Rabbids Big Bang (WP) Achievements Full list of all 20 Rabbids Big Bang achievements worth 200 gamerscore. It takes around 8-10 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows Phone.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueAchievement desc TrueAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc GamerScore desc GamerScore asc TA Ratio desc TA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Xbox.com order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All NoneAll 20 achievements in this game are now Discontinued 20 Offline Mode 20 Single Player 7 Cumulative + 5 Shop 1 Buggy + 20 Discontinued Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without these flagsReveal non-discontinued flags What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Window-shoppingStay 5 minutes in shop without buying anything 1 guideFlatulistFart 10 times 1 guideCow-boyHit 10 cows 1 guideMinesweeperHit 10 mines 1 guideThird thing encountersHit 10 ufos 1 guideQuack quackHit 10 ducks 1 guideGas attendantRefill your fuel 5 times in a mission 2 guidesGliderFly 10 seconds without using jetpack or black hole 1 guideSerial crasherCrash 50 times 1 guideLooperMake 10 laps around a planet 1 guideIcarusBurn 10 seconds near sun 1 guideBwaakpackerUpgrade your jetpack to maximum 1 guideBwaatt manUpgrade your bat to maximum 2 guidesSpace travellerTravel 100000 miles 1 guideSpeedyReach the incredible speed of 800 m/h 1 guideFlawlessFly 10 minutes without failing or retrying a mission 3 guidesShow-offUpgrade jetpack and bat to maximum 2 guidesStars hunterCollect all stars in levels 1 to 12 1 guideFashion victimBuy all the outfits 2 guidesBRAVO !Finish all missions in the first 12 solar systems 1 guide