Latest RIDE News

RIDE 2 is Coming This Fall

The sequel to last year's motorcycle racing game is spinning across the finish line soon. With more customization, greater career depth, and improved mechanics there's a lot to look forward to.

Posted 9 years ago by Kevin Tavore

Retail Releases: Week of October 5th, 2015

The newest offering in the Rock Band franchise from Harmonix makes its arrival this week along with yet another entry in the rapidly expanding list of titles from the Transformers series. Meanwhile,

Posted 10 years ago by Keith Gray

XBL Content Roundup: September 9th, 2015 Pre-Orders Transformers: Devastation Size: 11.4 GB Price: US$49.99 / £39.99 / €49.99 / AU$49.95 Release date: October 6th in North America and

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

RIDE Patch Fixes 360 Achievements and More

Milestone specializes in racing titles, so it's no surprise they've committed to patching their recent title, RIDE, including some technical tweaks to get the bikes riding realistically. Among the ot

Posted 10 years ago by Mark Delaney

Retail Releases: Week of June 22nd, 2015

This week sees Batman return to consoles in what is his first outing on the Xbox One. Meanwhile, RIDE finally arrives at the start line in North America almost three months after the title arrived in

Posted 10 years ago by Keith Gray

TA Podcast: English Sausage Fest Edition

It's been far too long since our last podcast back in March, and so we decided that we'd put conflicting schedules aside and get something recorded this past weekend no matter what. Unfortunately our

Posted 10 years ago by Dave Horobin

RIDE Review

If you’ve played any motorcycle racing game during the past generation, the chances are that it was brought to you by Italian developer Milestone. With a back catalogue that includes MotoGP, SBK, and

Posted 10 years ago by Dave Horobin

Retail Releases: Week of April 13th, 2015

This week is very much a case of déjà vu in terms of the titles that are being released. The two games that have been released in recent weeks simply reappear to bring parity across all regions. Nort

Posted 10 years ago by Keith Gray

XBL Content Roundup: April 9th & 10th, 2015

Today brings along two new Xbox One games and DLC. Unfortunately, one of the titles is only available in Europe at the moment, while the other is only available in Europe and North America. Xbox One

Posted 10 years ago by Rebecca Smith

Milestone Delays RIDE for North America

Milestone seem to be struggling to get their engines started over in the US, as their very long-awaited and heavily covered racer RIDE has been delayed, yet again! Bandai Namco, who are handling the

Posted 10 years ago by Ashley Woodcock

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