 80 points in total over all games.
In one game save 12 balls with your hands - Use your hands to save shots by moving them towards the target. Easy!
Save 3 balls in a row with your left foot only - Try to only use your left foot. Hopefully you get three consecutive shots that go to your left at some point in the game.
Save a low ball with your hands - Wait for a low shot and move your hands to the target to make a low save.
Drop down to 1 life and save 4 balls - You lose a life with each shot not saved. Drop down to 1 life, and then continue to make saves.
Get points 3, 5, and 7 with your hands - Just save the first 7 shots with your hands to avoid counting.
In one game save all center balls - Just stand in the centre to avoid any shots through the middle.
Save a total of 20 shots with your head - Cumulative. Save 20 shots with your head over all games.
Save the first 15 balls - Don't allow any of the first 15 balls to pass you.
Save 5 balls in 10 seconds - The shots come quite quickly anyway, so saving 5 in a row will almost certainly complete this challenge.
Save 2 low balls with your hands - Cumulative. Save two low ball shots with your hands over all games.
Save 20 balls in a row - Do this from the start of the game when the pace is still slow.
Make 15 two-handed saves - Cumulative. Move both of your hands to the target to make a two-handed save. Complete this over as many games as it takes.
Win a total of 6 extra lives - Cumulative. An extra life is earned with every 20 points in a game. Earn 6 extra lives over all games.
Save 30 balls in a row - Do this from the start of the game when the pace is still slow.
Save in the sequence: feet, head, feet - Use your feet, your head, and then your feet again to save three consecutive shots.
Get a total score of 120 - Cumulative. Score 120 points over all games.
Save a total of 80 balls with your hands - Cumulative. Save 80 balls with your hands over all games.
Reach a score of 60 - Save 60 shots in one game without losing all your lives.
Save a total of 40 balls with your feet - Cumulative. Save 40 shots with your feet over all games.
Save 5 balls alternately with your hands and feet - Use your hands and feet to save five shots in a row, swapping method between each shot.
Drop down to 1 life and go on to earn another one - Drop down to 1 life, and then reach any multiple of 20 to gain an extra life.
Save the first 30 balls - From the start of the game, avoid missing any shots for the first 30 shots.
Get points 25, 27 and 29 with your feet - When you reach the 24th point, try to avoid any high shots, and only save the low to mid-height shots, with your feet.
Save a total of 81 balls with your right hand or foot - Move to the left slightly so more balls are on your right-hand side.
Save 8 balls in 15 seconds - Shots come at more than once every two seconds, so just save 8 balls in a row for this.
Save 30 balls in a row with your hands - Only use your hands to save shots. This can be difficult for shots aimed down the centre, so move to the side slightly so the game recognises that your hand is used.
Score 33 without missing a ball - From the start of the game, save the first 33 shots.
Get a score of 10 without using your hands - Only use your head, torso and feet for the first 10 points of a game. Move your hands far out of the way of the target so the Kinect sensor knows your hands have not been used.
Get a score of 25 left-handed - Do not use your right hand at all. Save all shots with your left hand only. Move to the right, and sweep your left hand across for any shots that go right.
Rack up 5 lives - You start with 3 lives. A score of 20 is needed for each extra life. Get to 40 without losing a life for 5 lives.
Earn 3 extra lives in one game - Get a score of 60 in a game. You can lose lives, as long as you don't lose all of your lives.
Save 30 balls right-handed in a row - Do not use your left hand at all. Save all shots with your right-hand only. Move to the left, and use sweep your right hand across for any shots that go right. Save 30 in a row with your right hand from the start of the game.
Save a total of 101 balls with your left hand or foot - Cumulative. Use your left hand and left foot to save 101 shots in total over all games.
Save in sequence: head, feet, head, hands - Save shots in the order of head, feet, head and then hands.
Get points 46, 48 and 50 with your hands - Make sure you use your hands for the 46th, 48th and 50th points.
Get a total score of 250 - Cumulative. Save 250 shots over all games.
Save 6 balls alternately with your head and your feet - Swap between your head and your feet for 6 consecutive shots.